Disclaimer: This story is written for entertainment purposes only, no profit is made. I do not own the characters or the show, I'm only borrowing them for my own entertainment and will return them unharmed.

A/N: Happy Ship Day, everyone!

I've never taken part of the ship holidays before but... here we go.

There's been this "ten drabbles in ten days" thing going on in Gateworld but I've never written a drabble (Writing in a foreign language I tend to write around the words I don't know. Makes it hard to fit anything worth saying into 100 words.) so I wasn't going to take part. Then I saw the complete list of prompts on the shipday thread and my muse decided that it wants to play after all.

So... This is more like "ten drabbles in 3 hours" and I have no idea if I've done this even remotely right but here it is anyway.

The stories aren't exactly 100 words but I think they're close enough that it counts.

These ten little snippets belong to the same story arc and contain spoilers throughout the SG-1 and Stargate Atlantis shows.

Chance encounters

"Drowning your sorrows, sir?"

"Those bastards can swim," he said and downed what was left of his beer. "But I'm giving them one hell of a workout."

"Mind if I join you?" Her glass held a double whiskey.

"Probably a bad idea." But his arm was already gesturing go ahead.

"You're probably right, sir," she admitted and sat down.

"Wanna talk?"

"I thought we agreed not to."

"Women are allowed to change their minds."

A little shrug and half a smile, and Sam realized it would have to be her who takes things out of that room, he would never make the first move. She downed half her whiskey, then slid the glass to him across the table. They had a hypothesis to test, about sorrows and swimming.