Disclaimer: I own nothing, only the cookies I'm eating right now
A/N: This is my first fic ever. The plot of this story has been playing around on my mind for some time now. I never intended to write it because I never wrote anything (fiction wise) so my writing style is appalling, if one can call "writing style" to what you're about to read... if you are brave enough to proceed, that is.
To make things worse I'm not a native English speaker, so misspellings and grammar errors are to be expected.
Fortunately I had help. The ever amazing Crystalline Green came to my rescue, so she had lots of work correcting, changing and adding text. So consider her co-author. The best written parts are all hers, the crappy ones are mine. Yes it's my fault she hasn't written chapter 4 of "Characteristic Commonality" yet.
I have the plot already lined-up and written down, so I intend on finishing this.
It takes place on season one of both shows. On Fringe it would be between "Ability" and "Inner Child" and on Castle somewhere between "Hell Hath No Fury" and "A Chill Goes Through Her Veins"
Chapter 1 – A Box of Pins
All was quiet in the bullpen of the 12th. Oddly quiet.
Kate was stuck doing paperwork while Castle insisted on playing with a strange box he found God knows were. The box was rectangular, about the size of a hand, the front panel was transparent Perspex and the back was a matrix made up of small round headed pins. Each was anchored within, so they could slide but would not fall out once the box was upturned. Impressions could be set into the mesh-like surface, forming a perfect 3D replication on the front surface of whatever was pressed into the back.
Castle kept printing his face with an ever changing array of crazy expressions, then he transitioned into imprinting other body parts, watching with great amusement as the pins formed a copy in relief of the original. Oh he was having so much fun and the fact that Kate was becoming visibly annoyed because of what he was doing only made things more interesting.
That was when he decided to tease Kate a bit more, so he sprawled out completely on his chair, legs outstretched in front of him. Kate, who had been watching surreptitiously all along, noticed he was about to put the box on a rather more private part of his body and decided she had seen enough.
"Castle if you do that, I swear I'll pull my gun and shoot that box. I don't care where it is at the time."
"Afraid you may like what you see?" He asked with a waggle of his eyebrows.
Kate gave him a stern look, "Really, Castle? Now, do that on that same spot with sharp pins and no clothes; that would be something I would definitely like to see."
"The sharp pins or the no clothes part?" His face lit up, "I do seem to bring out the kinky part of you, Detective. Remember my safe word is apples," Castle said with a teasing smile, enjoying the aggravated look Kate was giving him.
"Right now you're bringing out the annoyed part of me. Do something useful and go get me some coffee, all this paperwork and you are giving me a headache."
Before Castle could respond, Ryan approached Beckett's desk after hanging up the phone.
"Coffee is going to have to wait, dead body found in an apartment on East 11th. Esposito is already there waiting for us."
"Awesome!" Castle exclaimed exuberantly, "Nothing like a dead body to cheer up the morning!"
"Try not to look so excited about it. Someone's dead, Castle." Kate admonished. Meanwhile Ryan noticed the box Castle had just settled in Beckett's in box on her desk. Reaching for it he asked, "What's with the box?"
"Oh it's a pin impression box, just put the side with the small holes against your face, drop your head back carefully then rise it slowly and see how it turns out" Castle said with a childlike enthusiasm, encouraging Ryan to have a go.
Ryan did exactly like Castle said and looked at the effect his face left on the box with wonder. "That is so awesome! Where did you get it?"
"Alexis gave it to me on one of my birthdays. This morning before leaving home I was looking for my keys and I found it under my bed. I've been looking for it for weeks and I just remembered how it got there. I had a date with a gorgeous NYU faculty teacher, she came home with me and I showed her the box and next thing I know we were on my bed naked making impressions of each other's bodies. Oh she had the most amazing..."
"Castle!" Kate shouted interrupting Castle before things got out of control.
By now Ryan was looking disgusted at the box. "I just put that on my face!"
"Next time you pick up something that belongs to Castle, wear gloves Ryan," Kate advised rolling her eyes at the pair of them. "Come on you two we've got work to do," and with that the trio made a beeline for the elevator, leaving to join Esposito at the crime scene.
A/N: Hope you have enjoy it. Next chapter is already written so I'll be posting it in the next few days.