
1. this is my first attempt at a fic. I am hoping that it doesn't completely suck.

2. I am completely aware that my grammar is absolutely horrendous

3. I am hoping for feedback on this first chapter, both positive and negative (just nicely).

4. I am probably got to rate this story T, just to be safe and for some sensitive topics in later chapters.

5. OUAT nor its characters belong to me, not infringement intended. Only supporting O/C are mine.

6. I want to give a shoutout to oncerforlifeig for The Daughter I never had, Carlet for Unconditionally, and xautumnrosex for Home is in Your Arms. All of these stories and Authors have inspired me to try and write my own fic. Everyone should check out these amazing fics.

7. Ignore the really crappy cover image, got all images from Google

8. Last point, I am not a expert on any of the topics I am writing about so if anyone has better information please feel free to message me. My research comes from tv shows and Google.

Three hours and twelve minutes. August Booth has been walking this deserted road for three hours and twelve minutes. Its mid October and freezing, August pulls his leather jacket tighter around his body, re-adjusts his backpack, stuffs his hands into his coat pockets, and keeps walking hoping for something to indicate that he is getting close to a town. Just when August was about to stop walking and take a break he sees a wooded sign, 'Storybrooke, what kind of name is Storybrooke?Whatever I just hope there is a B&B and someplace to eat , I'm starving'. Just as August crossed the town boarder he sees a car coming towards him, as it gets closer he can read the side, Sheriff. 'Great, just what I need.' The car pulls up next to August and rolls the window down. The sheriff is a light skinned man with a kind scruffy beard, brown hair and eyes. The sheriff tilts his head to the side and asks, "Hey, you lost?" August knows he can't get into trouble, he needs this town to work, it has to. So August replies, "Kinda, I'm looking for someplace to sleep and eat." The sheriff looks at August and say, "Alright get in. I'll take you to the center of town; there is Granny's Diner and attached is the Bed and Breakfast." August opens the car door and slides in. The sheriff turns to August and holds out his hand, he says, "names Sheriff Graham Humbert, but you can call me Graham" August looks at the hand debating in his head if he should give his real name or use one of his old aliases. August decides to use his real name. August turns his body, grabs Graham's hand, give a firm shake and says "August, my name is August Booth, but you can call me August".

A/N: so this was the first chapter, short I know the next chapter will be a lot longer.

I just wanted to mention that the Italics are internal thoughts.

Hope you enjoyed!