Final chapter! Alright! Let's do this!




Today is the day.

The day I will confess my undying love for him.

It has been 2 months since the last time we had an interaction. I miss him. Does he miss me? Of course not. He probably despise me. After all I've done, who in their right mind will still love me?

But I will still do this. No backing out. I want to do it.

It was near dusk and I was preparing my special number. This is the last day of our foundation week and it's Valentines Day. I hope he's here to listen. Let's cross our fingers to that, okay?

I heard the emcee's voice and everyone's cheering.

"Let's all give it up for Hyuuga Hinata!" At last she called my name. This is it. Breathe in, breathe out.

I went out of the dressing room and some people cheered when they saw me, most glared at me. Of course, a lot of them hated me. Who wouldn't?

I was holding a guitar and I'm so nervous. I finally spotted Sasuke. Please, stay there. Watch me. I smiled at him. His face void of any emotion. Wow. My hands are really cold.

"Hi, Hinata!" The emcee finally welcomed me.

"Hello." I greetet back. I was only staring at Sasuke. Please look at me.

"So, you prepared something for us tonight, right?!" The emcee asked.

"Uh, well... Actually, I prepared it for someone really special." I said and smiled.

"Is it Gaara!?" My eyes widened when I heard that. What?

"He's your new boyfriend, right?!" The other girl asked and she giggled.

"Anyway, so, it's not for my Gaara-san." I started. I looked at Sasuke again. "It's for a guy I regret letting go." I continued. "Uhm. I think I will start now cause I will have to deliver my speech later." I said and opened the guitar case. I took the guitar and started playing it.

"What is this I'm feelin'?

I just can't explain

When you're near

I'm just not the same

I'm tryin' to hide it

Try not to show it

It's crazy

How could it be

I glanced at Sasuke as I sang. I wanted to show him that I dedicated this song for him.

"I've fallen for you

Finally, my heart gave in

And I'm fallen in love

I finally know how it feels

He was staring back at me. Maybe he was caught by the lyrics of the song. I hope he can feel that this is for him. My heart is beating very fast.

"When you said hello

I looked in your eyes

Suddenly, I felt good inside

Is this really happenin'

Or am I just dreaming

I guess, it's true

I can't believe

I've fallen for you

Finally, my heart gave in

And I'm fallen in love

I finally know how it feels

So this is love

Doesn't matter where I am

Thoughts of you still linger in my mind

No matter what time of day

I've really, really

Fallen for you

Just look at me... This is what I wanted to tell you... All this time. The only thing I was pretending at was not being in love with you. I was pretending I hate you. I'm so sorry...

"I've fallen for you

Finally, my heart gave in

And I'm fallen in love

I finally know how it feels

I've fallen for you

Finally, my heart gave in

And I'm fallen in love

I finally know how it feels

So this is love."

Finally, I ended the song with the last key.

Everyone cheered and the place was filled with round of applause. I bowed my head for a thanks.

The emcee gave me the microphone. "Thank you, everyone." They cheered again. "I... That song... Well... I think that explains what I'm feeling right now. Yeah. I'm in love..." I stated.

Everyone went silent. Like they're waiting for the name of the person who I'm in love with.

"I'm not supposed to love him... I'm not supposed to even meet him... I'm not supposed to care. I'm not supposed to live my life wishing he were there... But... I just can't help but fall in love with him... I thought I could resist him. Like what I'm trying to make everyone see. I guess I was wrong then. I can't do it. I can't force myself to unlike him. I'm just like those fangirls... Waiting for him to notice me... To see me... To smile at me..." I felt my eyes went hot, I fought the urge to cry. I forced my eyes to not drop the tears I was holding back.

I looked at everyone's faces. They all looked serious. And everyone seemed to be listening well on my speech.

"One hard... Yet sweet part of living is to admit... That you have fallen in love with someone you didn't mean to love from the start..." I sighed. "Well..." I was again, staring at Sasuke. "Uchiha Sasuke..." I uttered.

Everyone gave a shocked reaction. Even Sasuke whose eyes widened when I muttered his name. I went down the stage and walked towards him, leaving the microphone to the emcee. As soon as I stopped in front of him, his face was still in shock. He can't believe I am confessing.

"I never regret anything... I never regret being with you... I never regret everything I did with you... Oh. Wait." I paused, his eyebrows knotted. "I guess, there is one thing..." He was staring at me. Like he was asking me to continue. "I regret not telling you that I slowly fell in love with you every second, every minute, every hour we're together..." His eyes widened again. "Daisuki desu, Uchiha Sasuke..." My tears slowly fell on my cheeks, rolling on my face.

A blurry figure slowly walked until it was standing really near me. I felt him used his thumb to wipe away my tears. But it kept on rolling. I kept on crying... I can't stop it. Even though, the guy I love is now standing right in front of me. Yes, I know this hand. This feeling. This moment.

"Please, forgive me..." I started. "I didn't want to hurt you... Yes, we planned that... But when I got to know you, I started doubting if I still wanted to continue it. So I decided not to... But I still hurt you... I'm so sorry... I was so stupid not to admit that I fell in love with you along the way..." I almost whispered.

"Shh... It's not your fault. Finally, he spoke. I looked up to his face. His handsome, flawless face.

"Since you always got hurt by me... And I always reject you... I'm the one who's going to ask this." I inhaled. "Will you accept me again?" I stared at him. "Will you be my boyfriend?" Everyone was shocked at my revelation. He was really staring at me, and his face showed disbelief.

Then he smiled at me. His beautiful, unique smile. "Shh..." He hushed again then he hugged me tight. "I love you too... So much... It's okay... I already forgave you..." He uttered. "Silly girl." He teased and smiled. "Of course I will accept you. Though you didn't follow the process of courting." I looked at him and pouted, then he chuckled. Like that time he did in the island.

Everyone started to cheer, yell, whistle, shout... And they're calling our names. It felt good though. Because Sasuke is hugging me. And after all the heartaches I gave him... He still loves me... I tightened my hug to him to make sure what's happening is real.

I saw Sakura, Temari, Karin, Ino and Ten-Ten looking at us not faraway. We loosen our hug and everyone congratulated us. My friends gathered around us. So as Naruto and the rest of Sasuke's friends. They even teased us.

"I think, now is the right time to party!" Naruto yelled and everyone yelled back a 'yes!'

I smiled at Naruto, he smiled back. I have to apologize to him too. I have hurt a very nice person. I just wish he finds his own true love.

I looked back at my friends and saw Sakura looking at someone, I followed her line of vision and was shocked.



"We have a mission."

He curiously looked at me, I pointed with my lips what I was talking about. He smirked and then started joking about setting up our blonde ray of sunshine with the cherry blossom. I nodded in agreement.

We joined our friends in celebrating.

I am more than happy to be with this playboy. He loves me. I love him. End of story.

Find your own playboy because I call dibs on this one.







Not the best ending. I know.

I suck most of the times! Hahahaha.

oh, well! Who's up for LaxZa fanfic? I don't care if you hate it. I will do a one-shot for LaxusxErza!

See ya! ;)
