A/N:Hello, all! This is my first Gundam Wing fanfiction, but I discovered the show mere months ago and became infatuated with it, and particularly Duo. I know he has a big fanbase. I love the HP/GW crossovers, particularly Two for One Deal and Child of the Wing. However, the Duo-is-Harry fanfictions leave a lot to be desired, most notably for the way they have Duo acting unlike himself. This fanfic will have bashing of wizards, and maybe some OOC characters in the name of Ron and Hermione, but I'll try to keep the Gundam Wing charas IC, especially as I've only seen around 32 episodes of Wing and none of Endless Waltz (gonna get to that after finishing Wing) but I present to you a plausible Harry being a Gundam Boy fic with no OOC-ness. Wish me luck! I'm nervous! But I WANNA write this up and the dream I had earlier today about this story made me keen to write it. Hope ya enjoy! Don't own either Gundam or Harry Potter. I'm headed to bed after I publish this, so I'll see you all in the morning! :D

"I do not fear death. I had been dead for billions and billions of years before I was born, and had not suffered the slightest inconvenience from it." -Mark Twain.

Chapter 1: The death of the savior, ergo the death of the Boy-Who-Lived

There once was a boy named Harry Potter, a boy who was a magical being known as a wizard, but tragically, due to circumstances beyond his control, the young man known as Harry Potter was to have a short life that would be tragically cut short. However, he was to have another chance at life in an entirely different universe, one where he would not be so willing to trust in others easily.

The tale begins a long time ago, in a different world where Harry Potter was not so fortunate in his life as he is now. Let us take a step back and surmise over what makes a human a human and what makes them have the right to have freedom over their lives. If they are different, does that give us the right to control everything they do?

For the world of one Harry James Potter, that, unfortunately, was a big, fat yes. He had been through many horrors since the day he had been born; he had dealt with a crazed megalomaniac in every year of his schooling life who wanted him dead for vaguely threatening reasons, been abused all the time...the list goes on and on, but this is the story of how the Boy who lived met his untimely end.

-Year 5 at Hogwarts-

Harry stared at all his fellow classmates, the ones who had willingly given up everything to be with him until the end, even if it meant losing their lives. They were going to stop Voldemort no matter what. This was what it felt like to be a soldier. He was going to protect Dumbledore's honor. He would repay his debt to the old man.

Once the agreements had been made, Harry went off to be by himself, sitting casually in the Gryffindor common room, when he happened to overhear a conversation between Ron and Hermione, one that he would later regret ever having heard to begin with.

And this was where the hand of fate struck down hard on poor Harry Potter and made his world shatter and break apart. Alas, but he was accustomed to such things.

"Hermione, isn't it about time we stop this madness? We've already gotten in enough trouble with Dumbledore and I'm tired of doing whatever Harry says and living through another year of nearly dying! I'm sick of this crap! Can't we just ditch him?"

"Ron, stop it with this nonsense! Harry is our friend and I'm not going to turn my back on him! You know this idea is foolish! How can we go along with a plan that might result in Harry dying?"

"It benefits me. Better him than me. I've had enough of his idiotic, self-sacrificing nature."

Harry felt his heart break upon hearing those words. With those single, cruel words, Harry Potter's world as he knew it shattered into pieces. He was now fully desperate and ready to disappear.

If this was the way his 'friends' here would treat him at Hogwarts, then he was ready to die. Let Voldemort kill him. Anything was better than living in this nightmare of an existence. He was just an obedient dog, one that rolled over and did what it was told constantly. Well, screw that.

-The Department of Mysteries-

Lucius Malfoy and Bellatrix Lestrange sneered at the puny, scrawny, weak little boy before them. There was no way this boy was ever capable of killing or hurting anyone. He was just worthless and pathetic beyond belief. His little 'army' wasn't even capable of inflicting a scratch upon the Death Eaters.

Harry staggered to his feet, determined to not give up.

"Ready to die, little Potty?" Bellatrix taunted, throwing a spell at his beloved godfather, Sirius.

But Harry would have none of that. He'd had enough of people dying for him. So he decided it was time to die saving someone that he actually cared about and who actually returned that feeling. This would be enough for his life to end.

Screw the rest. This was it. This was the end.

He shut his eyes tight and threw himself in front of Sirius, ignoring the man's desperate screams as he took the killing curse head-on and fell, into the veil. And then that was the end of his tragic, disgusting life. He could finally rest in peace. No more Dumbledore holding him back, no more traitorous friends. At least, that's what he thought.

The last thing he heard was the scream of his godfather as everything faded to black.

-After Colony 195-

Duo Maxwell woke with a start, sweating slightly as he lay on his bed. He felt his forehead. No scar there, of course. What the hell was he thinking? Him, a brave Gundam pilot, looking like a scrawny, skinny little boy? Absurd thoughts, that's what they were. Sighing, he ran a hand through his brown tresses as he sat up and looked at himself in the mirror.

"Of course, I'm still the Shinigami, Duo Maxwell. Who else would I be?" He whispered. This caught the attention of the other occupant in the room.

"Maxwell, nightmare?" Came the monotonous voice of someone he knew all too well.

"Maybe it was, maybe it wasn't, Hee-chan. Why's it your concern?" Duo joked, causing the pilot beside him to groan.

"Just shut up and go back to sleep. We've got another mission tomorrow." Heero groaned.

"Whatever. Good night, sleeping beauty!" Duo chirped, inciting another groan from the irritated pilot.

"He's no fun," Duo muttered, "But seriously, if those dreams are true, then I was once a fool. Someone who was too trusting. But me, a Gundam Pilot, trusting in others? That'll never be me. I can never trust in others. Never again," He whispered to himself as he went back to sleep, his purple eyes slowly closing once more.

But the Shinigami didn't realize that his past would once again return to haunt him. For the Master of Death cannot live an ordinary life.