AN: Still own nothing.

Yes, dear friends, yet another story. I know, I know. I can't help it. I will get around to updating everything in time, I promise.

Rated M for language. Might be a bit OOC. Definitely AU, seeing as it's set in 2013. There might be some adult situations later. There are no pairings yet, but will be in coming chapters.



"Yeah, Mione?"

"I'm leaving England for a bit."

Harry looked at Hermione. He couldn't believe what he thought he just heard. And judging from Ron's face, he couldn't either.

"Come again? What the hell did you just say?" Ron asked.

"I'm leaving England." Hermione said. Seeing the looks on their faces, she continued. "Not..not permanently. Just for a while."

"Why?" Ron asked.

"It's's been two months since the war ended, and I'm still tired. I'm still jumpy. My God, Gin sneezed the other day, and I almost hexed her! I'm still not sleeping very much, if I do at all. And when I do, it's nothing but nightmares! I'm not getting any better." Hermione exclaimed. "I just..need a break."

Ron and Harry exchanged looks. They knew exactly what she was going through. Nobody was having an easy time adjusting after the war. Especially Hermione. She was still dealing with Malfoy Manor, as well as her parent's deaths just before Bill's wedding. Poor Hermione hadn't stopped for days after the war. She helped Madam Pomphrey with the injured. She helped Minerva with the re-construction. She also helped St. Mungo's brew potions. She just didn't stop, until the day about a week of nonstop help, when she collapsed. Since then, everyone has been trying to get her to relax.

"We understand, Mione." Harry said. "However, you're absolutely insane if you think you're going off alone."

Hermione turned to look at Harry. "What?"

"We're not letting you go off to who knows where alone. You need someone to go with you." Ron said.

"Um..okay." Hermione said slowly. "Who would..?"

"Us." Harry and Ron said together.

"We'll come with you, Mione." Harry said, walking over to her.

"Yeah. We're the Golden Trio. We can't let you go have an adventure without us." Ron said, joining them.

"Well..alright. Yeah, could be fun." Hermione said, immediately getting squashed between the boys, making her laugh.

"But, how about we also invite Ginny, Neville and Luna?" Harry asked. "If that's alright with you, Mione?"

"Yes, of course. I was going to suggest that, anyway." Hermione said.

"So..any place in particular you wanna go, or what?" Ron asked.

"Yeah, actually. My Gran left me her family home when she passed. It's in France." Hermione said.

"Sounds nice, love." Harry said. Seeing her face, he asked, "What is it?"

"Well, I was going to drive there." she said.

"You have a car?" Harry asked. He didn't know that.

"Yes. I've had it for a while. How do you think I get around in the muggle world during the summer?" Hermione asked.

"Dunno. Guess I just never thought about it." he said. "I think there's probably a bit about you we don't know, now that I think about it." Ron answered. It was odd to Hermione how the two of them could answer her questions at the exact same time with different answers, and she could still understand them. It reminded her of Fred and George in a way.

"Okay. We need to ask the others, and then I was planning on leaving on Friday. You guys may wanna start packing while I send off the owls." Hermione said, going to the desk in the room to send the letters.

"Alright." Harry said. Ron hung back for a moment.

"Hey, Mione?" he asked. When she looked up, he asked, "You weren't planning on telling us, were you?"

"No, Ron. I wasn't." she said with a sigh. "I'm not gonna lie. I was gonna owl you guys once I was there."

"It's alright. I'm just glad you told us." he said, and left the room as she went back to writing.

Ginny was lying on her bed, reading the latest Witch Weekly when she saw Harry's new owl fly in the window.

"Hey, Zeus. What ya got for me?" she asked. She took the letter and gave him an owl treat, watching as he then flew out the window. That bird was nowhere near as friendly as Hedwig.

Opening it, she was surprised to see a letter from Hermione, not Harry.


I'm planning on taking a little holiday to France. Harry and Ron have decided to join me. I would love it if you came with us. Seriously. I love Harry and Ron, but I need you there as well. If you decide to come, we'll be leaving Friday morning. I'll come round and pick you up.



P.S.- I have also invited Neville and Luna. It'll be just the six of us if you all come. XOXO

Ginny was excited. She was so going! A nice holiday in France with her closest friends was just what she needed.

"Mum!" she yelled as she left her room.

Nevlle was bored. And, he missed his friends. He might have a whole new look, and a new reputation, but he was still dorky Neville Longbottom. Right now, the only thing he wanted was to hang out with Harry and the gang. He looked up as Harry's owl entered his greenhouse.

"Thanks, Zeus." he said, taking the letter. He, like Gnny, was surprised to see it was from Hermione. He hadn't heard from her in a while.


I'm going on a holiday to my second home in France for a while. Harry and Ron are coming with me. I would like to know if you'd like to come with us. If you wanna come, we leave Friday and I'll be picking you up. Just be at the Burrow around 8 am.



P.S.- I've also invited Gnny and Luna. It wouldn't be the same without you three. XOXO

Neville smiled widely when he finished reading. He was so in! This would be just the thing for him. A nice holiday, in France, with his closest friends.

"Gran!" he yelled, walking inside.

Luna was sad. She had gotten used to being around people, and now it was just her and her dad again. She missed Harry, Ron, Hermione, Gnny and Neville. Her closest friends. Her only family besides her dad. She also missed the mural she had on her ceiling of them. Oh, well. She could always redo it. She had just gotten her paints out when she saw an owl flying toward hef.

"Hello, Zeus." she said in her dreamy voice. She took the letter and gave him a treat. "Thank you." she said as he flew out the window. She was thrilled to see the letter was from Hermione.


I have decided to go on a holiday for a while in France. Harry and Ron, of course, are coming with me. I would very much like it if you would join us. We'll be driving over, by the way. If you want to come, be at the Burrow on Friday at 8 am.



P.S.- I have also invited Ginny and Neville. I look forward to seeing you if you decide to come with. XOXO

Oh, how lovely! A holiday. And with her friends. In France. Just what she needed.

"Daddy!" she called as she walked downstairs.

Please Review.

I am desperately hoping to get a couple of my stories updated soon. Just bear with me.

XOXO-Onyx Obsidian