Chapter 10: The King is Generous

The King entered Sir Rivaille's chamber. He noticed that Sir Rivaille was fully naked but showed no reaction to it. He seated himself casually, like he was with somebody he knew very well. His expression was relaxed, too relaxed, almost childlike. This apparently irritated the young lord.

"Are you here to stare at me like somebody waiting his shit to come out, Erwin?" he blurted out.

The King chuckled. He shoke his head and looked outside through the window.

"Do you remember when we both were children, we used to swim naked at our secret pond?" the King mused.

"That was one of your perverted scheme." Lord Rivaille replied.

"We were so innocent at that time. All we want was to play in the water." the King said. "We used to shared secrets and trust bind us."

We used to," Sir Rivaille stressed out, "Now, you listened more to that fat boisterous woman."

"That fat boisterous woman is Archduchess Belezar;our most loyal ally and she is getting married." the King replied, enjoying the moment that he was able to irritate the young lord.

Lord Rivaille snorted, "Who's that unlucky fellow?"

The King licked his lips, trying to suppress his amusing laugh.

"Nile" he answered.

"That goat face?! You've signed her up with that Goat Face?!"

"She gleefully agrees."

Lord Rivaille started pouring tea into two cups and handed one to the King.

"She agrees because the marriage will increase her wealth substantially." he said.

The King sipped his tea and said,"The marriage is good for her because it will stop those Clerics from harassing her."

Lord Rivaille put his cup on the table. "Tell me honestly, Erwin. You know I never enjoy your game of words"

The King put his cup on the table. Then, he looked at Lord Rivaille in the eyes.

"There will be a grand wedding and I have to be there. I need you to protect Eren in my absence. I want you to take him to Dorseth and remain there for fourteen days."

"Is that your order?"

"Yes. I want you to ride to Dorseth. Eren rides very well. I won't be a trouble for him."

The young lord sighed, "Then, it shall be done."