Strength in the Darkness

Disclaimer: All these characters belong to the wonderful J.K. Rowling!

Authors Note: If I mess something up, just please let me know and I will change it!

Chapter One: The Dream

Harry Potter stared out of the rain streaked car window. The Dursleys had made it very clear that he was not to intrude upon their conversation. Not that he'd want to in the first place he thought gloomily. This was going to be a long summer.

The moment they pulled up in front of Number 4 Privet Drive, Harry jumped out of the back and pulled his trunk out of the boot. He quickly dragged it up to his room, and then went down to make his relatives dinner.

After watching the Dursley's eat, and eating his own measly helping himself, Harry went up to his room and flopped down on the bed. He lay there just staring at the ceiling for a while, but his tiredness overwhelmed him, and he sunk into an uneasy sleep.

He was staring down at the dead face of Cedric Diggory, the eyes were wide and glassy, and were staring at him accusingly. "It is your fault I am dead!" they seemed to scream at him. "You are weak and helpless, and will never survive a real battle."

"Please! No! Its not true! It can't be..."

Harry awoke with a jolt. A bright beam of moonlight was streaming through his open window. He thought back to his dream about the graveyard, and about what Cedric's dream self had said to him, 'You are weak and helpless, and will never survive a real battle.'

It was true Harry thought to himself, you are pretty weak. He looked down at his skinny, half-starved body. Then he thought about all the times Dumbledore had left him here, surely Dumbledore knew about his condition here. Couldn't he have moved Harry to a different place to live, train him, teach him how to win a real battle?

Harry resolved that he would not trust Dumbledore any more than the situation called for. After all, he was going to be fifteen soon, he should be more independent.

Harry decided that this summer, he would sneak out, get a job, get some better clothes, and train in as much muggle stuff that would help him. He would also go to Diagon Alley and pick up more advanced training books and books on other subjects. Yes, this summer, he would not sit here, moping around and doing nothing. He would train to beat Voldemort.

AN: So yeah! I will try to write like every other day just to get into the flow of the story, it will get longer and better! Don't worry! Please review and tell me how you like it! :)