Longing: The Erotica


It started out to be a pointless PWP of Erwin, Rivaille and Eren. But, along the way, my Muse changed decision and I, as her secretary, followed. So, this turns out to be Eruren, Eruri, and Riren.

Chapter 1: Upon the Trumpets at the Gate

Eren heard the sound of the trumpets. As he ran toward the window, a servant came and told him that the King was in front of the city gate. He looked at he scenery from the window and saw the commotion. He dismissed the servant and inhaled the air. His lord was coming. Absentmindedly, his fingers caressed his chastity belt, his body was tingling in anticipation.

He rang for his grooms. When three of them appeared, he told them that his lord was coming and he needed to prepare himself. They took him into bathroom, adjoining to his bedroom. Quickly, they undressed him, removed his chastity belt, and laid him of a soft cot- face down, bottom raised high. Gently, one of them inserted a tube into his anus. He suppressed a soft yelp as the groom massage his bottom while the other turning the switch on- a steady stream of liquid was rushing into bowel. Eren gasped and squirmed in pleasure. Soon, the first bottle replaced the second bottle. Sweat broke on Eren's forehead as he was gasping in pleasure- his stomach swelled.

As the second bottle drained, the groom switched off the liquid and disconnected the tube from the plug. Carefully, they put him on a toilet and removed the butt plug. Eren was given a chance to empty his bowel.

The same process was repeated as many as possible until Eren's discharge turned as clear as clean water. Only then, they would bath and dry him. Then, they would put him back to the soft cot, again, with his face down and bottom raised high to the air. He felt the pang of empty stomach and the slaps of cold air on his bottom. Eren shivered, yet he didn't know whether it was from cold or anticipation. He sighed in pleasure as his groom pour warm oil on his bottom and started to stretch him. This was the most difficult process. He got aroused easily as the three of them massaged his bottom and inserted their fingers to stretch him. He bit the pillow to prevent himself from moaning - or giving any clue of how much he enjoyed this part. They only stopped when his anus was on a shape of an "O" and four fingers could enter easily. By then, they would insert a wet metallic plug of four-inch wide in diameter into his anus to retain the shape.

The next step was the most hated step for Eren. His grooms would turn his body around. If they see his penis stood proud with pre-cum dripping, they would douse it with ice water and wash any trace of excitement-for Eren pleasure was restrictedly came from his lord only, any other source of pleasure was forbidden. On this process, they had to restrained Eren from thrashing and gagged his mouth so that the whole castle could neither hear nor wonder the cause of his screams.

Only when the erection was gone and his penis limped, they would insert a metallic rod of 14-cm long to the urethra and bind the rod to Eren's balls so it wouldn't slide down any further. The process completed by putting back a clean chastity belt and draping exquisite garment. The three grooms would carry Eren to the lord's bedchamber and arrange him as if he was one of the room's ornament.

Eren watched the grooms as they were fussing about the folds of his garments against the curtain and sheet. He let them arranged the placement of his arms and legs for it was in accordance to the taste of his lord.

When they were about to finish, he asked them, "Would My Lord be long?"

The three of them looked at him but only one answered, "No. He'd be here before sunset."

Instinctively, Eren looked at the window and saw the changing colour of the sky.

He smiled, "I can't wait to see him."

One of the groom smiled back and replied, "Try to rest a bit."

Eren shifted his hips and felt the tip of the rod caressing his prostate. He let out a soft whimpering.

"You better don't do that!" reprimanded by one of the groom. "My Lord doesn't like a single stain that is not his doing!"

Eren slugged as the three of them walked out the room and locked the door.

Now, there were only him and the setting sun.