"S-Slow down, Roxas!"
"Not a chance!" the blonde laughed, snapping the reins and digging his heels into the chocobo's sides. The bird warked and began to run even faster, forcing Axel to tighten his hold around the younger boy's waist. "I want to see how fast this old girl can go!"
The redhead shut his eyes tightly, but he heard his friend whoop and holler in front of him, clearly loving every minute of it. Despite his nerves, he smiled at the sound.
The battle of flesh and stone was finally over. It had taken a very long time afterward, but things were moving on. Roxas had recovered, and now, growing tired of the redhead constantly walking home to visit his parents, the prince insisted on teaching the older boy how to ride properly. He claimed that it would make traveling much quicker and less of a hassle for everyone, but so far, these "lessons" of his weren't terribly informative.
That said, it was good to see him in such high spirits. And while Axel would much rather have kept his feet on the ground, he had to admit that the kid was a really good rider. He never seemed nervous or unsure whether he was atop a horse or a chocobo; he just leaned with the animal and guided it with expert hands. It was like he became one with it, and he seemed so confident and happy that Axel couldn't help being in awe of him.
A few guards were riding nearby as well, but they kept their distance as much as possible, as per King Cloud's instructions. There was only so much leeway that he could give Roxas, but his father seemed like a reasonable man; not at all like the uncaring, pompous monarch that Axel had so often envisioned as a child.
The two blondes were talking and understanding one another a lot better now. Cloud could be a worrier, and Roxas could be naive and unrealistic, so they tried to strike a balance between the two, and the current arrangement, mediated by Leon, seemed to be working for the most part.
Suddenly, Axel heard a different cry, and Roxas yelped in front of him, sitting back stiffly and pulling up the reins. The chocobo they were on skidded to a stop, shaking its head and clawing the ground irritably, and the prince leaned forward to pat her neck apologetically.
"Xion, watch where you're going!" he chided, as the dark-haired girl rode up on a blue chocobo with long feathers drooping across its head. "We could have crashed, or the chocobo could have tripped and hurt themselves."
"Sorry!" she said earnestly, scratching the back of her head. Her smiled ruined any illusion of contrition that she could have possibly managed otherwise. "I swerved to avoid this huge tree and I guess we ended up cutting across your path."
"Always pay attention," Roxas said firmly. "We don't need any stupid accidents."
'Especially not you,' Axel thought to himself, unconsciously drawing the smaller boy back against his chest. The blonde glanced back at him curiously, but he just shook his head and nuzzled him playful, making the prince snort a laugh.
For now, he was traveling back and forth and staying at home or the castle for about a week at a time. It was a little tiring sometimes, but it helped with the transition. The redhead knew he was really going to miss his parents once he lived with the Royal Family permanently, and as hard as it could be sometimes, he'd also miss mining. It was a bit strange, knowing that was no longer going to be his future.
But being with Roxas had proved to be more than worth it. Even during the boring times when they had to go see tutors, learning about how to rule the kingdom, the younger boy could find a way to make them more interesting. He could be very dry and witty when the adults' backs were turned, and for some reason, just being around him by itself made Axel want to smile like an idiot.
They still had their occasional arguments and things, but still, Axel wouldn't trade away his best friend and beloved for anything.
"Where'd you guys go?" Everyone looked up just in time to see a blonde girl come trotting in on a pink chocobo. "I thought you both disappeared!"
"Don't get your skirts in a bunch, Namine!" Xion teased, urging her bird forward until they were side by side and ruffling the other girl's hair. "It's not like you can get lost out here."
"That's not the point!"
Axel chuckled as he watched them, still cuddling Roxas close to him. At first, he hadn't known what to make of Namine. She was a princess from a nearby kingdom, and had come with a group of diplomats from her land to try and secure a marriage alliance. More lands would surely be doing the same soon, even with Cloud's official declaration a few months prior. They hoped they could change his mind from this...
'Bizarre, illogical course of action,' Axel thought bitterly, remembering how one of the king's aides had referred to it, thinking no one else was around to hear.
But Namine and her father hadn't known at the time. If they had, the whole awkward situation might not have happened.
In a lot of ways, she was a very good match for Roxas; far better than Axel himself could ever be. She was his age, pretty, kind, female, and most importantly, royalty by birth. She could give him a child someday; someone to rule the kingdom when he didn't have the strength anymore. Axel didn't have these traits, and at first, he half-feared that Cloud would change his mind about their betrothal. But Cloud respectfully explained the situation, and offered Namine's people a binding agreement fostered in friendship.
Soon afterwards, King Terra agreed. He was more than happy to allow his youngest daughter to stay at the castle, and with every stipulation Cloud accepted, he was good to his word. Xion took a liking to Namine immediately, and soon enough, Roxas and Axel warmed up to her as well, the former a bit quicker than the latter. She was nice, if a little shy and hesitant at times, and her skill with paint and brushes was wonderful to behold.
Sometimes, Roxas still seemed amazed by it all. He had gone from having no friends to one to three, all in such a short span of time, but Axel thought he deserved all that and more. He deserved to be happy, surrounded by people who cared about him. Almost everyone did, in the redhead's opinion, but him especially, and he made a point of telling the younger boy so, frequently. Roxas needed to bolster his confidence more.
He blinked, suddenly aware of someone touching his arm. Coming out of his thoughts, Axel looked down to see two crystalline blue eyes staring up at him warmly. Roxas looked amused and a little pensive, but he shook his head as Xion and Namine continued to bicker beside them.
"What are you thinking about?" the redhead asked softly, brushing a rogue curl away from the boy's eye. The blonde gave an amused snort.
"I could ask you the same thing. You spaced out there for a bit."
"Sorry." Axel shrugging one shoulder lightly. "Just letting my thoughts wander. Nothing deep or anything."
Roxas chuckled. "You look cute when you're lost in thought."
"Do I now?" He began tickling the blonde, making him squirm in the saddle. "Well, now I actually can think, because you're not speeding us off a cliff edge or something!"
"F-Fraidy cat!" Roxas swatted his hands away and shoved him back lightly. "H-Hey! Stop it!"
"Oh Lovebirds!"
With a grin, Axel looked up to see Xion and Namine's chocobos walking away. The black-haired girl casually waved over her shoulder.
"We're heading back for lunch now. Do join us once that lovey-dovey goo is out of your systems, hm?"
Even sitting behind him, Axel saw the prince turn a shade of bright red.
"X-Xion, that's not-!"
"Don't care! Hungry now!" the girl replied teasingly, snapping her reins. The blue chocobo warked and took off at full speed, and Namine followed suit on her bird, giggling as she went. Soon, the boys were left alone in the forest, and as Axel peered around to gauge the boy in front of him, he saw the blonde pouting slightly, arms folded loosely across his lap as he stared at the ground.
As odd as it struck him, Axel knew it wasn't a rare occurrence.
Xion could be rather bold at times, but Axel felt that the subject of their courtship seemed to fluster Roxas more than anything else she mentioned. He had no idea why; the prince always seemed so happy spending time with him. They had become even closer than they were before, the more they just talked and passed the time together.
Could it be that he was unsatisfied after all? The redhead hated to think it, but what if...?
'What if he's having second thoughts?'
It was on the tip of his tongue to ask, but then Roxas caught him staring, leaning over awkwardly in the saddle.
"What?" His tone was more defensive than before, and he looked away quickly. "Is there something on my face?"
"Hey, kid!"
Startled, Axel looked over to see a soldier riding through the trees, pulling up short beside them. It was odd though; none of the guards Axel had met so far would address Roxas so informally. It was always "Prince Roxas," or some such title. That was something that neither Cloud nor Leon usually budged on, when it came to propriety.
"Yes, Cid? Something the matter?" the blonde replied quickly, not seeming put off in the slightest. Axel eyed him sideways. Was he that glad they'd been interrupted?
"Your father has summoned you back to the castle. Nothing too urgent, I think, but best not keep him waiting too long, yeah?"
"Of course. Thank you, Cid." Roxas then glanced over his shoulder. "Hold onto me now. I don't want you falling off again."
Axel snorted back. "Fine. But it's not my fault that you ride like a maniac."
The prince frowned, but said nothing more, focusing back on the path ahead.
"There you are, Son! Xion and Namine were well ahead of you!"
"Father!" Roxas practically leapt down from his chocobo, smiling widely as the king embraced him. Axel got himself down gently, chuckling nervously when the enormous bird eyed him irritably. He'd plucked a few feathers from her without intending it; he was still shaking a little bit, but his hands had clenched down like clamps as he dismounted.
"How was the riding today? Smooth travels, I hope?" Cloud asked, pulling back to nod amiably at the redhead. The boy returned the salute with an easy wave, handing off the reins to one of the grooms who had stepped forward. "I was beginning to worry about you two."
"Just beginning?" the prince quipped back, rolling his eyes. Cloud gave him an unimpressed look. "It was fine, Father. The guards were never far off, but the trail was very nice. It almost felt like they weren't really there at all."
"I'm glad you had fun," said Leon, riding up on the horse he had chosen for that day: an older, speckled palomino gelding. He tended to prefer riding horses, though chocobo could ultimately achieve greater speeds. The Captain dismounted and patted his steed. "Thank you for not dodging my poor men, for once."
Roxas rolled his eyes again, but he nodded and then beckoned the brunet closer for a hug. Leon met him halfway into it before he twisted the boy around and roughly tousled his hair, pinning the prince to his chest with one arm.
"Forget it, brat! You've had this coming all day!"
Axel watched this all, amused, but he also felt a bit lost. Of course now Roxas would act like nothing had ever happened, and if he tried to ask him about that moment in the forest (or any other such event, for that matter), the blonde would duck his questions. Very rarely did he get really defensive about it, but it certainly seemed to strain things between them, even if just slightly.
'What is going on with him?'
The group eventually made their way into the Great Hall, where Xion and Namine waited at the High Table. There was no one else hanging about at the moment, but the usual lunch area, the kitchen, was busy being cleaned and prepped for an upcoming feast. Anyone who was not crucial staff or the King himself was shooed out and made to wait for whatever it was that they wanted.
Roxas's father pulled him aside to speak in private, so Axel occupied himself talking with the girls, amusing himself particularly when he stole bits of their food from them. It wasn't hard, given how often they turned to bicker with one another. If he hadn't known better, Axel would have called them an old married couple, and Namine in particular was easily distracted.
Xion, now out from under her cruel parents' shadows, had turned into a churning ball of impish energy, and however she coexisted with Roxas's twin, Ventus, seemed to have mostly been settled. How or why, Axel hadn't the faintest idea, but Xion seemed to find a way to make them both happy.
At times, she would even let Ventus speak through her. He'd personally found it strange and slightly unnerving, the first time, but Cloud and Roxas had broken down and hugged her, begging to know the son and brother they had lost so long ago. It made Axel feel like he was intruding again, and he'd quickly chosen to give them all some time alone.
Sometimes he still struggled to come to terms with all of this magic nonsense, even if he'd seen it with his own eyes. It felt like some sort of bizarre dream...
Overall, it was strange, this little family they had formed together, but Axel was so happy to be a part of it. Sometimes his own parents were even invited to the castle as well, welcomed as honored guests to meet with the king and check up on the wellbeing of their son. Feasts and grand events were now open to them as well, and they had gotten to know his little budding group of friends very well in a short amount of time.
"That Prince Zack of Nibel sure is a dream, isn't he?" Xion sighed dreamily.
'So it's about boys again,' Axel thought, rolling his eyes. For someone who had once been so confused and even repulsed by humans, the former goblin girl seemed to be adapting to human attractions fairly quickly.
"It's such a shame that he's fallen for that stuck-up bitch, Princess Tifa."
"Xion!" Naming looked at her, aghast. "Don't say such things!"
"Well, it's true, isn't it? She's ever so confident in her looks, isn't she? Not that I'd ever have a chance with him, of course..." She trailed off then, frowning slightly. "Oh, what would you know about that, Ven?...Well, that's your opinion, and I'll thank you to keep it to yourself!"
"What's he saying?" the blonde princess asked excitedly, eyes wide. She seemed to have no problem believing in magic and spirits, despite never having seen one for herself. Axel rolled his eyes again, snickering as Xion began ranting like she'd lost her mind, pausing occasionally to mutter something unflattering at Namine. From what the dark-haired girl had described, Ventus could be bitingly sarcastic when he wanted to be.
As time went on, the redhead glanced back over at Roxas, only to find him facing away, writing in a large book spread over the corner of the table. A ledger, maybe?
Cloud and Leon were directing him, and he seemed intently focused on his work, his sharp blue eyes scanning the details before him. It had to be some affair of state. Axel had been privy to a few of those recently, and they had bored damn-near him senseless, but the little blonde looked positively enthralled as he studied it.
'He'll make a good king someday.' the redhead thought to himself. 'Far better than I would have...'
"Care to join us for some cards, Axel?" Namine asked then, drawing him out of himself. The boy blinked, then smiled.
"Sure. Why not?"
As he and the girls made to leave, he almost missed the glint as blue eyes shifted upwards, fixing on him.
The expression in them, however fleeting, made him nervous somehow.
"What's going on with you lately?"
"Nothing's going on with me. Why? Is something going on with you?"
"Cut the bull, Roxas!" Axel pounded his fist on the desk. After dinner that evening, everyone had retired fairly early, and Axel had snuck out of his little room nearby to come and speak with his beloved alone. He wasn't going to put up with this confusing behavior anymore.
"If you've changed your mind about us, then just say so already!"
The blonde's startled expression faltered then.
"What are you talking about?"
The older boy shook his head, looking out the window so that the prince wouldn't see him looking so distraught. His heart was hoping this was all just some misunderstanding, but then, what could it be instead?
"You've been acting weird lately...like you're ashamed."
"What?! No!" A hand clamped onto each of his forearms, but Axel still couldn't bring himself to look at the boy. "Axel, why would I ever think that?! I love you!"
"Then why?" His hands clenched into fists at his side. "You get distant whenever someone talks about us. O-Or you start freaking out at these little things...I mean, what else am I supposed to-?"
He was stopped before he could finish. In that moment, Roxas pressed their lips together.
The redhead was surprised, and he wasn't sure how to respond right now. He still felt unsure and hurt, and this wasn't really an answer to his question...not really.
But the blonde enfolded him in warm arms, weaving his fingers into his hair and tugging the taller boy's head down, every little movement beckoning him still closer, deeper into that warmth. Roxas tasted wonderful, as usual, and he had only gotten better at kissing with each attempt he made. This kiss was tender and sweet, but it still made the corners of Axel's mind go a bit fuzzy, feeling those soft lips caressing his own.
The redhead almost wished he could just quiet his turbulent thoughts this time, if only so that he could properly enjoy this moment.
He went to pull the prince back away from him, but Roxas moved first, looking deeply into his eyes.
"I love you, Axel," he said seriously, laying extra emphasis on the middle word. "I could never regret having you in my life like this. You are so wonderful..."
Then, unexpectedly, he glanced to the side and began to blush.
"What is it?" He gently touched a pale cheek. "Roxas?"
The blonde bit his lip slightly. "It's only that...I've been thinking about this for a long time now, a-and I wasn't quite sure how to broach the subject..."
Shy, but sparkling blue eyes met his own once again.
"Do you promise not to freak out on me?"
Axel felt his eyebrows raise high. "It really depends on what it is you want, Rox. Why don't you just come right out and say it?"
A sigh. "Yes, you're right." He took a slow, deep breath, then continued bravely.
"W-Would you be willing to...u-um...that is...w-want to make love with me?!"
"Oh." Axel's eyebrows shot up even higher, and he was sure he felt his face blazing with color. That...was not something he had ever expected. At least, not so soon, anyway.
He'd be lying if he said that he never thought of such a thing. The more time they spent together, the more Axel couldn't help but notice how charming the other boy was. He had an adorable expression when he was frustrated, scrunching up his brow and pursing his lips together like he was deep in some troubling thought. It made Axel want to kiss it away, until nothing but a smile was left. And his laugh was exactly what Axel imagine sunshine would sound like, supposing it even had one to begin with. It sounded especially good as his head bobbed, sunlight delicately lighting his golden spikes. 'Like that one time in the courtyard, that sunny morning...'
Roxas was, quite simply, beautiful. Axel was almost sure of it...it was only natural that...well, those sort of feelings had developed.
'Except it's not quite natural, is it?' he thought guiltily, remembering what he had thought of his parents as a child. 'Loving a man as you would a woman.'
The prince, hopefully oblivious to his thoughts, blushed even brighter and looked down quickly.
"I-I'm sorry. I-I hesitated to ask just because I...I thought that-"
"Not to say that I don't want to..." the older boy began, holding up a hand to stop him. The prince blinked, but then his expression became...worried?
'Oh gods. I hope he didn't hear what I thought just now.' Nothing like that had happened since the keyblades had vanished, but the look on Roxas's face then...
"I thought there would be plenty of time," Axel continued then, mouth suddenly going dry. "You're only 15, after all."
"Almost 16," the blonde corrected quietly. It almost sounded sullen.
Axel nodded with a wave. "15, 16. I just worried that you might see that as a little too soon..."
"I might have, once," Roxas said then, looking at him with his whole heart in his eyes. "The whole time I was laying in bed back then, thinking any time I could just...die, a-and then that would be the end of it..."
"No," he said sternly. "Please, let me finish...I never knew what moment might be my last. Even now, who knows what the future holds? What if something were to happen to me? To you?
I remember thinking that I... I-I wanted to hold you." Still blushing, the prince lowered his eyes to his hands, now being held tightly together at his waist. "L-Love shows you how much you care about each other...that is what I read once. I wanted to ask you, then, because I love you, and you said that you love me..."
"I do," Axel replied softly, reaching out and grasping the younger boy by the shoulders. "Make no mistake. Ilove you, or else I wouldn't have worried you were having second thoughts."
"T-Then...would you...?" Were those tears? "I don't know how, but I want to..."
Unable to respond, Axel bent forward and kissed Roxas again, this time holding nothing back. A part of him whispered that it was still too soon, that the two of them had much growing left to do, that this could very well be wrong...but a stronger voice inside of him was consumed with joy. Roxas wasn't changing his mind! In fact, Roxas actually desired him! Desired him and wanted to share his own body, with him! Axel!
"Are you sure?" he panted, drawing back slightly when they finally broke apart. Roxas frowned at that. "I only ask because I'd hate to push you. This kind of thing is...special, you know?"
He could feel himself blushing again, but from how those features softened, he knew that the blonde had understood. He didn't want to scare him. He didn't want to lose him in any way, least of all by some thoughtless-
"Please. I've wanted this more than anything..."
With a longing moan, Axel acquiesced.
Despite the fevered kisses, they undressed slowly, each helping the other tenderly. Roxas's eyes were shining even brighter; his cheeks were beautifully flushed, and encouragement poured freely from his swollen lips. But as they removed their pants, the prince curled inward slightly, hugging himself tightly.
"Don't. You're beautiful, Roxas."
Axel kissed the side of his throat until he began to relax, tilting his head to the side to allow for better access. Meanwhile, he let his hands creep slowly up his lover's sides, touching soothingly as he pressed him backwards, in a slow but purposeful progression towards the bed.
When they reached it, the redhead gently guided Roxas down onto it, gazing at his body with frank admiration.
"Is this still okay for you?" he asked again, hesitant at the idea of hurting the boy. And his gaze shifted downward, as if magnetically drawn, thrilled to see Roxas's arousal. His love for him was plain to see, and despite a small spike of embarrassment, Axel felt himself stirring in answer.
If this was indeed wrong, how could it feel this right?
"Y-Yes!" The blonde nodded, but didn't look up fully. "Just please..." He tugged the redhead down by his arms.
He smiled helplessly, charmed by his lover's shyness and longing.
Axel knelt on the covers, and then there were hands cupping his cheeks, caressing softly as Roxas pulled him in for another kiss. It seemed that the less time and freedom he had to stare, the more bold the younger boy became, and the kiss became wild again, even as Axel pressed him down, his whole body feeling the thrill of skin on skin.
He shifted slightly to find a better angle, and then stopped, shocked, as a tingling warmth spread out from his belly.
Roxas moaned into his mouth then, and as they broke apart, the blonde was just as wide-eyed as he.
"W-Was that good?" Axel mumbled, wondering if they had felt the same thing just then.
"Y-Yes." Roxas's hips bucked upward, and he shivered and mewled when their members slid together again. "M-More..."
They lay together, exploring every new touch and motion. Axel was almost happy to remain that way, if not for the growing need to be inside of Roxas. It was this instinctive feeling, one that he did not completely understand, but not altogether alien. It was a sort of hunger...
Finally, he pulled back and sat up, shuddering as his lover whimpered in protest.
"Don't stop..."
"Here...Relax for me, Rox." Sticking two fingers into his mouth, he spread the boy's legs, swallowing as he saw the place he was about to enter.
Though he had never done this before himself, Axel was not completely ignorant of sex. He had overheard some of the older village boys from time to time - more than he had cared to hear - and knew that men would sometimes use a girl's...other opening, if they feared they might get her with child otherwise. If such a thing was possible for a woman, it had to be true of men as well, didn't it?
"What are you- ngh!" Roxas winced and shook his head as the first finger entered him, grimacing slightly. "That stings..."
"I'm sorry," he replied honestly, leaning forward to quickly kiss the boy again. He was sure it felt weird, but it had to feel good at some point. Otherwise, why would anybody ever do it this way?
"It feels...too weird."
"Just try to relax," the redhead said hoarsely, his quiet voice dripping with desire. "My gods, you feel amazing, Roxas."
As he continued to stretch the blonde, Axel reached out and took Roxas's length into his hand. The prince stopped cringing the more he stroked the sensitive flesh, and soon he was moaning, thrusting into both touches. A second fingered entered him shortly after, and while the pain did seem to renew, the younger boy quickly adjusted to the stimulation.
Roxas's cries made his blood boil. Every time he writhed and gasped underneath him, Axel felt a surge of power and pleasure course through him. Enflamed by his lover's passion, he kissed him again, withdrawing his fingers so that he could grab hold of the boy and pull him as close as possible.
"I love you," he whispered, moist breath right against his lips.
"I love you too," the blonde murmured, stroking his back and shoulders and nestling against the older boy's chest.
They came together in a moment of blissful eternity. The time they spent locked to one another seemed endless and yet painfully brief at the same time, but they were only aware of that once it was over. Axel groaned, low and deep, moving slowly so as not to hurt the prince, while Roxas fought against his urge to slam upward and force him all the way in. It was painful, Axel could tell, but new sensations seemed to be coming with it, overtaking it, until there was nothing left but a slight discomfort.
Curiosity, joy, pleasure; all these things the redhead felt so keenly, and as Roxas whispered Axel's name like a prayer, over and over again in his ear, he knew the other boy could feel them too. He knew exactly what his lover was feeling, and as he pulled back and pushed forward, as gently as he could, the two boys cried out in unison, uncaring if their voices echoed in the now sweltering room around them.
Roxas was hot inside; hot and tight and soft as velvet. The blonde felt like a second skin around his length, and he moaned wantonly, beginning to move with purpose and force. Roxas lifted his legs and clamped them around his waist, rocking his hips upward and pulling the redhead in deeper with every thrust. His cock bobbed between them, sliding against their stomaches, and he shuddered violently, curling into his lover and clinging to him as tightly as he did back then. 'The day the castle flooded...'
All coherent thought soon ceased for him, and the pleasure was too much to bear. Axel released the tension just as a soft cry came from the blonde, and as he pulsed and spent himself inside Roxas, he could feel Roxas releasing against their chests and stomaches. The younger boy's face was gorgeous, his lips glistening as they parted widely, soundlessly crying out more into the night. Axel leaned in and claimed those lips yet again, relishing in the tongue that then pushed insistently against his mouth.
His arms gave out and he fell on top of the prince, causing them both to grunt into the kiss. They were reluctant to draw apart again, to rush past the thrumming, comforting lazy bliss of the afterglow, but finally, Roxas began to wiggle beneath him, pulling his head back with a whine.
"You're heavy...get off..."
Chuckling, the older boy did, and he grabbed a corner of the quilt to wipe away the sweat and sex from their skin. Once done, he tucked himself against the blonde's side, cradling him against his chest as if he were the most precious gift in the world.
Despite how sappy it was, that wasn't too far from the truth.
Though he was facing away, Roxas's hand raised and slid itself through his hair, scraping gently along his scalp and parting the strands with ease. With a sigh and a shiver, Axel closed his eyes and leaned into the attention, nuzzling the prince's throat and ear contentedly.
In that moment, he wanted Roxas by his side forever. He wanted to fight with him, argue with him, tease him, and every other little unpleasant thing that came with courtship, simply because it was Roxas. Every moment of it would be wonderful, because in the end, they would still return to one another. Nothing would ever tear them apart, because now they belonged together.
"That was wonderful...I love you..."
Blinking his eyes open, Axel looked down as the little blonde rolled over in his arms, his blue eyes piercing his soul like they always seemed to. They looked deep, like the ocean itself, and if this was what drowning felt like, the older boy knew he was doomed. He liked it, probably more than was good for him.
The redhead trailed his fingers across his lover's arm, over the wound that had long since healed, but would never fade.
"And I love you...I hope you'll marry me someday."
Roxas laughed breathily, straining upwards so that he could their heads together slightly.
"Only if you'll be the bride."