Hey Readers! This is my first attempt at writing a "Teen Beach Movie" Fanfiction. Two-three months ago it was announced that a sequel was in the making and I'm sure we were all quite ecstatic. Well anyway. This is my own version of the sequel. I hope you guys enjoy it because it's a little different from what I usually write but I just loved the entire concept of the movie and I just had to write a story about it.

Into The Real World

Mack's POV

After my long surf boarding session early in the morning, I ran back to my house. Originally my Big Poppa house I stayed for the past years after my mother died but I couldn't help but feel that it was home to me. I loved it so much!

When I entered the house, I could smell my Big Poppa's favorite Hawaiian Breakfast meal. I smiled at how we've blended in.

"Morning Poppa!" I exclaimed as I entered the room and placed the surf board by the door and ran over to my grandpa to plant a chaste kiss on his cheek and threw myself on the kitchen counter.

"Mack my girl," He smiled as he placed the omelets on the plates. His grin fell when he saw my wet hair and wet clothing and then he looked at the board dripping from water then back me. "Mack…" He warned.

"I know I promised no surfing during school weeks except for weekends. But grandpa, surfing's my life. You of all people should know that. Brady's parents allow him to surf every morning!" I tried reasoning but he just shook his head disapprovingly.

"That's because Brady's parents aren't worried about him getting hypothermia!" He said as he placed the Spam musubi. I rolled my eyes. "You could get a cold Mack and I promised your mother and Antoinette that I'll take care of you."

"I get it gramps. I just wish that tone came out of my father's voice." I murmured lowly as I stared down at the ground.

My dad abandoned my mother and me when I saw an infant. I think the signs might have shown when I was in my mother's womb. It hadn't bothered me much when I started seeing everyone around me get along with their parents and living happy lives and I have none of those titles in my life anymore. It was a real bummer to be honest.

My grandfather placed the pan on the counter and moved up to me and lifted my face with both his hands. I met his blue eyes that were identical to my mother's.

"Mack you listen to me. Never ever think like that again. Sure life isn't what we expect it to be but none of it was your fault you know that. You shouldn't feel bad for your mother's death, and you shouldn't feel bad about what you're feeling now. You've got me remember? Your old, Big Poppa by day. Famous ladies man by night." He said. I giggled as I rubbed his hand.

"Thanks gramps." I whispered.

He leaned in to kiss my forehead.

"Why don't you get ready for school after breakfast?" He told me.

I nodded and got off the counter and ran up to my room to get dressed for school today.

After eating breakfast with my grandfather, he handed me $30 for lunch today.

I took a quick glance at the clock and my wristwatch to see that I was five minutes late and the school bus was waiting for me outside, I took a quick bite at my last piece of sandwich and I grabbed my backpack and ran out of the house.

Just as I expected the bus was waiting outside but started moving as soon as I stepped out of my hut. I widened my eyes when it began driving away and the kids inside started laughing at me. I sighed.

Why didn't I realize the time was running out?

I reluctantly began turning my body away so that I could enter my house but was stopped when I heard the car honking. I smiled and turned around to see the red convertible.

She waved her hand up in the air and motioned for me to come over as she checked herself out in the rear mirror. I laughed and rolled my eyes as I began running towards the car. I threw my backpack on the backseat and entered the car by jumping over it and landing perfectly.

"Hey! These seats are Italian leather!" Alyssa shouted.

I laughed.

Ah, Alyssa…My best friend for as long as I could remember. She and I were complete opposites yet so similar.

First of all her appearance, she was more of a trend setter rather than a lay back kinda girl like I am. She had long wavy brown her but she prefers to have them straightened, light brown eyes, perfect round olive cheek-bones, and native skin.

She was a giddy, energetic yet confident girl. Some of the qualities I don't have but I love them on her. She reminded me a lot of Lela in that way.

Oh god, which just floods memories to me…

Lela and the gang from 'Wet Side Story'

To be honest, I try forgetting about what happened a few months ago but Brady always reminded me of all the fun times we had there that it was impossible to get away from. Don't get me wrong, I really enjoyed the whirlwind ride of 'Wet Sid Story' and dancing and singing for no apparent reason at all but it's a sad reminder of the one thing I hated leaving.

"So…How's my BSBAKBWLSFF of a friend!" She exclaimed as she took her shades off her face. I laughed at the unusual name.

"BSBAKBF?" I asked.

"Best surfer board and knuckle buster with lack of style friend forever silly!" She said casually. I frowned.

"What a long title." I commented. She smiled.

"I'm adorable aren't I?" She said in thought. I nodded. "But what an outfit you got there!" She said. I frowned as I stared down at my white loosey ruffled top and denim jeans.

"What?" I asked.

"That's too much buff!" She said.

"Buff's white right?" I asked. She nodded with her disgusted look. "And isn't buff like your favorite color?" I asked. She nodded slightly.

"Yeah seasonally…" She shrugged. I laughed. "I prefer it on toe-breaking days,"


"And by toe-breaking I mean-"

"Swinter!" I exclaimed. She nodded.

"Yeah, how did you know?"

"I've been your best friend for years now. I think I know you." I said. She shrugged and turned to look at herself on the rear mirror and began applying her mascara and lip-gloss. I rolled my eyes.

She shut her mascara and lip-gloss.

"Now, let's get to school." She said enthusiastically.

"You seem giddy to go to school," I told her.

She laughed.

"It's the end of summer Kenzie!" She began as she inserted her glasses and turned to grin at me. "Everything changes."

I laughed and she inserted her key in the ignition and began driving along the road.

"Ooh! I promised I'd text Brady as soon as I reach school." I said as I started typing hard on my phone and sending texts to my boyfriend.

Alyssa groaned lightly shutting her lip-gloss.

I was surprised she could drive whilst doing that without killing us.

"What?" I asked her.

She thought for a second before shaking her head.


I rolled my eyes.

"Come on. I know you and Brady aren't exactly really good friends so I know there's something." I said nudging her arm. She sighed.

"I mean I get that you two have a history together but it hasn't even been that long. Only for the summer, he is cute and all but you could do so much better. He's been making you distracted with all the surfing and I'm sure it'll come around when he distracts you from the school work as well!"


"I mean. Don't get me wrong. Brady's hot! But you're more mature than that cartoon obsessed yoda."

I laughed at her predicament. She rolled her eyes as she stared at the road as we listened to some music from Echosmith.

"First of all, this is going to be the best semester ever! And Brady's isn't going to make me lose my focus…" I said trailing off as I saw two familiar faces walking by the road.

They were two girls wandering around like they were completely lost.

I could swear one looked so similar to Giggles!

Maybe my mind was just going crazy over the fact I miss those little rascals. Oh god! That reminds me of Rascal!

I have to literally stop forgetting about them and let go of everyone on "Wet Side Story". CheeChee, Struts, Seacat, Butchy, Lela, Tanner everyone!

Alyssa pulled up the school's driveway as even more cars pulled up on it. Ah, the smell of pure torture was floating in the whimsical air. You could smell the aniexty.

Alyssa and I got out of her car.

"Hey did you see those two girls walking on the side of the road as we drove past them a couple minutes ago?" I asked Alyssa.

"What girls?" She asked.

I nodded.

It was definitely all in my head. My subconscious we telling me that my friends from 50 years ago, on a hit musical broadway movie were in my neighborhood.

What could be the odds?! Me being an alien-zombie-vampire called Zorogg! And I drain peoples brains out.

Alyssa and I walked into the school premises.

A paper plane came flying at Alyssa and she ducked quickly.

"Hey watch my face!" She shouted. "God, to think I'm in a school filled with wild geese!"

I laughed as we walked up to mine and hers locker. I caught the sight of Austin Lahey talking to a group of his friends. I widened my eyes.

"Oh god..." I whispered as I looked away.

"What?" Alyssa asked and followed my previous gaze then turned back at me with wide eyes.

"Austin Jerk-face Lahey's still here?!" She exclaimed lowly.

I nodded just as shocked as she was.

Austin Lahey was my jerk of an ex-boyfriend, the captain of the volleyball team. I can't believe I dated the dude, not after what he did to me...

"I thought he was expelled or left the school or something like that? Whatever I thought he had vanished!" I murmured.

"I guess not." She said with a sympathetic grin. I sighed as I hid my face in the locker.

"I'm glad I have someone better than Austin. Someone who'd never hurt me."

"Anybody is frankly better than jerky Austin." She said.

"Even a goat?" I asked.

"If that's your taste nowadays. I'd be totally approving as long as it isn't Austin Lahey." She said in disgust at his name.

I laughed as grabbed my books that I needed and I shut my locker.

"I'd never date a goat."

"Hey, it's the 21st Century and Obama said don't judge!" She said raising her hands up in defense. I laughed then sighed when I saw Austin laughing loudly.

I can't believe he's all happy jolly after what he did!

"Okay." Alyssa began. "We're just going to walk past him. Give him the whole loop-di-loop finger, tell him to scoot and bam! He's hurt like a dog without his favorite chew toy."

"Or we could just walk past him and ignore him." I said raising my eyebrows. She groaned.

"Well if you take the fun out of that than yeah that'll work too." She replied. I sighed as we began walking past him.

"Say something," I asked just to make the ignoring task easier.

"Like what?" She asked. I shrugged.

"I don't know anything!"

Our little conversation took the time off and we walked past him successfully! Yes!


Well that happened...

I slowly turned around to see Austin running over to me. He flashed his cute smile that would manipulate any girl into liking him.

"Hey Austin," I mumbled inaudibly.

"So you haven't called me back?" He asked with a chuckle.

"You have some nerve waltzing up in here acting like you own the place and asking my best friend: 'Why she hasn't called you back'. Well news flash mister! You hurt her and there would be no way in hell you'd get a call from here."

"I know I'm sorry." He said. "But could you shut the hell up fancy face so that I could talk to her?"

"Oh no he didn't!" Alyssa said getting pumped up as she reached for her ear-rings.

"What's your damage?" He asked with a chuckle.

"Nothing, what's your damage?" Alyssa shouted at him as she took a step forward.

"Can't you see that I'm trying to have a friendly conversation with someone I care about and you just ruining. Or did you forget that you're supposed to be invisible?"

"Oh yeah, you want a piece of me?" Alyssa warned as she took a step forward. I stopped her.

"Forget it Aly, it's not even worth it." I said as I turned us around and began walking off. Austin gripped my arm. I glared back at him but soon died down when I felt his cold rock hard grip deepen.

"What are you doing to my girlfriend?" I heard Brady's voice reach my ears.

"Let go of her!" Brady said pulling me away from him and moving me behind him. Austin stared at him now.

"Lover boy came for the rescue." He chuckled and his gang came soon after.

"Leave. Now. Don't make me insist." Brady snarled giving him a look.

Austin stared angrily before hesitantly letting it go as he saw Brady's expression and walked away with his gang. Not without glaring at me first.

Brady turned back to face me. He held me by the arms.

"You okay?" He asked.

I nodded not looking up at him or the audience we had.

"I'm great! Thanks for asking." Alyssa commented.

Brady pulled me into hug.

"Get to class!" The voice of Coach Lesore coming from his megaphone. "Don't make me ask twice. Just because you're still angry at coming back to torture camp from Summer don't expect to be no school!"

Alyssa, Brady and I began sauntering to our classes which were Biology and History and began our day...

... ...

Afterschool Brady and I went over to the store to grab some things Big Poppa needed for tonight when I saw yet again two familar faces. This time they looked so much like Lela and Tanner. I told Brady about it and he told me I was just being delusional. I attested to that.

But my delusion might have grown when Lela's eyes met mine when we were at the clothing store. I was completely and utterly confused. I had to tell Brady I wanted to leave like ASAP!

Now we were currently in my bedroom trying to get some homework done but finding ourselves curling up to each other talking about our day and the great summer we had.

"That one time bucky bite your leg." Brady laughed, his chest rising. I joined in soon after.

"Because I hate turkey juice spilled all my jeans." I replied.

"You know that isn't true. My dog hates turkey."

"That's not what I remember seeing when he eat a flock of them." I giggled. Brady rolled his eyes.

I sighed.

"You think I made the right decision on staying? I mean my aunt was quite disappointed."

"Nah screw your aunt. I'm glad you're here, with me and we're riding the highest waves nobody ever rode!"

I laughed.

"We really need to get back to homework because your grammar isn't quite good." I teased. He mocked me as he mimicked my voice it a squeaky voice. I smiled as I moved a strand of his sandy blonde hair to the side.

"You're so beautiful," I said.

"Random!" He said in a commentator voice. I rolled my eyes.

"Can't I compliment my boyfriend? Seriously?"

"I don't hold a candle next to you." He said. I blushed. He was so corny and cheesy sometimes. "But there is Angelina Jolie."

I gasped.

"So you're comparing me to Angelina Jolie? The woman I hate the most in this world!"

"Oh do you now?" Brady asked suggestively. "What about all those videos of you dressing up like her as a kid?"

It took me seconds to register what he said and I gasped.

"Gramps showed you the videos?" I asked in complete humiliation. Brady laughed.

"He didn't have to. I caught him sleeping while watching them home vids. You were so cute in your tomb raider costume," He teased pinching my cheeks. I slapped his hands away.

"Oh stop it!"

We sat their in silence just feeling each other in each other's arms. I was slowly tracing circles on his chest and roaming my fingers around his buttoned up shirt as I sat in thought.

"What's going on that mind of yours Mack?" He asked.

I smiled.

"I miss Wet Side Story." I blurted out.

"Well that's a first. You'd usually rant about how much you never wanna be involved in it ever again."

"Well things have changed. I miss it. I've been having weird hallucinations lately. Where I'd see all of our friends at the strangest of places. I don't know what the conditions called."

"It's called 'missing your friends and wanting them back'" He said. I shook my head.

"You're the only one I want Brady."

"You've already got me baby," He said. I giggled.

Maybe I did just miss them a lot and I wanted to see them again but I don't think that'll ever happen and it should stay that way.

We chatted for more minutes...actually more like hours because it was getting darker outside.

I ran down the stairs to start locking up all the doors and closing the curtains when I heard the door being knocked. It sounded whimsical like only the most giddiest person would knock with.

The only person that popped into my head was Lela...

I sighed. It was probably Alyssa who was coming to throw her tantrums on me about her day.

The person knocked again impatiently.

"I'm coming! Hold your pants!" I exclaimed as I ran over. I unfurled the door and there stood about 6-8 people with confused, excited yet sad faces on their faces. Talk about mixed emotions.

Then one girl with sparkling grey-blue eyes met me. Her eyes widened. Same went for me!

"Lela!" I gasped.

"Ooh Mack! Thank goodness, we were..." The voice trailed off when I found myself falling onto the ground and everything blanked out.

Oh god...

A/N: What did you all think? I hope you liked it! I loved writing this chapter a lot and bringing in my little twist.

I also loved writing the Brady and Mack moment. They're so cute for me. Please leave a review to say if I should leave it as a one shot or continue it! More to tell!