*Hey everyone! So this is going to be the last chapter, of THIS story but I am working on the first chapter of the sequel to this story which is going to pick up exactly where this story ends so I really hope you all stick with it. It has all the characters that you've grown attached to, or at least I hope you have. I will still be posted under this name and the story will be called 5 Years After and I really hope you all stick with me. I love your reviews, your words of encouragement it keeps this story going. Xoxo-Hoopsandstuds*


It had been two weeks since we had come back to the real world after a blissful honeymoon, Logan and I relived 'it' as often as we could but it was hard with a little girl down the hall. I had been frantically working since I had come back it was amazing how much we missed after just a week away, I had been rewriting and editing and there was a new person on staff a journalism major from Harvard who as well intentioned as they may be needed some serious work on editing and on how to attend high society parties as I had accompanied her to a society party, I wasn't entirely sure how she even got to Harvard.

"Ugh!" I groaned as I came in the house pulling off my stilettos,

"How was the party?" Logan asked as he stood up from the couch,

"Stella is horrible!" I hissed, throwing my shoes on the ground,

"Okay, well you're not covered in blood that's a good sign. She survived the night?"

"Barely, I had to explain to her why asking the senator's wife where she got her face lift was not appropriate."

"She actually asked that?"

"Luckily she checked in with me first so no." I sighed, "I need to go to bed, but I have to write about this party while it's still fresh in my head."

"Babe, its 2 am you need to go to bed." He steered me toward the stairs,

"No, I need to write notes on it at least. I'll be in bed by 3 am I promise."

"You'll only get 4 hours of sleep, you need to be up at 7 am. You have a meeting with Hugo tomorrow-,"

"To go over this party and how Stella worked out, neither of which I can do if I don't write down these notes."

"At least change out of your dress so you can think properly in comfy clothes." Logan reasoned with me,

'Ugh, fine." I shimmied out of my dress as I walked into our room, and grabbed my pajamas as Logan hung up my sweater,

'You know all this stress isn't good for you." He said as I pulled bobby pins from my hair letting my curls fall cascading over my back,

"That doesn't mean I can't do it, it needs to be done and Stella is useless so it's not like I can lean on her for some help."

"Its not good for you Ace, it could mess with you getting pregnant."

"I haven't even taken a test, I could be."

"Then this could be bad for the baby, please slow it down."

"It wouldn't be an issue at this point it's the size of a peanut."

"It could be an issue, are you a doctor?"

"Are you?"

"Fair enough. But humor me and try to get some more sleep tomorrow, a nap in the afternoon?"

"Are you going to be like this when I'm pregnant?" I laughed,

"Worse," he smirked and kissed my neck, "Wanna try again?"

"I need to get to work," I groaned pushing him away, I rushed to the office and locked myself in for my allotted hour (as Logan came to get me at exactly 3 am) and had finished all of my notes for the party and had special notes on Stella's performance which is why I was meeting Hugo tomorrow morning in the first place, I was prepared to beg for a new journalist, maybe from Yale? I mean Logan and I both went there and, no to toot my own horn but, we were certainly decent journalists obviously I mean I worked at the New York Times and Logan was leading an empire. I woke up so groggy the next morning, Logan loaded up a coffee cup for me, smaller then I would have liked, and dumped it into a travel cup. Logan had offered to get Lena up and dressed for school so that I could have a shower and still be on time for my meeting with Hugo,

"Good morning chief," I greeted Hugo, I had managed to dress in my black skirt and blouse and blazer and even managed to line both of my eyes and French braided my hair on account of not having time to dry it,

"Good morning editor," he smiled, "Please have a seat."

"Thank you, how are you?"

"I'm great, heard great things about you from a few friends of mine who were at the party last night quite surprised by how young you were but I'm sure you get that a lot."

"Especially when I'm dropping off Lena," I joked,

"How is the little lady?"

"She's great, she's brilliant. Light of my life," I smiled,

"Sounds just like you." He smiled kindly, "Now, how did Stella do at the party last night?"

"I actually wanted to talk to you about her. I know you had reasons for hiring her but I spending almost all of my time correcting her work and am spending my entire night working on my own work. I know that's part of being an editor and that would be fine if she knew how to act at a society party."

"Not good?"

"Not good. I won't go into details bug I would seriously consider hiring get another journalist to help carry her or cut her lose all together." I told him simply,

"Can't say I'm surprised, reading her past few articles she handed directly to me. I wasn't impressed."

"Whoa, wait what? She went around me to give you articles directly,"

"Yeah, I also thought that was inappropriate." He sighed, "How did she behave at the party."

"If I hadn't been there I don't think you'd have any friends." I explained to him a number of ways that she was no appropriate at the party especially her choice of dress, plummeting neckline and back cut which normally I would not be a stickler about showing some skin but at a society party where most of the guests are 60 plus, not appropriate.

"I have a few other resumes with portfolio's I'd actually like you to look at."

"You-you'd what?" I stammered in the most unprofessional way,

"I'd like you decide the next journalist I hire. Or at least have a say in it, clearly I'm not the best at it. Except for you, a regular diamond in the rough."

"Thank you Hugo," I stood the shake his hand, and suddenly my stomach lurched I managed to hold it down,

"Rory, are you okay?" he asked, "You're awfully pale."

"I'm just not feeling so well." I replied, he offered me a glass of water which I happily accepted it settled my stomach slightly the same way it had for the past few days…


"Yes?" I asked, Hugo captured my attention once again,

"The portfolios, I haven't looked over them yet so I'll only look at the…let's say 3 that you select. There are 15 here for you to look over." He asked,

"Yes, absolutely. I'll have it back to you, next week?" I asked him,

"Sounds perfect, we'll meet again and sort things out next week. Same day, same time?"

"Sounds great, excuse me." I walked out of his office calmly before darting into a bathroom throwing up in a bathroom stall. I sat on the lid of the toilet, flushing it. I couldn't sit on the bathroom floor in one of my nicest skirts, "Oh my god."

I waited patiently in line before a women who decided to buy and price match the entire freaking store. I was buying two things and she cut me off with a full cart. Who does that? I started tapping my foot as the cashier patiently accepted coupons on top of everything else,

"Do you mind? That's quite rude." She snapped at me,

'You have the nerve to call me rude? You cut me off in line when I'm paying two things!"

"Miss I'll help you at the till here." Another cashier hurried up to a cash just behind us,

"Fine," I turned from the woman in front of me who stared at me with her eyes wide, I'm guessing no one had ever told her off before, if the other lady hadn't opened the other cash I may have dumped her cart on principal…okay I wouldn't have but I would have thought about it really hard.

"Thank you," I sighed and put down my items,

"Would you like a bag?" She offered,

"Yes please, thank you." I smiled kindly at the woman who opened her till for me, "I appreciate you opening your cash I know you were busy on the floor."

"It's not a problem, we're supposed to open when there are more than three people in line. Have a nice day." She smiled and handed me my bag and I hurried out from the store and back to my apartment.

"Ace! Where are you?" Logan called when he came into the house,

"I'm here, what?" I ran out from the bedroom and hurried downstairs,

"What? You were supposed to call me when you got out of your meeting 2 hours ago!"

"I, I got distracted. I'm sorry I didn't mean to worry you." I apologized and kissed him gently,

"What distracted you?"

"I-," a ding interrupted me from my phone, "I think I'm pregnant."

"What? You're pregnant? That's great news! You still call me about that!"

"I don't know for sure, I've just been feeling sick been kind of moody and I threw up earlier. I bought a pregnancy test and litre of water and its been three minutes."

"I don't know what 3 minutes means."

"That it takes three minutes to get a result on the pregnancy test."

"Oh okay. Do you want to go check?"

"Yeah," I smiled, we walked upstairs holding hands and Logan stood in front of me while I picked up the pregnancy test.

"Well? Ace, you're killing me."

"I'm pregnant."