Hey guys! So yeah this was took twenty four hours and three minutes but hey I was close right? Also YES! Ross finally cut his hair! I am so sorry if you enjoyed his hair I just wasn't the biggest fan but it's awesome if you did like it!:) Also I have an important author's note at the bottom so please read it! Anyway I hope you like this chapter! It's the final one! So I really hope you like it! Also we are at 49 reviews can we please hit 50! Or even more?!:) anyway I am also so sorry if this seems a bit short but I think you will like it!:) it's a bittersweet! Anyway I hope you have an amazing Sunday! :) Please review when your done!:)

Summer age-19 (It's the end of August)

Ally's P.O.V

"I hate this part" I said as my eyes were full of tears while I hugged Summer harder than I've ever have.

That morning

I sipped my coffee from my mug as Austin grabbed the car keys "alright let's go" Austin said while I nodded putting down my mug and following him out of the door. "Where is Summer again?" Austin asked me as I we backed out of the driveway. "At Rachel's house. She had a goodbye sleepover remember?" I said as Austin nodded. "Right! Man it's already her last day" Austin said as I sighed and nodded. "I know I don't want her to leave!" I said as Austin chuckled as we pulled into a parking space and got out of the car. "I know but at least you've got me" Austin said as I smiled at him "yeah I guess you're alright" I said jokingly as Austin gasped. "Hey I'm amazing why else would you of married me?" Austin said as he wrapped his arms around my waist playing with a loose string on my uniform. "All for the looks" I said while Austin laughed "oh I know I'm so hot" Austin said flexing his muscles. "Although the ego kinda sucks" I said as Austin chucked before kissing my lips softly before pulling away. "I know you love it" Austin said as I smiled "of course I do" I said before quickly pecking Austin on the lips. "Alright now go to work! I will see you later!" I said as Austin smiled at me as I ran my arm down his arm before I walked across the street into the cafe. "Hey you" Trish said as I smiled at her while I opened the cafe. "Hey! How was your vacation?" I asked Trish as we walked into the store as did some other employees and I turned on the lights in the kitchen then we grabbed some menus and walked over to the door. "Well alright. I mean Hawaii is amazing yet the boys wouldn't let me just lay on the beach! Cause actually relaxing on a vacation is a huge crime" Trish said as I laughed and shook my head at her. "I think it's sweet! They must of really wanted to be with you" I said while Trish shook her head "I think they were trying to make me go mentally insane" Trish said while I laughed at her before I saw someone walk in.

The day was going by pretty quickly it was about three so I only had three more hours of work, yipee. I then smiled as I saw Summer and Alexander walk in "hey you two can I get you a table?" I asked walking over to them "that would be great thank you Ally" Alexander said as I smiled at him, so polite! I lead them to a booth before I got their orders. "Aw they are cute" Trish said as I laughed and nodded as we waited on the food while we watched them cuddle. "I remember you two did that when you were dating" Trish said while I smiled at the memory before I frowned. "Wait we still cuddle!" I said while Trish laughed "I know but you know that whole young love phase only comes once in a relationship" Trish said while I nodded. "You mean the young part" I said bumping her hip before she laughed at me and hit my shoulder. "We aren't that old!" Trish said while I raised my eyebrows at her "okay we might not have any canes yet but we are still old" I said as Trish smiled and shook her head at me. "Well Austin and you sure don't act old when you're together" Trish said elbowing me as I blushed and pushed her face with my hand. "Dawson! Your orders are ready" one of the cooks said as he slid my dishes through the window as I grabbed a tray and set them on the tray. I walked over to the table to find them making out. "Heh um" I said awkwardly as they continued "you're food" I said louder yet nothing, ugh. I then loudly coughed and placed the tray down with more force than needed on the table which made them jump apart and look at me I smirked at their faces. Summer was blushing while Alexander was looking anywhere but me and scratching the back of his neck. "So once you two are done taking saliva samples of one another you can eat your food' I said which made Summer turn even redder. "Oh um thank you" Alexander said while I smirked at them before I walked away and looked at Trish who was cracking up. "Oh my gosh I can't wait to do that! If he ever gets a boyfriend" Trish said as I laughed "he's only in eighth grade! He has a lot of time to save" I said while Trish nodded before we went back to our work.

The day flew by and before I knew it it was six. I grabbed my bag and got changed into a pair of shorts and a loose grey tank top. I then put on a little bit of makeup but not much and put my hair up. I walked out and met up with Trish as we walked out. I smiled as I saw Austin and Summer waiting at the car across the street. "Have fun at your dinner tonight we'll see you guys at the airport" Trish said as I nodded. "Alright I'll see you then" I said as Trish gave my hand a squeeze before I walked across the street. "Hey guys!" I said as I gave Austin a kiss before looking at Summer "so where do you want to go for dinner?" I asked while Summer smiled. "The taco shack" Summer said as Austin and I exchanged a look before looking back at Summer "Summer out of all of the restaurants in California. You want to go to a beaten down taco shack? I mean me and you're mom love that place but still" Austin said as Summer laughed at us and grabbed our hands as we walked across the street. "Yes I do! I want to go to somewhere that reminds me of here, a piece of home" Summer said as I smiled at her. "Well alright I guess it's taco-sunday" Austin said awkwardly as Summer and I laughed at him. We crossed the street and then went down a short block before we walked into the small yet crowded taco-shack. We all got our orders before we sat down. "It feels good to be the one getting served doesn't it?" Austin asked me while I laughed and nodded "you have no idea" I said as Austin kissed the side of my head. "So what time are you going to arrive there again?" I asked Summer who sighed "well since my flight doesn't take off till nine I will get there about one o'clock here but it's gonna be four o'clock there" Summer said while I nodded. You see we were paying for her college well everyone in the family was so Summer insisted that she pay for her flight yet the cheapest one for her was the latest one possible. "Well at least once you get to your hotel you can sleep right away!" Austin said as Summer laughed at him and then our food came. We continued to talk and eat as dinner went by. "So when does Alexander there?" Austin asked as we got our dishes taken away "in three days. His parents needed his help with some last minute moving things but he'll be there soon" Summer said while I smiled at her before I gasped as I saw the time. "Summer! We need to go, you should be there by seven and it's already six-forty five" I said while we all got up and quickly left and made our way to the airport.

We got there at seven on the dot as we walked in, Austin was carrying Summer's extra bags while I carried her purse and Summer rolled her suitcase behind her. I smiled as I saw Trish and Dez standing in front of us along with Mimi and Alexander. "Hey guys thanks for coming" Summer said as we stopped. "Here let's go check in your luggage before goodbyes" I said as Summer nodded and we walked over to the baggage check in line which was very short. Once we were done with that we walked back. "I'm going to miss you Summer but have fun in college, just not too much fun" Dez said as we all laughed as him and Summer hugged one another. "I'm really going to miss seeing your face in the cafe everyday how dare you abandon me leaving me so I'm stuck with your mom" Trish said as Summer laughed some tears were gathering in her eyes and mine as they hugged. "Oh my gosh this is just like when Austin left for college I'm a mess my goodness. Well anyway have an amazing time honey you're going to do great things I'll see you at thanksgiving" Mimi said as she cried while Summer giggled before giving her a tight hug. "I'll see you in three days" Alexander said before pulling Summer into a long kiss before they pulled away. Summer then turned and looked at Austin and I "oh my gosh" Summer said as she hugged both of us. "I"m going to miss you baby. Yet I know you're going to be doing amazing things out there in New York so rock it. Don't you dare forget to come back for my ever so famous burnt turkey at Thanksgiving" Austin said as Summer laughed before she kissed his cheek and Austin wrapped his arms around her. They stayed like that before they pulled away and then Summer looked at me, shoot it's my turn. I grabbed Summer and pulled her into a hug "I hate this part" I said as my eyes were full of tears while I hugged Summer harder than I've ever have. "I know I do too" Summer said as we pulled away. "Please have fun in college honey you are going to go so far. I am going to miss you beyond words can describe and honestly if I could I would keep you here and whatever degree you wanted" I said as Summer laughed as tears fell from our eyes. "I love you Summer" I said softly as I hugged Summer once more, and then she pulled away. "Alright well I should um get going. I will call you all once I get there" Summer said grabbing her bags as we all nodded "we'll be up" Austin said as Summer laughed once more before she wiped her eyes and walked into the security line. I felt Austin's arm wrap around my body as we watched Summer go into security, passed through it looked back at us once more before she walked away into the crowd of people. "Come on" Austin said as I only nodded while I clung onto his waist with my arm as we walked out of the airport. "It's only going to be four months right? She won't forget us by November or something?" Austin asked as I laughed while we drove up the hill. "Of course not we're team Austin and Ally we're impossible to forget" I said while Austin laughed as I pulled into the driveway. "With my good looks and you're dorkness who could forget us?" Austin asked while I hit his chest as we walked inside. "Want to watch a movie?" Austin asked me as I nodded taking off my shoes as we walked up to our room, I passed by Summer's room and stopped. "I already miss her" I said as Austin nodded "I know but she's going to do so well" Austin said as I looked at him and nodded before we walked into our room. We got into our pjs and slipped into bed we ended up watching Lady and the Tramp it was Summer's favorite movie as a kid and I'm a hopeless romantic even if it is between two dogs. The movie ended and I yawned as I looked at the time which was ten! "Alright time to go to bed" I said as Austin chuckled before he turned off the light and wrapped his arm around me before I sighed against his warm chest. As I thought to myself.

Dear MUNY, please treat Summer well. She can now write her own story so please help make it a best seller.

The end.

This is the real end you guys. This isn't going to become a trilogy or anything;) so this wraps up the State Of Mind stories! I hope you guys have enjoyed this! It's all for you! Also if you've been following me since I posted the first story 'Fragile Ocean State Of Mind' then thank you so much much for sticking with me and these stories you are all amazing! So I will soon like very soon be publishing a new story, I think I'm going to call it 'Lock it Up' it's about Ally being a music teacher at a high school that is in need of police officers and that's when Austin shows up. It's going to have romance of course ;) and a bit of action which will be fun since I haven't done that since my first story ha throwback ;) anyway I can't thank you guys enough for reading this story! I love you all! Have an amazing day! Please review when your done and YOUR SO AMAZING IT'S CRAZY!