"One of the most important things to remember when planning for a covert job is opportunity."
Four year old Killua sits with his back straight, listening with rapt attention, clinging to every word that leaves his elder brother's mouth. It is an act. In reality he could care no less. Anything, he thinks, is more interesting than this. He listens anyway, only because he is afraid. There is no telling, he thinks, of what Illumi could do to him.
"Clients with old money or political power don't like making it obvious that they've hired assassins to kill their enemies. It's important to think about killing them in a situation and manner that several people would have had the opportunity to. If on the other hand, the client wants people to know they've hired an assassin, it's important to kill the target in a situation where no one else but an assassin would have had the opportunity. "
"What about motive?"
"Motive isn't important, most countries don't care about motive when in their criminal investigations. And in any case it would be far too much of a hassle to fabricate a motive. More trouble than it's worth, could even get you caught."
"But why be so careful?" Killua frowns "Father and grandfather never are."
"Father and grandfather are assassins of a different time." Illumi's tone is devoid of any hint of annoyance, emboldening Killua to press on.
"What does that mean?" he asks, hoping he doesn't as frustrated as he feels.
"It means they are stuff of legends," replies Illumi "and people are far too afraid of them to treat them differently."
Killua's frown deepens, he does not understand it. Assassins of a different time? They are alive now, and still active. It was not as if any of them were any less of an enigma to the outside world either.
"Father and grandfather will never be underestimated in the same way the rest of us might," says Illumi, seemingly reading Killua's thoughts "we are not quite as intimidating on sight for one, and neither you nor I are quite at the level where we can be assured no one can kill us, as they are."
"Do you think we will ever be?"
"We must keep to our training. I can't say more than that."
Killua nods, unsatisfied but convinced he will not get any more out of his brother. He hears a loud smack coming less than two meters from him and looks up to find Illumi brandishing a whip.
"Shall we continue?" asks his elder brother, as though he were actually inquiring.
Hearing it for the command that it is, Killua gulps and nods his head.
"Nobody knows how Master Zeno got sick. If they do, they are not willing to tell me." Canary speaks as if reading a script, obviously practiced, stiff, formal.
Killua thinks it doesn't bode well. If she had any good news he knows she'd show a little more emotion than this, at least a bit of a twinkle in her eyes for having discovered something worth telling.
"I can now say with certainty however," Canary continues "that there did not seem to be anything wrong until at least a day after he returned from his job. I could not get too many details on what his job had been, but it seems that he had gone to a place not too far from Meteor City." she pauses, as if waiting for comment.
Killua nods wordlessly, signaling her to go on.
"Also, I overheard a conversation that may interest you. It seems the messenger sent to Master Illumi was found dead."
"That is interesting." Killua runs his thumb across his lower lip. If the messenger sent to Illumi was killed, it is likely that Illumi refuses to return. Killua does not want to jump to conclusions on what his reasons are, but it really couldn't be anything good. He makes a mental note to investigate further, perhaps speak to some of their mutual contacts. "Is there anything is else you can tell me? Anything that you think might be interesting to me, anything at all."
"Well," Canary says hesitantly "I'm not sure if it is relevant, but it seems that Master Kalluto has joined a group called the Phantom Troupe. I understand they're highly wanted criminals."
Killua's eyes widen slightly, not expecting this in the least. It was hard to imagine his parents allowing Kalluto to do such a thing especially since Silva had told them pointedly to stay away from the troupe, not that it had really stopped any of them, but what would bring Kalluto to even think of joining them?
He files the information for the back of his mind, though he suspects that the tidbit likely has little to do with the case. He cannot imagine why the Phantom Troupe would kill his grandfather. They have no motive, and there is simply nothing to gain for them. But though it might be nothing, it is still true that the Phantom Troupe is a group of dangerous and unpredictable individuals so one could not be too sure.
He will look into it later, he might even relay whatever he learns to Kurapika. (or perhaps he shouldn't, Killua wasn't very close to Kalluto but he didn't want to send him to his death either, at the end of the day he wasn't his worst brother)
The sound of a twig breaking as Canary shifts her feet pulls Killua's attention back to her. He catches a brief uncomfortable look on her face before she schools it back into her usual stoicism.
"Something wrong?" he asks her.
"No," she replies immediately, expression not faltering "except that I have told you all I know, and I'm afraid there's nothing else possibly relating to Master Zeno."
"Right." Killua nods, wondering why that last sentence had been oddly specific "Well, keep poking around, see if you find something more. Let's meet for lunch tomorrow, it'll give me an excuse to avoid my mother. And remember to head straight for me if Zebro calls you, I'll probably just be in my room."
"Yes." Canary bows before turning on her heel to return to the Butler's house.
Killua watches her walk away for a short moment, before returning to where he come from as well.
The trouble with the situation is that Killua has far too many things to look into. He'd rather have no leads than far too many. The truth is hidden behind too many possibilities. Killua knows that it could be that his paranoia is to blame, but anything less than paranoia is dangerous for people like his family.
He retires to his room after fixing himself a sandwich for lunch, and as he sinks into his bed, Killua tries to recall his training. He supposes that if anyone could figure out a killer, it would be someone who was trained to kill from birth.
He thinks first, on the murder weapon. He wonders why someone would use poison. Assuming the culprit was intelligent, the reason they'd use poison would be pretty simple, it'd be harder to find out who the killer is. It's easy to hide physical evidence and make it look like an accident or a suicide. Even when it doesn't look like that, poison leaves so much leeway for other possibilities.
Depending on the poison used the time and place of ingestion could be pretty hard to determine. Some poisons take months to take effect, maybe more for a Zoldyck considering their constitutions. But then, what if they're an idiot? How would an idiot administer poison on a Zoldyck? By accident, for sure. Killua couldn't think of any other way. But if an idiot had done it, there may have been no ill intent, and the investigation is moot.
Next he considers what poison could have been used. From the information he has Killua knows he can't possibly figure out what substance it is, not without testing his grandfather's blood, which will never happen, unfortunately. That sort of thing leaves paper trails and he wouldn't want that. So he's left now figuring out the most likelys.
So then, rephrasing the question, what poison would the killer have mostly likely used.
"Something close at hand." Killua thinks "Something anyone could have used. Whether the culprit's an idiot or a genius they'd do that. An idiot would only mistakenly use something common to him or her, a smart person would use something common to throw people off."
The best thing to do then, was to retrace his grandfather's steps and survey the poisons common in those areas. If something matches reasonably well then the culprit is likely an outsider, and Killua will have to make the necessary plans for picking up Alluka and erasing their tracks in all their subsequent journeys (though his family could still find him even with those precautions, an outsider for a culprit would mean that that doesn't matter). If there is no such poison in the places his grandfather has been then the culprit is from within the estate and Killua is, in a word, fucked.
"I'll need a computer and good online resources, the best thing to do is to go to an internet cafe, avoid an IP they can trace." he thinks "I should avoid leaving the estate if I can though, I'll talk to Canary about it tomorrow."
Killua knows he also has the option of talking to Milluki, but he would really rather bite off his own arm than borrow anything of his (and in any case he'd probably monitor Killua's searches and tell their parents about it). Of course, it might be good to pretend to want to borrow something from him so that he'd have an excuse to talk to him. Loyal as he might be to Kikyo there was still a chance he'd slip up, it was worth a try.
He sits up from his bed "Time to say hello to piggy."
Killua has always hated Milluki's room. It is, without a doubt, the most disturbing room in the house. There is just something uniquely disconcerting about merchandise with scantily clad anime girls on them put in close proximity with instruments of torture. Killua was pretty sure this said something about Milluki (something disgusting no doubt), but he would rather not analyze it.
Not wanting to ever put Milluki under the impression that he respected him in anyway or form, Killua doesn't even bother knocking before he enters. He doesn't let the fact that the door had been locked get in his way either.
To Milluki's credit, he barely flinches. His training might not have been as strict as Illumi's or Killua's but it was enough so that he wouldn't embarrass himself. Mostly.
"What are you doing in here?" Milluki hisses. He turns his head to glare at Killua but his fingers never leave his keyboard. On the screen is a steady stream of code, for what, Killua has no idea. Likely a virus or a bomb, knowing Milluki.
"How has mother been?" Killua asks disinterestedly, making his words sound like preliminary small talk "She's been acting out of character."
"What are you talking about?" Milluki answers immediately "She's been the same as usual."
"Even though grandfather is dying?" Killua raises an eyebrow.
"Well she does cry about that sometimes, but mostly she's been the same."
Killua hums thoughtfully, stuffs his hands in his pockets and looks around the room.
Milluki glares at him "Why are you really here?"
"He took the bait." Killua thinks gleefully, careful not to let the emotion show on his face.
"I need a computer." he says "Something fast, compact. Great internet connection too."
Milluki swivels his chair to face him "And what'll I get in return?"
Killua raises one eyebrow "Well, what would you like? Better be a fair trade though."
Milluki puts a hand on his chin, rubbing it as he regards Killua warily. "What could I possibly want from you?"
"Information." Killua says immediately. Unfortunately he had little else to offer. "Details about Greed Island, I was with my friend when he finished it."
"What makes you think I don't already have that information?"
"My friends' dad is one of the creators of the game."
Milluki's eyes widen in shock for a moment, but his expression remains unconvinced "How does any information about the game itself help me when I won't even have the chance to play it anytime soon?"
Killua clicks his tongue "Look, I know you couldn't recreate the game from the memory card I gave you, what I'm telling you is that I know exactly why. I know enough about programming to know that pinpointing the errors helps makes the program run more smoothly. Do you want the information or not?"
"Fine." Milluki says after a beat "I have plenty of spare computers anyway."
"Great." Killua grins "I'll send you the info after you send me the computer."
"Yeah yeah," Milluki waves a hand, swiveling his chair to turn back to his computers "it'll be in front of your room in an hour or two, now get out of my room."
Killua tips over a couple of Milluki's figurines, and leaves right at the beginning of a no doubt very loud rant.
That visit, he thinks, had been informative enough. Milluki's tone and body language were revealing in how they were the same as usual. At least now he knows that whatever his mother is hiding she's likely keeping only to herself, which meant that it's personal to her and not very dangerous to others. Killua mentally crosses Milluki off the suspect list, and puts his mother in last place.
The computer arrives in front of Killua's room within the hour, earlier than promised. The butler who delivers it lingers at Killua's door, waiting for what he has for Milluki in return. He scribbles the words "greed island isn't data" onto a scrap of paper and sends it off with the butler.
Once alone, he immediately sets the computer up, preparing to do a few harmless searches which are believable enough that they would think the searches revealed what he was actually up to, but not specific enough that they would know the full extent of his thoughts. A little bit of the truth to throw them off the big picture.
Of course, this was only a precaution in case he was being watched. He has no idea how to program computers to protect them from prying eyes, he won't even attempt to. He intends to send Canary to an internet cafe with a list of things to research about and his hunter license. To everyone else he will be sending her off on an errand to fetch a truck load of choco robots. He's done it before, so it's a good enough excuse. Not iron tight, but it will do.
Midway into Killua's perusal of web pages with information on slow acting poisons, his phone rings and vibrates on his bed. He reaches for it from his place on the floor, and answers it without checking who it is.
"Hello." he says dryly, tucking his phone between the side of his head and his shoulder. He continues to scan the webpage he is in until he hears the voice on the other line.
"Killua!" goes Gon's bright voice "I wanted to check up on you, are you still at your house?"
"Gon." Killua says, not able to help himself from sounding happy "Yes I'm still in Kukuroo Mountain."
Gon doesn't sound too happy about it "Why did you go back anyway? You haven't told me."
"You haven't asked." Killua almost says, but he knows that's only an excuse. He wonders how truthful he should be with Gon, how much of his situation he should reveal. He didn't want to trouble Gon with this, and there was also the chance of someone listening in on their conversation. Killua hasn't parted with his cellphone so he knows it isn't wiretapped, but his room is another story. He'd checked for bugs, but he thinks he might not be able spot some if Milluki had made them. After all, even he has to admit his knowledge of technology is inferior to his older brother's.
"Killua?" Gon's voice sounds worried and tense. Killua shakes his head, it wouldn't do to make him think something was going terribly wrong.
"It's my grandpa." he starts, a hint of hesitation in his voice- unintentional, but Killua thinks it makes him sound like he's telling the whole truth "He's sick."
"Your grandpa's sick? That's terrible!" says Gon "Is it bad?"
"Bad enough. He thinks he might die, I've never seen him like this. Father's called everyone home, even Illu-nii."
Gon pauses for a moment, Killua can tell he's unpleased "Are you going to be alright by yourself? Where's Alluka?"
"She's safe. And you worry too much."
"Well if you're sure you're ok, then I guess you are. I hope your grandpa gets better."
"Yeah, me too. How are you? I just realized I haven't asked. Sorry."
"I was just telling you about it yesterday though!" Gon laughs "I'm fine. Nothing new since yesterday."
"That's… That's good." Killua clears his throat "Listen I'll call you again tomorrow, there are some... things I've gotta do."
"Oh." Gon's dejected voice makes him want to take it back, Killua bites his lip "Well, I'll be waiting then. For your call."
Gon doesn't hang up immediately, makes a sound like he was about to say something, but stops. Then he hurriedly whispers goodbye, and Killua hears a click before he can reply. He tosses his phone back onto his bed, puts his face in his hands, and sighs.
The sound of Milluki gnashing his teeth is terrible even to his own ears. The information Killua gave him is enlightening but not quite as useful in the long run. At least now he knew to give up while he was ahead. What was bothering him more however was the feeling that the exchange they'd made had been unequal, that Killua gave more than he got. Milluki's never known him to do that, and it is suspicious.
Perhaps, he thinks, a computer is of much higher value to Killua at the moment that Milluki can understand because of some unique circumstances he was in. Maybe it's related to their grandfather. Milluki admittedly has not been to see him, perhaps Killua saw something that no one else has. Or perhaps is it was something bigger. Urgent enough that he'd strike a deal to borrow something as simple as another computer.
His fingers twitch over his mouse. He can access the computer he'd lent from where he sits, he can easily find out what Killua is using it for. It strikes him suddenly, that his mother might like to know. It would certainly put her in better spirits. Maybe he'd even get a compliment or two for telling her. And if it would make mother happy, then why ever not.
Right. That decides it then. It wasn't as if the act would be a challenge to him, and there was no harm in doing so anyway. Killua might not be an idiot but he didn't know nearly enough about computers to figure out that Milluki had checked up on him.
He reaches out for the soda next to his keyboard, and slurps it loudly as he maneuvers through his network and into Killua's hard drive. Once there he is disappointed by the lack of anything interesting. The internet history reveals nothing but searches for webpages on slow acting poisons, which is neither surprising nor alarming.
Milluki taps his desk and grits his teeth again. It's too innocent. Either Killua was bored out of his wits or there's something else, and Milluki's inclined towards the second option. After all if he was just bored surely he'd look for something other than poisons right? Yes, he is sure of it.
He wonder what he could be up to, is he searching for a cure for their grandfather? Is he looking to poison one of them? Or is this a diversion for something else? Should Milluki even care?
He stares at the screen in front of him, frowning. He needs more information.
Kalluto responds to a knock on his bedroom door in the usual irksome manner– he opens it just enough so that he can peer out with one eye and clutches at his door knob tightly. It is as if he were always hiding something in there and everyone is too untrustworthy to see it. It is irritating because Killua knows there is nothing for him to hide, nothing that all of them haven't seen before. He is glad that he is here in his room and not with their mother, but he has to bite the inside of his cheek until the irrational old irritation of his dissipates.
"I want to talk to you," he says after a beat "about the Phantom Troupe."
Kalluto blinks, pupils dilating slightly, the only sign of his surprise. Then, he opens the door the rest of the way and says "Come in." as she makes way for Killua to enter.
Taking his seat on Kalluto's bed, Killua looks around once to see if anything has changed and finds that nothing has. It is unsurprising. The Zoldyck household had always been stagnant, the only changes that had happened in recent years were changes that Killua himself had brought and, apparently, Kalluto's flight from their mother's nest.
Kalluto stands in front of him, hands on his sides, posture lax. He shows no signs of discomfort, but the fact that he hasn't taken his seat anywhere tells Killua that perhaps he was.
"Why did you join them?" he asks, looking his little brother in the eyes.
"There is something I wanted to achieve." Kalluto answers. His voice does not waver, and his answer is infuriatingly vague. He is better at this than Milluki, Killua thinks, quirking an eyebrow at him.
"And you defied father for it?"
"I did no such thing." it isn't said in a snappish manner, but Killua can never really tell with him for sure, so he closes his mouth, and waits for him to continue. "Father wasn't against it," says Kalluto "he says they are great allies as much as they are frustrating opponents. It's why he's allowed us to do jobs for them, but not against them."
"You've done jobs for them personally?"
"Yes, with big brother Illumi and great grandfather."
What an unusual threesome "I know the Phantom Troupe. Not quite as an enemy, but I'm friends with someone who's hunting them."
"Hunting them?' for the first time in the conversation a hint of emotion appears on Kalluto's face, he looks alert, almost frightened.
"Hunting to kill." Killua nods "I don't think you could beat him. You'd be killed."
Kalluto grips the side of his kimono, his hold so tight Killua can see the veins above his knuckles. "The others, do you think he could beat them?"
"Possibly. He was the one who killed the member you replaced. I don't know how he did it." a lie obviously, but he wasn't about to reveal Kurapika's secrets "I honestly didn't think he could at first, but he did."
Kalluto looks thoughtful for a moment "Are you telling me to leave the Troupe?"
"No." he answers immediately "Just telling you in case they haven't, and it looks like they didn't."
"They've mentioned it, but I do not think they know I am your brother. They know I am a Zoldyck, but that's all. I also think that they think they can win against your friend, who I assume is the chain user?"
Killua nods "He's the one. Why do they think they'd win? The only one who I could see doing that is their leader, and he's incapacitated."
Kalluto barely twitches, but Killua catches the movement before he can suppress it. He thinks of Hisoka in Greed Island, and a realization dawns in his head. He'd been right, the bastard was up to something. Kurapika had brushed his warning off when he'd called last, but a reaction like this from a member of the Troupe was damning evidence. He'd have to listen now. He doesn't let his thoughts show on his face, instead he feigns disinterest.
"I just wanted to warn you, my friend's unpredictable when it comes to the Troupe, extremely driven too. He'd stop at nothing to kill every single member. If you're not prepared to die you should leave them."
Kalluto regards him cooly without speaking, then shifts his gaze to his feet. "Thank you. I will keep it in mind."
"Right." Killua rises from his seat "Have you gone to visit grandfather today?"
Kalluto stills, gaze not straying from his feet. "Yes." he says, voice strained.
"Is he worse?"
"Yes." Kalluto says again, still not looking at him.
If it's that bad, Killua thinks, then that must mean he's not going to get any better. "I should go see him."
Kalluto nods silently and Killua awkwardly gives a curt nod back. They both head for the door, with Kalluto trailing behind. He shuts the door quietly after Killua's leaves. Outside, Killua lingers for a moment, listening for any activity inside. He hears none.
Zeno is having tea again in his room. Killua thinks it has something to do with detoxifying. He's never been the biggest fan of tea so he doesn't really know. He looks calmer than he did the previous day, and he looks no worse either. In fact he almost seems like he's getting better. (although his color has not improved, leading Killua to believe his current state is purely from his strength of will).
"Kalluto seems tense." Killua says offhandedly, after sitting silence for a few minutes. "I thought it was because of his visit with you today, but it looks like I was wrong."
Zeno gives him an incredulous look that's almost a glare. He doesn't need to say anything to communicate that he wants Killua to explain himself. Because of his uncharacteristic visit to Kalluto or his remark about being wrong he wasn't sure, he opts to explain both.
"I found out he joined the Phantom Troupe, so we chatted a bit about that since I know them as well. He seemed tense when I asked how you were so I thought you'd taken a turn for the worse."
Zeno snorts "As you can see, I have not gotten worse. I do not know what's wrong with your brother, he was fine when he left early this afternoon." he takes a small sip of his tea "Ask your mother about it, she would know."
"Maybe." Killua sighs and tries not to grimace. He drums his fingers on the table for a moment, but stops when his grandfather glares at him for it. He sighs again, wearily this time, and grabs his cup to down his tea in one gulp. "I should go." he says, rising from his seat.
Zeno waves a hand dismissively "Go." he says "And tell your father to come see me, there is something I wish to discuss."
Killua nods, and can't help the frown that graces his face. He'd planned on avoiding his father until he'd gathered more information, but now he's obligated to see him.
"Are you unhappy about something?" Zeno doesn't sound angry but he does seem surprised at Killua's openly expressed emotion.
"Plenty." Killua reply wryly, twisting his mouth in what he hopes is a humorous face of distaste.
Zeno let's out a breath, it's a second before Killua realizes it's a laugh. "That's the spirit." he says, startling him again.
"Had that been a joke?" he wonders, as he walks down the hall to his father's.
The screen monitoring Killua's activity comes to life in the early evening. Milluki does not immediately notice it. He turns only when the distinct sounds of a game he had finished playing months ago catches his attention.
His brows furrow further in confusion "Is he just bored after all?" he mutters, turning back to his work. He leaves the other computer running to record his little brother's activities (which by the sound of it, involved doing badly an unchallenging video game).
Illumi nearly kills the messenger, but, due to a stroke of luck on the part of the later, manages only to stab his arm.
"I have a message!" the messenger shouts. Not desperately, to his credit. Demonstratively rather, and interestingly enough, almost commanding. "From Master Kikyo and Master Silva." he holds out a small rolled piece of paper with his good hand, and his eyes twitch slightly from the pain but he hold Illumi's steadfastly. Respectable.
Illumi withdraws his hand from inside the other man's arm, swiftly shakes away the blood, and wipes the remaining red inside his pocket. He unfurls the message with his other hand.
"This message says that all my brothers are home, can you confirm that?"
"Master Kalluto and Master Killua have both returned to Kukuroo Mountain." the messenger answers carefully. He looks taken aback by the question, more for the very fact that it was asked, Illumi thinks, than for the content.
Illumi hums thoughtfully "Tell them I will return after my job is finished."
The messenger nods, then promptly disappears into the woods surrounding them.
Canary has no news for him the next day, but that much, Killua had expected. If the butlers were unwilling to speak, they would likely keep their mouth shut forever. It didn't hurt to persist, but he knew he ought to explore the other avenues he'd thought of at the same time.
"I want you to find out the route grandfather had used to go to his last job, that much is probably not a secret. You can tell Gotoh I asked you to do it–" Canary frowns at that, but does not interrupt him "–then I want you to go out to a random internet cafe, and do a search for all of the poisons common to all the areas he passed. If you can't find out which route he used exactly, think of all the likely routes you can and search for common poisons based on every possibility."
She nods, still frowning.
"Is something wrong Canary?"
"It is nothing." she says "What sort of poisons should I be looking for?"
Killua regards her sceptically for a moment before saying. "Ones that fit the time frame between grandfather's contact with them and his 'sickness' emerging."
"That is very broad." Canary says, not meeting his eyes.
He clicks his tongue "Are you hiding something from me?"
"Nothing about Master Zeno."
"So you are hiding something, but it's unrelated. Yet you feel guilty enough to let it show, so it isn't nothing either."
Canary bites her lip.
"Nevermind," Killua grunts "If it's not related to the matter with grandfather then I will respect that you don't want to tell me yet. But promise me that you will tell me."
"I..." she shakes her head "Alright, I promise."
Killua smiles, reassuringly he hopes "Please do the thing I asked discretely, and on your way out tell Zebro to call this number if Illu-nii comes home." he hands her a piece of paper with his cellphone number scribbled on it.
Canary nods "Shall I go now?"
"Best if you do yeah, I want this done as soon as possible. Didn't call you out last night only because it would seem suspicious. Maybe I should give you my cellphone number." Killua waves a hand "Nevermind, this is safer. Let's just meet same time tomorrow."
Killua writhes on the floor, drool dripping from his open mouth despite his best efforts, his nails clawing into the clean white tiles of the training room. His groans of pain, though muffled as he grits his teeth, echoes in the vast room, empty save for himself and his brother who stands next to his flailing body. It is not his first time with torture training, it is not even his first time with electric shocks, and that makes him hate his weakness all the more.
He's only six years old but he knows he should be better than this. He bites his lower lip, hard enough to make it bleed. Slowly, he gets himself onto his knees and lifts his head to gaze at his brother. Illumi's stare is unreadable, there are no signs of boredom or disappointment on his face. There is only a blank look as he waits for Killua stand again.
Killua shakily pulls himself onto his feet, he does not keep his eyes off the device in his brother's right hand, braces himself for what he knows is to come. At the very moment he is steady, he hears a faint click and the device crackles with electricity. Killua feels his stomach drop, and he heaves a breath, holds it.
The shock this time is less painful than the one before it, yet still, for a moment, he sees white. He bites the inside of his cheek, feeling blood trickling inside his mouth, tasting it. He focuses on the sensation, willing himself into silence. He clenches his fist, stubbornly pressing his feet onto the ground so he doesn't fall over again. To his relief, he succeeds in keeping himself upright until the pain subsides.
He thinks (he hopes) he has more control over his body now. Perhaps he's getting better at this. He looks up at his brother again, and almost jumps back in surprise, finding his face a mere three inches from his own.
"If your job is to kill a president of a country, any country, how would you do it?" Illumi asks conversationally as Killua still stares at him wide eyed.
"Poison." he answers immediately, schooling his face into a more neutral expression "I'd give him poison."
"What kind?"
"Something from his house." as he speaks, any sign of having been rattled leaves his voice and Killua grows more and more sure of himself "So they suspect one of his servants, if they ever suspect anything at all."
Illumi blinks once "Childish, but effective." he says "Why poison?"
"It's easier to make it look like an accident or a suicide. Since the target's a president their murder will have only the best detectives working on it, maybe even a Hunter, it's better if their death is as bland as possible so they won't suspect us."
"Bland. I see. Why not asphyxiation?"
"Marks." Killua spits out the blood that had pooled in his mouth "Both from the struggle and the murder weapon. If I had, for example, used a pillow there is a chance stuffing would get caught in the victim's throat, there's a chance that the victim would also scratch me leaving DNA evidence under their fingernails. If I used my bare hands or some rope the later remains a problem and I would still leave a recognizable imprint on the victim's neck. Investigators would have more evidence to start with. It's inconvenient, which is why poison's the best, especially common poison. It could be anyone."
"But what if our client wants people to know it was a Zoldyck?"
Killua pauses "People, meaning everyone?"
Illumi just looks at him suggesting that the answer to that question should be obvious to him. Killua takes a second mull on it before speaking.
"Then I'll make him disappear. I'd keep his body whole, for the most part, but I'll remove his face, hollow out his head until there's nothing there but skull. Maybe I'll even take part of that away, it doesn't matter, at any rate his face would be unrecognizable. I'd burn his hands and feet too, so they can't get his fingerprints or toe prints, or even palm prints. I'd hollow out his insides so even experts would have a difficult time finding the cause of death and time of death. Then I'd take him somewhere where a lot of people get murdered every day, somewhere where people won't give a dead body a second glance. But then, even if someone did look long enough, his face would be all maggots by then, no one would recognize him. And I'd hide him in his own country, he'll rot there and no one will ever know. Well-" Killua looks at Illumi "-no one who isn't smart enough to be afraid of us at least."
The corner of Illumi's mouth twitches. Killua swears, it's almost a smile.