Hello! Welcome new readers and biig hugs to all of my Carry On fans! This here is a little side story I've been working on for a long time now. Now this is only an intro, I'm still testing the waters when it comes to this story so not a lot is revealed about my new character. This story will not involve Melody Winchester! This is a completely different Supernatural story and in this one, the boys do not have a sister. (sad I know) The story starts out a little bit before the final episode of season 8. It's been a while since I've actually watched season 8 so if you're wondering why Kevin is in the bunker...don't worry about it. He was just visiting...? Anyway! I hope you all enjoy this new story of mine! Let me know what you all think!

Disclaimer: I do not own Supernatural...I only own my original character, Mary...

"You have to go! Now! I'll hold them off!"

"No there's still time! We can both leave!"

The last thing she remembers is watching him fight for his life while she held back a scream and reached out for him, the power of the portal pulling her away.

"No what I don't understand is where this whole…healthy thing comes from." Dean grimaced, sniffing the odd yellow stuff Sam was currently smearing across a cracker. Sam just smirked, popping the cracker into his mouth and chewing slowly.

"Dean, it's called humus, and it's delicious. You should try some, you might like it." He pushed the small pack of crackers towards his brother. And all Dean could do was eye the humus warily. He opened his mouth to retort, obviously ready to start up another silly bantering argument with his brother mostly for the sake that they were both incredibly bored. The bunker was abnormally quiet lately. Not that the boys didn't mind a little break, but they were starting to get a little stir crazy. Even Kevin was having a hard time, and he was pouring through books in the library for fun. Dean almost scoffed, he would never understand his brother's and Kevin's enjoyment of books. They were such nerds.


The brother's looked back at the entrance to their kitchen, finding Kevin sprinting through the doorway, panting, sweating and wide eyed. He was obviously stressing about something. And that something was obviously very big. Dean and Sam went immediately into business mode, completely forgetting about their previous conversation and focusing completely on the young, terrified man in their kitchen.

"Kevin what's wrong?" Sam asked reaching out his hands ready to catch the kid should he pass out. And from what Dean was seeing, Kevin was pretty close to it. The prophet threw up his hands, shaking them around, opening and closing his mouth.

Dean held out his hands, grabbed Kevin's shoulders and gave them a slight squeeze, "Whoa, whoa Kev, slow down. Breathe." But Kevin didn't breath, he just shook his head and turned on his heel, sprinting out of the kitchen.

"Follow me!"

The brothers merely glanced at each other before running after Kevin, shouting for him to slow down the whole way. Kevin wound his way through the halls of the bunker, never slowing down and never looking back. By the time he finally came to an awkward halt in the middle of the library, the Winchesters were equally out of breath and exhausted.

Kevin leaned his hands on his knees before slowly reaching up and pointing with a shaking finger, "There…look…"

Dean and Sam followed and both froze. Somehow, a girl had ended up in the library of their underground bunker. And, by some miracle, Kevin had managed to get her tied up and blind folded into one of the wooden chairs surrounding the large table in the middle of the room. She was awake, struggling against the restraints on her wrists and obviously pissed. She was dressed a bit strangely. Black tights, but they were battered and nearly falling apart, and a pair of worn combat boots. They couldn't see her shirt because of her closed up jacket. It was an odd jacket. Military obviously but different. It was a deep blue—almost black—and high collared with brass buttons and a long tail.

She grunted angrily, strawberry blonde hair starting to fall out of her messy braid. She was pale too, with a light feathering of freckles across her nose and large, full lips. Dean and Sam slowly walked towards her, getting her attention. She perked up, freezing in her movements, trying to find whoever was coming closer to her through the blindfold.

"Did she threaten you?" Sam asked glancing back at Kevin. The teenager just shook his head,

"No but…she blasted through that door," he pointed to the far wall at the door that would lead out to their garage, "then she closed up the—I think it was a portal—and…I was so freaked out I just hit her over the head with a book. Tied her up and got you guys."

Dean watched the girl; she was very, very pissed off. And after hearing Kevin's voice her mouth went into a pin straight line. Dean leaned down, "Okay I'm gonna take off this blindfold, don't try anything."

He gingerly reached out and pulled off the blind fold. The girl didn't flinch away from his touch, only kept the same angry scowl on her face. When the fabric fell away from her face she opened up her eyes, revealing a pair of large, green orbs—candy apple green if Kevin had to pick a word for them. She was actually very pretty despite the mess of dirt on her chin. She blinked, momentarily blinded by the lights of the bunker and then finally looked up at Sam and Dean. Kevin stood back and behind the Winchesters, watching carefully. For a moment, he thought he saw a flicker of pain or sadness on her features, but it was quickly wiped away and replaced with annoyance.

"You can get rid of these stupid things on my wrists too. I won't hurt you." She spoke, voice a bit hoarse but otherwise normal sounding, if you ignore the obvious frustration at her situation.

"First," Dean held up a finger, "you tell us who you are and how you got here. Then we see about untying your hands."

Again Kevin thought he saw a flicker of dark emotions flutter over her pale face. She swallowed, dimples becoming more prominent as she began to speak again, this time keeping her eyes focused on the far wall and not looking at anyone in the room. "My name is Mary…" she blinked—were those tears?

Sam, always the gentle one, bent down to be at eye level with her, "Okay. Can you tell us your full name Mary?"

The red-head grimaced, "Mary…Gwendolyn Bishop."

"Right." Dean nodded, obviously not trusting this girl at all. To him, the name sounded fake. But he wouldn't say anything about that now. They had more important matters. "So tell us—Mary, how'd you get here?"

Mary shrugged, "That's my business buddy. Now just untie me already. This whole good cop-bad cop thing is getting old." She grinned, but the Winchesters were obviously not in the joking mood. Mary's grin fell and she rolled her eyes, huffing impatiently. "Fine if you really want to know. I came through a time portal which happened to open up in your library and then shortstop over there freaked out and hit me over the head." She sent a death glare towards Kevin, who only shrank back a bit underneath her piercing stare.

Sam kneeled down, getting eye level with her. He spoke in his most calm and neutral voice, "Why did you come here Mary?"

The red head could only roll her eyes, "To look for you two idiots obviously."

"Why us? What do you want with us?" Sam asked again, and again got more sass from her.

"I'm here to help you defeat the Leviathan."

That made the Winchesters freeze. Sam and Dean both shared an equally confused look before turning back to the girl. "Leviathan?"

Mary nodded, "Yeah Leviathan. You know, big and scary—like to eat people for midnight snacks?" When neither Sam nor Dean responded she let out an exasperated sigh before bending her head down and mumbling to herself. "Oh come on don't tell me I got sent back too far."

"Sent back? Sent back where?" Sam asked to which Mary just got all the more frustrated.

"Back in time genius." She lifted her head to glare up at them, "My mission was to come back in time, help you two idiots defeat Dick Roman and his freaking army of Leviathan and then I can go back home and everything will be peachy-keen."

"You've got quite the attitude for a girl who's still tied up." Dean commented impatiently. "Do you even know who we are kid?"

Mary scoffed, "I'm not your…" but she stopped and seemed to swallow a large lump in her throat. She quickly shook her head—and Kevin hoped he wasn't the only one to notice that she didn't even look Dean in the eye, not once. "Look I'm not a kid alright? And I know who you are—you're Sam and Dean Winchester. And the little guy is Kevin Tran."

"Little?!" Kevin exclaimed, but the brothers weren't paying attention to that right now.

"Alright so you know who we are. But do you know what year this is?" Dean asked her, sauntering to stand in front of her with an air of superiority. At his question, Mary's mouth fell shut. "Ah." Dean said bending down to be eye level with her. "Figured you didn't. See we've dealt with a time traveler before, and he had the same problem."

Mary still kept her eyes away from Dean's. "And what problem is that?" Dean didn't seem to like the fact that she hadn't looked him in the eye yet. With a gentle but firm hand, he took hold of her chin and turned her face towards his own.

"He landed in the wrong year too."

What did you think? Who is Mary Bishop? Why is she in the bunker? Questions abound!

Review, fav and follow! Thanks for reading!