Okay just to let you all know I wrote this around 5 in the morning with a lot of caffeine so if there's spelling errors or run-on sentences that's why. Please read and review. ENJOY!
"Hey Dom want a drink?" I hollered as I walked over to the fridge in the Torretto garage and diner. "A beer sounds good." Dom hollered back from underneath the hood of a car. I opened the fridge and grabbed two beers opening both of them and handing him one. "Thanks." Dom said as he took a swig and put the beer down beside the car's front tire. I just nodded at him and took a swig from my own beer, letting my mind drift about. I came out of my thoughts when I heard a loud roar from several cars coming steadily nearer. I walked over to the cars as they pulled up and smiled at Letty and Mia as they got out of the first car that pulled up.
"Hey little cuz, M&M how was the ride?" I asked taking another swig of my beer only to realize with a start I must have been drinking it while I was thinking because there was only one swig in the bottle. "It was good, we came in first didn't we." Letty said with a smirk at the boys as they got out of their cars. I laughed at that as the boys groaned and begin to mouth back and forth. Then a flash of red entered my vision and my mind flew back into my past. "...ade...JADE!" Letty's voice filtered through my head causing me to come back to the present only to find everyone staring at me. "I zoned out what's up?" I asked. "Yo' cuz you've been zoning out a lot lately." Letty said her tone worried.
I smiled and shrugged it off as I tossed my empty beer into the garbage can and headed out to my Harley Davidson. "It's nothing to worry about." I called back as I straddled my bike and started it up. "Hey you'll be at the race tonight right?" Jesse called, "Ah sorry no. I promised an old friend I would visit and stay a couple of weeks." I said, not looking at Dom or Letty because I hadn't told either of them and I usually at least gave them some sort of heads up a day or so before I left. "Who's your old friend?" Letty asked and I could feel Dom's eyes piercing into me. I pretended not to hear her as I roared away on my bike, silently saying sorry to the gang, I had some business from my past that needed sorted and I wasn't sure if I was going to be coming back from my short 'visit to an old friend'.