Disclaimer: I do not own Hetalia or the characters Japan and America.

Rights to these characters are owned by Himaruya Hideki.

Alfred looked around at the bland home. The house was possibly the most boring one on the block, no scratch that, It was the most boring in the world. It was Christmas eve and the owner of the home didn't even put up one decoration that showed the festive spirit. He huffed softly then went back to his homework. He was after all, a college student and needed this science project finished but the lack of lights and holly was distracting. Sure, he should've been grateful that Kiku, the owner, was letting him stay. On top of that he sorta had a slight crush on the owner and respected his home but come on! At least put up one light! "Maybe I can fix that," Alfred thought with a smile on his quickly got out Christmas lights, ornaments, and even went to the store to buy a small tree then he went to work.

Kiku walked into his home, exhausted from work and eager to rest. The Japanese man sat onto his couch, unaware of the flashing lights around him. He probably wouldn't have noticed it if it wasn't for a loud crash that came from his right. "What the!" Kiku yelled, jumping from his rest and looking around frantically. The culprit was trying to put up mistletoe toe but fell to the ground.

Alfred looked up, giving him a prize winning grin. "I kinda fell," he said, blushing a soft pink.

"I see that," Kiku said softly. He then walked over and helped the American off of the ground. At that moment, the mistletoe drops to the floor and falls on top of Alfred's head.

Alfred chuckled then pulled the mistletoe off and holds in front of him and the Japanese man. "Do you know what this means?"

What does it mea-" Alfred cut off Kiku by leaning into him, kissing the Japanese man gently. Kiku gasped, blushing bright red then pulled away.

The American laughed at the Asian's tomato face, "Sorry, I had to do that someday."

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