When you met Mikey you hadn't really realized his true amount of training until he decided he wanted to take you on one of his little training runs. Of course he was enthusiastic about your answer, which had been yes, and you two set a time and place. You chuckled as you recalled his bright eyes and amazing smile as he suggested it to you on the roof of your apartment building the night before. He was so excited. You smiled as you prepared for a quick little shower before your run, you would have full one later on when you got back. You stepped out of shower and wrapped a (F/C) towel around your body, heading out of the bathroom and down the hall to your bedroom.

You sat on the edge of your apartment building roof waiting for your best friend to show. He was a little late but you weren't worried, he always ran a tiny bit late due to hi brothers questioning him on where he was going or having to sneak away after his brothers and him finished their nightly safety check. Your phone vibrated in your coat pocket and you reached into it to retrieve the (F/C) Iphone.

Hey (Y/N), look behind you~!


You turned, your (H/L) (H/C) swished from the amount of force you put into the turn. Your (E/C) locked onto his bright blue ones and an instant smile spread across your face and you lept off the edge of the roof and ran toward him, embracing him in a hug that he returned eagerly. You were excited to get this thing going. See the reason he had to sneak away from the other four in his family is because he hasn't told any of them about you yet and what you meant to him. He loved you, he just hasn't the guts to say it to you just yet, and he figured that this run was the perfect opportunity to do just that. He wanted to confess his feelings to you. You released him from your death hug and took a step back to examine him.

" We leaving now?"

"Of course (Y/N)"

You two ran around on the roofs for a very long time, a little encounter with the Krrang and two icecream cones later and you two sat on the roof of your apartment building again eating your ice cream happily. It was late now and the sun had far since set, Mikey looked over to you after finishing his cone and just stared as you ate yours. You looked over at him after you were finished and tilted your head quizzically.

"Mikey? Why are you staring at me? Do I have something on my face?!"

You frantically swiped your hands all over your face trying to find the imperfection or fleck of dirt or smear of ice cream somewhere. Mikey's big three fingered hand stopped you as he placed it over your much smaller one.

"You have a little ice cream on you, here i'll get it for you."

You sighed relieved that it was only the sugary treat on your face and not some huge bug or something, that would have been gross and embarrassing. Your next thoughts, however, were interrupted abruptly by the feeling of soft lips pressing to your own in a gentle little kiss. You gasped internally but kissed the ninja back nevertheless. He swiped his broad tongue across your lips, asking for innocent entrance. You allowed it, not surprised to find he tasted like pizza and his most recently eaten ice cream, not that bad of a combination. When you both pulled back for air, your faces where scarlet red and you were panting slightly. He leaned his forehead against yours and sighed contently.

"(Y/N) I... I really... ummm..."

His face seemed to get more red as he struggled to tell you that he was, in fact, attracted to you and thought of you as something more then just a best friend.

"I know Mikey, I like you too"

He sighed, relieved, and pushed a strand of your (H/C) behind your ear, continuing to look at you with love filling his bright, adventure filled, eyes.

"That was a great run Michelangelo"

"Couldn't have had it any other way (Y/N)"