This is an OC story so please don't hate on me for that. This is me testing out writing for the first time ever with someone I'm comfortable portraying, so some advice and reviews would be nice.
Just...don't shoot me down with a bazooka.
This story will KIND of follow the canon timeline, and because I am an inexperienced writer, the characters might (but let's be honest, probably will be) OOC, so please bear with me.
The story begins around the time Gol D. Roger was executed, and will jump-skip-hop to current time eventually.
And finally...
I do not own One Piece or any reference that may be seen in this story, intentional or not.
Thank you for your patience.
Chapter One: Gains and Losses
When he inherited the title of the 'greatest swordsman', he was unprepared for all the burden that came with it. But then again, he would have never thought the title would come with a child.
"You'll take care of her."
But there's very little he will deny his sister.
"Of course."
He knelt down next to his death ridden sister, eyes heavy with regret and sorrow and gently picked up the small child. She gave him a weak smile as approval when he shifted the child in his arms, careful not to stir her awake.
"I'm sorry I didn't let you win the title," his sister whispered, only pausing to force a painful cough out and to wheeze for more air.
"That's the least of his worries now," a raspy voice called out, alerting them of a new presence. Mihawk turned to see a snow-haired man covered in blood staggering over before collapsing next to the woman. "Maybe worry if he's e-ever going to get laid. "
The dying couple giggled and despite the blood pooling around them, they were still able crack jokes about his virginity.
That he lost a while back just not in the way they think but they don't need to know that.
"Oh my god, my brother is still untouched as the falling snow, " Minai managed to half gasp, half giggle in response.
"I am not-"
"That's...that's another regret I'm having," the man giggled hysterically. Oh how he just wanted to end their misery early; it would be quick and painless, too. "Not barging in his sex life."
"...You both sound energetic for dying people," Mihawk snipped, only slightly insulted that they now choose the time to make fun of him. The two still continued to shake in laughter, only stopping when they started coughing blood. Mihawk tightened his grip on their baby before softly asking, "Is this what you truly want, Minai? Irin? To place your daughter's life in my hands?"
"You will take care of Eleison," Irin answered confidently, raising his hand up and gripped the swordsman's knee. Although it should have been a comforting gesture, he could only feel the heavy weight of burden fall harder on his shoulders. "Because -"
"I will haunt your untouched ass otherwise and you know I will," Minai finished. A small smile graced her lips before shutting her eyes, her life finally running on it's last flames. "I'll just...be predictable and regret she won't know us, So don't fail us."
And they couldn't even begin to fathom what kind of expectation he was given. They placed their world into his hands, and Mihawk knows what they expect from him. So many chances for him to fail, for the child to die, for him to ruin her future.
But this ruined house stained with blood and death left little room to refuse.
When Shanks saw the baby nestled in Mihawk's arms, the first thing that he thought was that the man knocked up some poor, unsuspecting woman.
The second thing that he thought was that baby is an angel that descended to earth.
Shanks was camped out on an island again, happily isolated from the rest of the world when the swordsman came to visit, and that alone was enough to call for a celebration. Seeing the cute and adorable child was like finding that extra beer barrel from nowhere. Despite being overly ecstatic about the baby, he felt a growing dread rise from the pit of his stomach, yet he couldn't pinpoint the reason why.
"Hawk-Eyes! It's been a while since I last saw you! Now hand over that bundle of joy!" Shanks greeted, his arms already held out. He beckoned with his fingers, his enthusiastic smile just growing wider, and if it stretched any more he swears his jaw will actual lock and will be renamed the Maniac Smiler.
"You're more likely to drop her than I am, so no," his great friend replied with a scoff, brushing past him to head deeper into his lovely abode. The image of Mihawk with a baby is still amazing in itself, so he couldn't help but jump to conclusions.
He followed the man inside his current residence, which was a small camp smack dab in the middle of a jungle, all the while trying to imagine different scenarios that would result a Mihawk plus baby.
"So old Mihawk finally got some action, eh?" Shanks said suggestively, wiggling his eyebrows in emphasis. "Was she..." He cupped his hands and made a squeezing motion. "Or more..." He traced an hourglass in the air.
Behind him, his crew was snickering quietly, probably doing their best not to offend the swordsman. Said swordsman just sighed, choosing to sit down than to answer. After a moment of uncomfortable silence, Shanks burst out in laughter in hopes of dissipating the silence.
"Come on, there's no shame! Who's the luc-"
"Minai is dead." So trying to joke his way through this wasn't the answer; couldn't blame him for trying, with this cloud of despairing doom hanging over their heads.
"So is Irin." This caused everyone to bustle around in agitated whispers, possible scenarios already being traded around like hot gossip.
Shanks couldn't say anything as he slowly took in this information. Dracule Minai and Silas Irin. Dead. He didn't think that was physically possible. Even as he was still trying to wrap his head around this, Mihawk continued on, as if he was trying to rip the band-aid off.
"There was an attack. Minai was already too weak from giving birth to help Irin, who took the brunt of the poison. Irin still killed them all, but Minai was also hit with the poison. Their child, however, remained safe from harm."
Shanks couldn't believe what he was hearing. Judging off Beckman's face, hell, his whole crew, they couldn't either.
He opened his mouth to say something comforting, but all that came out was another bellow of silence.
"What's her name?" Everyone turned to Beckman, a calm facade already in place. "The child. "
Mihawk was silent for a few seconds, choosing instead to look at the baby who was slowly waking up. A quiet noise dispelled the silence, and Shanks couldn't help but melt in love for the adorable baby.
"Eleison. Dracule Eleison," he heard Mihawk whisper softly. Shanks watched the man offer a finger to the fussing baby, who immediately latched on in delight. The sight of a domestic Mihawk was actually much more terrifying than imagined.
"That's a beautiful name," Beckman replied as he smiled in approval, completely ignoring Shanks' look of horror. Shanks shook himself out of his stupor, choosing instead to crawl towards Mihawk, and ultimately, little Eleison. When he got close enough, he couldn't help but to coo at the cute child. When the baby graced him with her attention and a small, meaningless babble, Shanks felt his heart swell in love and swooped the baby right out of his sparring partner's arms.
"OH YOU LITTLE BEACON OF EVERLASTING ADORABLENESS." Behind him, he vaguely registered twin sighs and a bunch of squawking, probably from Beckman, Mihawk, and his crew.
They just don't appreciate happiness when they see it. Nor can they see his brilliant plan.
He's going to shower little Eleison enough love to make sure she never feels sad about losing her parents, and then some.
Perfect plans are perfect plans.
"She has her mother's eyes."
Mihawk looked up and met Beckman's eyes, the man giving a small nod in sympathy. It was obvious, judging by the deep circles under his eyes, that he had little to no sleep with that little bundle of terror around.
Needless to say, these past few days were stressful for the swordsman. The baby wasn't as fussy or annoying he initially feared, however there was still too much he didn't know.
Apparently babies love waking up at the dead of the night.
And then waking him up.
And need constant attention.
Above all, they wail. A lot.
"And her father's hair. "
He turned back to see Shanks still squealing at little Eleison, an idiotic smile plastered on his idiot face. If it wasn't for the man's superior swordsmanship, he would have no respect for the captain.
"Who's a cute baby?! THAT'S RIGHT, YOU ARE! SO CUTE! UNCLE SHANKS IS GOING TO SPOIL YOU! OHH YES HE IS!" Shanks cooed, lifting the baby into the air and twirling around. Mihawk could almost see flowers and hearts hovering in the background as Shanks continued to act stupid. "Can't have grumpy Uncle Mihawk raining on your sunshine and rainbows!"
Actually, he wonders why this man is still alive.
"I don't remember letting you be her 'uncle' or even letting you near her," Mihawk said irritably, walking over and holding his hands out for the child. "And I believe it is time for us to go-"
"Don't wanna!" Shanks pouted, holding the babbling baby closer. Mihawk's hand twitched in annoyment at the redhead's antics. He was already exhausted from one child; the last thing he needed was for this idiot captain to act as a second.
"Don't be foolish, hand her over," Mihawk growled out, stepping forward again for the child. Shanks jumped farther back and held her closer, almost crushing the child to his chest.
"No! I wanna spend more time with baby Sion! She's going to grow up so fast, and then...AND THEN...SHE'LL COME HOME WITH A BOY-"
The Red Hair Pirates and the greatest swordsman watched as the captain grew more frantic, his hysteric cries reaching in volume. Mihawk briefly wondered if he could get away with killing their captain; he would be doing them a favor, really.
"Oi oi, captain, you're scaring the baby," Beckman cut in, stopping him mid rant. Sure enough, the child has long stopped her nonsense babbling, instead little tears were threatening to fall.
And none of the pirates were prepared for the absolute despair she unleashed on their ears.
"Wuh...WAHHHHHHH!" Eleison screamed right into Shanks unsuspecting eardrum, and even Mihawk felt bad for his sparring partner when the man staggered a bit at the sheer power of her vocal cords.
Mihawk, already long used to her death screech, immediately swooped in and pulled the wailing child out of Shanks' arms, quickly trying to calm his niece and prevent the island from being destroyed.
"Quiet, little one. There is nothing to fear," he murmured softly. He carefully cradled the child in his arms, whispering calming words into her ear. Even if she couldn't understand, his soothing tone succeeded in quelling the loud cries into tiny sniffles.
"Wow...you're not half bad at this parenting thing!" Shanks laughed loudly, his eardrum shot to death by Eleison's unearthly wail.
"Compared to you, any kind of parenting is amazing," Beckman muttered, causing the crew to snicker in agreement.
"O-oi! What did I say about bad talking the captain!?" Shanks said, his feelings mock hurt.
"Only to do it if you passed out or drop dead drunk?"
Mihawk sighed as the two started bickering, having been long used to this outcome. He turned around to walk away from the concentrated stupidity (Shanks), but the man threw himself onto Mihawk's back, sniffling into his shoulder.
"You're going to make her cry again, " Mihawk hissed, shielding Eleison from the snot riddled man. Immediately, the man flew off his back, backpedaling until he hit a tree. Figures that the red head idiot would have no problem being an annoying ass to the greatest swordsman, but would be scared shitless by a baby barely a year old.
"N-no need to cry, little Sion," Shanks laughed nervously, his smile awkwardly twitching in fear. "N-Nothing to b-be scared if while uncle S-Shanks is here!"
"Our fearless captain, " Beckman sighed, causing his crew to burst into laughter once more.
"Sion?" The crew's laughter died down as they redirected their attention to Mihawk. "Why are you calling her that?"
They all turned back to Shanks, who stared back, his dumbfounded smile still plastered on. The cricket silence that followed was laughable as it was cliche, and yet it still floated into the crowd like an awkward balloon.
"Eh? W-Well...Eleison, Sion! Like a cute nickname!" Shanks reasoned. He even looked proud of himself for coming up with that pathetic excuse of an idea. Mihawk should have expected that kind of reasoning from him; he should really knock down his expectation a peg or two down. Or all the way down. Or just give up and bury it six feet under. Instead he just sighed and turned around to head towards his coffin boat, prepared to leave the island and the idiot captain.
"...I see. I'm going, then."
Best to escape before the idiot throws himself at him like one of those idiot damsels.
"B-But BABBYYYY!" Shanks wailed again, getting up in preparation to throw himself as a human projectile.
"Are you suggesting that you want to take care of Irin's child?" Mihawk asked idly, not even bothering to turn around. And immediately, the dead silence returned, happily accompanied by growing horror as memories shuttered by through everyone's minds.
"Don't forget Minai is her mother," Mihawk continued, feeling the need to add fuel to the fire. He briefly glanced over his shoulder, curious of their expressions, and was rewarded looks of pure, undeniable terror.
He didn't realize how much his dear, departed sister terrorized the seas in her golden days.
That woman was truly the devil reincarnated.
He glanced back towards Shanks once more, silently waiting for his new retort, if any. The man stood there, gaping like a fish and cringing his hands for words, before a brilliant smile dazzled him.
"You'll be a great dad! Good luck!"
He figured that would work. He continued walking away towards his boat, ready to set sail and start a 20-year plan for Eleison that would most likely involve a sword, Haki, and cooking.
"Hey Mihawk!" The swordsman turned around again to face the captain, too tired to do anything else in protest and ready to deal with anything ranging from a bullet to sobbing. "If you ever need anything, the Red Haired Pirates are your friends. Especially me, got it!?"
The whole crew roared in agreement, lifting what weapons they had into the air as Shanks stood proud. Mihawk gave the smallest smile and briefly bowed his head in thanks, knowing those words will ring true regardless of the problem. Without saying anything, Mihawk turned back and continued walking away from the loud cheers, and in that moment, he truly believed that he could raise little Eleison just fine.
And yay. Slow progress, but it's progress. Tell me what you think!