I do NOT own InuYasha


Chapter one: Stranger

One year. 52 weeks. 365 days. That's how long it had been that the well had engulfed her and sent her back to this time. Her time. She sat in front of the tree. THE TREE. It held many memories, and so she sat there with a rise in hand. She buried one each month, and now she'd change it to each year. At first she thought she might be able to go back, but the well was closed. She hopped down every day for a month and then once a week, and then once a month, and today she tried again, but no luck. She had finished high school, and moved on to nursing school also tending to the shrine.

"Are you the shrine maiden here?" She finished burying the rose and looked up to the person standing a few feet away. He was tall with broad shoulders he wore black dress shoes, black slacks, a blue button up that matched his eyes and rolled sleeves to his elbows. His hair was cut short all but the bangs that hung right to his familiar eyes.

"Yes I am, but I'm currently not working I was just having a bit of a memorial." She dusted off her jeans standing up, and fixing her v neck and cardigan. The stranger nodded, but walked to her.

"Oh, I'm sorry did you lose someone on this day?"

"I lost a lot of people. If you come back tomorrow around three I'll be on duty, and can help you with anything."

"I just need to know, are you the one who knows a lot about the Sengoku period?" Kagome just nodded with a smile. "Well I'll be back tomorrow." The stranger walked away and she made her way back into her house.

For the rest of the night she couldn't stop thinking about the stranger who approached her earlier. In her bath she tried emptying her mind, but that face was stuck there, but she didn't know why. 'I must find out who he is...those eyes their so...familiar.'


"Did you find it?" The blue eyed man nodded as he sat in front of another black haired man, but his eyes glowed yellow.

"I can't believe you didn't go. I mean I know we've been looking for her together, but I thought you'd always want to get to her first, since you know..." he trailed off and the yellow eyed man looked at the photo on his desk.

"You know I chose. A long time ago. I chose to move on. Even if that was forever ago, I think the man who never gave up should win." They both nodded understanding.


"So what did you want to know?" Kagome asked. This was usual for strangers to stop by and she'd tell them stories of the feudal era, she told her own stories with a different name most of the time. She sat with the stranger in the shrine as they had tea. She was dressed in traditional red and white miko clothes, and he had on blue jeans and a white v neck.

"My first question is do you think yokai are real? Or were real?" He asked and then took a sip of tea. She never had someone ask her flat out this question usually they asked her what she knew of the period, and then would eventually brush upon the question.

"Well, yes there have been many stories, and some of my family has encountered them way back when and her stories have been passed to me." He could hear her heart skip a bit telling that she was lying.

"Could you tell me a story?" Kagome went on to tell her how she met the InuYasha crew she traveled with for so long. He saw her eyes light up as she talked and it made him smile. "Have you ever met a okami yokai?"

"I've never met a yokai myself..." He heard the heartbeat slip again, but also realized his slip up.

"Oh I'm sorry I meant your family." He smiled trying to cover his slip, and she just laughed a bit.

"It's alright, but I need to head to some classes so maybe you can come by tomorrow for some more talk, it's nice to have company." He nodded and they both headed out. She waved him goodbye. 'Why do I know that smile...'


"She told me about the time you guys met. Of course though replacing her own name and saying it was just someone of her blood line." He was back at the desk with the yellow eyed man.

"Kouga did she mention you?"

"I was about to bring up wolves, but she had to go."

"You know if I wouldn't of came storming in your caves you would've mated a little red head brat." Kouga knew that day very well...


"I can't believe we're finally mating today!" The princess from the north squealed. The prince of the East rubbed his temples. After a hundred years of Kagome disappearing from the world. His World. He decided he'd have to move on. He saw Ayame as a fit Alpha sure she was annoying and talked way to much, but she was strong. Not as strong as his beautiful miko that held his heart, but strong enough.

"Yeah, tonight." He sighed. 'tonight I sell my soul.' They went into his den that night, and she was way to eager. He could smell her arousal pouring off of her as she stood in front of him all of her armor and furs removed. "Are you sure?" It was more to himself than to her, but she nodded with a smile kissing him. He kissed her back with as much fake passion as he could, but then he heard yelling, and fighting.

"Kouga!" He was already pulled away and sniffing the air trying to smell the enemy.

"You fucking BAKA! I hear you're-" InuYasha had barged his way back to the prince's private den and pulled the bear skin away from the opening stopping his words as soon as he saw the she wolf undressed and Kouga a few feet away.

"InuYasha what are you doing here." His hands found his hips in a natural position. He tried to tell InuYasha through his eyes to help him, and InuYasha caught it noticing the fact the prince was still fully dressed, and smelled nothing of want for the princess in front of him.

"I came to deliver news that I need your help." InuYasha put on a fake smile, "but really we should talk in a more private place."

"Oh, Ayame, please dress and leave, so I may talk to an old friend." Kouga faked sweet and she batted her eye lashes with a smile dressing and leaving.

"I'm glad I came when I did you BAKA!" Kouga laughed and knew he'd have to thank InuYasha for years.


"Must I say thank you forever." Kouga laughed that's when he noticed the deeper laugh lines in InuYasha's skin. It was the effect of him being a half demon. While 500 years acted like a good seven or eight years on him, they made the dog demon a good 21 years older. Kouga looking in his mid twenties and InuYasha in his late thirties. "You know most half demons don't last this long.

"I know you did help and get me mated to someone I really loved and wish I could still hold." InuYasha sighed and Kouga put a hand on his shoulder trying to reassure his enemy turned friend. They didn't like to talk about the war that happened a couple hundred years right after InuYasha had found a she wolf that held his heart so tight, and just a few years after mating she went to fight and never returned.

"We'll have it all one day you know our company is great." He smiled bringing up the hunting tools company they started not to long ago. "I wonder how Shippo's doing over in the states?"


"So those wolf demons?" Kouga asked as they sat again like they day before.

"Well the leader was completely head over heels for her..." He loved hearing their first interactions from her view. "You see she really didn't get to say good bye either before she died, but she told her son that she never really knew how she felt about the wolf." Her heart didn't skip it wasn't a lie.

"I bet he never moved on."

"She hopes that he did. She wanted him to be happy." Kagome sighed. 'I hope they all ended up happy.'

"He wouldn't of been happy with out her I bet. That red head princess sound horrid." They laughed as she had to leave again. 'He wouldn't of been happy, but seeing you again changes my day.'


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