Watch out!
Felicity was walking to her car not far from the 'Lair' with her cell in her hand, she heard a noise and quickly moved faster to her car. She opened the door only to have a hand shoot out and cover her mouth from behind, she tried to scream but it was muffled with the hand. Felicity fought and immediately elbowed the attacker in the stomach, he grunted releasing her momentarily letting her scream and press speed dial on her phone before he grabbed her forcefully and punched her in the face. Oliver was still in the lair with Diggle when his cell phone began to ring, "Felicity?" He asks as he answers the phone wondering why she was calling him when she just left.
"Muahaffgh Ollliifer " came a muffled voice on the other side of the line making him stand up in concern as he exclaimed "Felicity!?" there was a few muffled noises before a crash sounding like breaking glass and the line went dead. Diggle was at the computers trying to locate their IT specialist through the GPS locator on her cell. "Where is she Dig?" asked Oliver as he quickly changed into his Arrow outfit in two minutes flat. He grabbed his bow and arrows and activated his com link as he raced out of the lair, "Oliver her phone is a block south of the Lair, that's where she parks her car while working here!" says Diggle in realization and Oliver was running quickly through the night shadows as his heart raced in concern.
He stopped in the nearest alley and looked out onto the street hoping to see a Felicity but to his horror he couldn't find her, he ran stealthily to her car and frowned seeing the broken window "Digs she isn't here! The drivers side window is completely shattered, where is the phones current location?" He exclaims into the coms urgently surveying the immediate area for signs of struggle. "According to the signal it's five feet away from yours, Oliver what do you see?" replied Diggle before his concern became to evident in his voice.
The Arrow begins looking around in a five foot radius before deciding to check the far side of the car, he looks down to see her smart phone on the passengers side floor carpet and what he sees smudged on the screen makes his stomach churn. "Oliver?" asks Digs cautiously and Oliver forces himself to keep from lashing out and hitting the nearby walls In anger by replying "Felicity's phone it has blood on it." he picks up the phone carefully before growling and saying "I am calling Lance he can help... Call Roy."
Roy was in the middle of fighting with two men twice his size when his phone rang, he groaned before launching himself off the nearby dumpster and doing a spin kick to both rapist faces making them fall painfully on their backs clutching their faces. Roy lept on top of the closes one and began battering the guys face and chest with hard punches saying "YOU WILL NEVER RAPE ANOTHER WOMEN AGAIN!" the man passed out and Roy went to quick work of knocking out his partner as well. The phone continued to ring till he finally pressed the talk button.
"Hey digs what's going on?" asks Roy as he watches the two unconscious guys on the ground, he suddenly freezes when Diggle says "Felicity has been taken and Oliver found blood, get to the lair ASAP." Roy is now fully concerned so after a quick phone call to the police about the two rapist tied up unconscious in a nearby alley he takes off, he zooms through the empty Glade streets before finally arriving at the lair.
At the same time Oliver calls Lance using his deep voice to remain hidden "Detective Lance." he says immediately and Lance immediately pills off to the side of the road so he can give his full concentration to the Arrow. "I am here, what's going on?" he responds genuinely curious, "Detective Felicity Smoak was kidnapped approximately fifteen minutes ago, I surveyed the area and found only a couple drops of blood. I need your help." replies the Arrow and after a quick intake of breath Detective Lance is all ears " Okay what do you need?" the arrow replies "Meet me on the rooftop in ten minutes then we can talk." and the line goes dead. Detective Lance frowns immediately hoping that Felicity was alive and well and that between the SCPD and the Arrow with his band of Vigilantes they could find her and put the perp in a deep dark cell.
Felicity wakes up to being in a dark room with her hands tied to the chairs arms, her head pounded as she tried to move around to no real avail. She was confused since currently team Arrow wasn't working on any cases that were cause for alarm that she could be taken hostage. Suddenly footsteps are heard from behind her but she can't see due to the two major problems, one being her glasses being gone and the other that it was nearly pitch black in this room. "Oh good your awake." says a male voice before a click is heard and a light turns on startling her and keeping her blind.
Felicity let her eyes adjust and she could vaguely make out a man standing in front of her with his arms crossed but his features to blurry to identify "Who are you? What do you want with me?" she asks trying to stay impassive keeping her fear out of her voice. He scoffs before acting hurt and asking "Why licity don't you recognize me?" Felicity tenses immediately knowing only one person in her life that called her that and she hated him "JASON!?,?"
-Authors Note- So should I continue? Please review, Follow or Favorite of you think I should. Thank you for reading I hope you enjoyed. -PiratePrincess16-