Smiling broadly, Chris waves toward the camera while standing at the campfire where the eliminations take place on Pakitew Island. A squirrel scurried from under a bush, only to notice Chris and scurry away in fright.

"Welcome back to an entire new season of Total Drama." Chris flashes the cameras a dazzling smile. "Last season, Shawn and Skye battled in out right here at Pahkitew Island for the grand prize of one million dollars. Evan after an avalanche, Shawn reigned victorious."

Chris beckons the camera to follow him toward a brand new dock constructed at the water's edge, not too far away from the campfire ceremony. "Due to some casualties last season with the canon," he pauses to give his signature chuckle,"The network and lawyers wanted us to bring back the Boat of Shame. Not very dangerous, sadly, but I guess it will get the job done."

Crossing his arms slightly with an amused grin on his face, the esteemed host continued with his introductory monologue. "With the funding of the network, Pahkitew Island is now once again back up to standard with extra conveniences."

The camera zooms in on a pair of cabins nearly identical to the ones from the first season, only they looked a tad bit cleaner. "As you can see," Chris narrated while the camera videoed the cabins, "cabins have been built and a communal bathroom was added for 'sanitary' reasons." Chris chuckled again.

"Are you done with you're boring speech or are you going to introduce the new cast?" Chef grumbled, strolling up to Chrs with a spatula in his hand. A thick, pasty looking substance was clinging to the end of the utensil.

Frowning, Chris tossed a set of notecards behind his back. "I put a grueling 4 ½ minutes into that speech! Now look at it!" He pointed at the three notecards spreading around on the ground from the wind. "Wasted."

Chef rolled his eyes. "This season we are-"

"Hey!" Chris cuts Chef off, still frowning. "I'm the host." He refaced the camera, putting on his most brilliant smile yet. "This season, we decided to find 14 new creepy, selfish, lonely, and jerky teenagers to compete for one million dollars over the course of four weeks."

"The other casts were lucky to survive." Chef mumbled. A big glob of paste fell off of the spatula and onto the ground. A small rodent licked the fallen 'food' and hid back in its hole looking green.

Chris chuckled again, the way he does when he's amused that someone got hurt. "Oh yeah they were. But now it's time to introduce the new cast! I see the first boat coming-!"

hi! If you're interested on signing up your OC, the APP is on my profile. I'm looking for seven girls and seven boys. If you have an account, I would appreciate it if you pm'd it to me. If you're a guest, go ahead and use the review box I guess. :)

APPs will be closed by August 2 at 12:00am. Thank you!