What if Nathan had waited for Haley to finish her performance in Season 2?

I don't own anything of One Tree Hill.

As she sang her last words, Haley James Scott grew nervous. She hoped that Nathan hadn't moved from his spot backstage. Now that she was able to let all of her emotions shine through her song, she was determined to tell him that she loved him and that he was still the one for her.

She knew she had hurt him when she told him she didn't know if she could still be what Nathan wanted her to be, but she was still trying to figure it all out. The tour was her chance to start her career in music, and even though she loved Nathan, it was nice to have something for herself.

Smiling a last time at the shouting crowd and waving a goodbye, she hurried to her dressing room.

Relief rushed over her, as he saw that her husband was still there. She walked closer and saw what he was starring at. She frowned when she watched him playing with her wedding ring and regret filled her soul at the thought that she removed it from her finger. It was a weird feeling, not having it on, but her manager told her that she had to look available.

"You are still here.", she whispered amazed and he turned towards her.

"Shocked? Unless other people I don't run away so quickly." This hurt.

"I am sorry Nathan." Haley stepped towards to him, wanting to be near him. Her heart and body ached for him. So much time had passed, since she was close to him.

Tired she fell into his arms, her arms founding his neck and her head pressed into his chest.

It was then, when her tears fell. She realized how much she missed being in his arms, feeling him.

Nathan was shocked at first, but when he felt the way she clung to him, he pulled her into his lap and hugged her closer to him, kissing her head softly.

"I love you.", came the softly whisper, shaking by new tears and Nathan smiled. He had longed for those words so long.

"I love you, too. Always and Forever, Hales."

She sighed contently, not wanting this moment to end.

"Miss James?"

They were startled slightly by the voice and her manager entered the dressing room.

"What are you still doing here?", he eyed the man with her. "The after show party is about to begin. They except you there. There are some people who want an interview."
Nathan pulled away slightly from their embrace and Haley immediately felt the warm feeling she felt seconds ago leave her completely. She looked at Nathan, who didn't look at her but at their wedding picture, before she turned to her manager.

"I am sorry, but I am not going to be able to be there tonight.", she told him.

"Haley, we need you!", he exclaimed, turning his gaze on Nathan. "I thought we talked about this."

"I am sorry, but I won't go today.", she explained again.

"We will be there." It was the first words, Nathan had said since they had company.

The young girl starred at his husband, not believing her ears.

"Great. See you there in twenty minutes.", muttered the older man and left the room.

"Do you really want to go?", she asked carefully.

"Is Chris there?", he asked bluntly, remembering the prick who had tried to steal his wife.

"Maybe, but that doesn't matter. I love you. I don't care about him. You are the one I want. You are the one I want to spend my life with. You have to believe me, Nathan. There is nothing going on."
Nathan nodded. "Okay."

"So, are you sure you want to go to this party? We don't have to, Nathan. I just want to be with you.", she was still sitting on his lap and played nervously with the hem of his shirt.

"We should go. It will be good for your career. I was wrong, Haley, to give you that ultimatum. I was mad that you would choose someone like Chris over us but I get it now. You were chasing your dream and it would be selfish of me keeping you from it."
Her hands found his face and she pressed her lips softly on his, needing to feel him.

"I love you so much.", she whispered once they separated and traced her hand over his face.

"I was wrong,too. We aren't too young. We didn't rush into things. I love being married to you."
She reached for her ring on the table and put it on, grabbing Nathan's left hand, she lifted their now intertwined hands and placed a soft kiss on his ring.

"I don't care what they say. I won't keep you a secret anymore. I want to tell the world. I am sure there are some Naley fans out there.", she giggled.

Nathan laughed and placed a kiss on her lips. Haley moaned as she started to bring more passion into the kiss, which Nathan was more than happy about.

After a few minutes she broke the kiss and jumped off his lap, extending her hand for him to take. "Now come on, we have a party to attend to, Mr. Scott."
He smirked, nodded and grabbed her hand. They were about to reach the door, when Haley slowly turned to look at her husband again.

"What do we do now, Nathan?" She was scared that her happiness would only last for a few hours.

Nathan noticed her fears and brought her closer to him.
"We go this party, go back to your room, do a little bit more of this", he kissed her lips, "and this", he kissed her neck "and then I will have to leave in the morning. However you are going to stay and finish this tour. And when you come back, I will pick you up from the airport and kiss you senseless. What do you say?", he chuckled. He was glad that she was still his. He could go through a few more weeks without her if it meant she was coming back to him.

"Okay.", she said, a little sad that he would leave in the morning but she knew Nathan had school on Monday and couldn't stay any longer.

"It will be okay.", he promised her, knowing she had doubts about their time apart. "We will. I love you." He starred into her eyes and she saw the love he held for her. She wasn't sure if she still deserved him after how she hurt him, but she promised herself that she would never be that stupid again.
"I love you, too. And I believe you.", she said, kissing him one last time, before taking his hand and together they left the room. Ready for their shared future.