A/N: First, I want to thank my friend Catie for her so much needed help editing this story :D.

Second, another faberry fic for you to enjoy! Yay! This one starts from a canon point and then moves to AU, because (unfortunately) there are no zombies in Glee.

I'm not fond of AU fics, but I guess this idea got stuck in my head and I couldn't help it; so even if you don't like AUs give it a chance. It may surprise you! ;)

Present day

"Fuck! We're trapped!" I mutter angrily walking backwards from the last exist left to check out at the supermarket.

"There must be an emergency door or something," she says worriedly.

"I've checked. We're surrounded." I can't look at her, so I just pace around and think about a way to get out of here.

"There's got to be a way to get out here!" she shouts desperately now.

"I've told you not to come with me!" I remind her. "I would have been fine on my own."

"What? Are you blaming me for this?" she asks with wide eyes and a raised brow, shocked.

"No, it's just that…"I take a deep breath, "Every fucking door is blocked. It was supposed to be an easy job. Get to the supermarket, grab some food, and come back to the camp."

"You know it's always easier said than done," Rachel says.

"I know okay? I didn't mean to say that. I'm sorry." I step forward and wrap my arms around her. "It's just that I don't want you to be here."

"Someone had to come," she states, hugging me tightly.

"But it could have been someone else," I whisper, wishing she would have stayed at the camp.

"No Quinn," Rachel steps back and looks up at me, "I couldn't bear to wait for you another day not knowing if you will come back. It kills me. I rather be here helping you than waiting there doing nothing."

"Okay, okay. Just relax. We'll think of something."

I need to think a way out of here quickly. We don't have much time. The infected are pushing too hard on the supermarket's windows. They are going to break them soon. The back door is full of them and upstairs there's nothing more than clothes. No exit.

I look around. There's nothing here that can help us kill them. Just a bunch of clothes and some cans. It's ironic. We risk our lives to get some food, but there's not even enough food for everyone back at the camp.

"How many bullets you have left?" I ask. Rachel checks her gun.

"Just 11."

"And I have…" My gun only has 5 bullets, but I have another 4 in my pocket. "Nine." It's not enough. It's not even near enough. I load it, thinking about the dozens of them that are outside.

God, I can't let her die here.

"What's the plan?"

"I don't know, but I tell you one thing," I assure her, approaching her and leaning my forehead against hers, "we are making it out of here and we'll leave this stupid city back to the camp, okay?"

She nodded and I kissed her hard, feeling my heart beating fast.

I can't let her see the fear in my eyes. She can't notice my voice trembling. She has to feel that there's a possibility both of us can survive, although I know that's not gonna happen.

The plan is clear to me. She lives, I die. But I'm not ready to say goodbye. We went through hell, and she saved me in more ways than one, but if I have to die for her to live, I will do it without hesitation.

It has been years since everything began: we had won Nationals, Carmen Tibideaux had come to see Rachel sing, I was going to Yale, and Finn and Rachel were going to get married. But none of that happened.

We stayed in Chicago the night after winning Nationals. The next day, when we were coming back to Lima, we got caught in an accident.

It was the day everything went to hell. From that moment on, it got worse and worse.

The first thing I remember is the feeling of being trapped in a nightmare…

A/N: This is just the prologue. I hope you really like how it begins. Leave your thought in the comments! :D