Disclaimer: Tziphora doesn't own anything Ghost Hunt related but her ocs.
Warnings: Sion's language
(This is an unbeta story so I apologize for any mistakes)
File 2: The Doll House Part 6
If there was a higher power, than Sion had little doubt that He/They/She, whatever, had no feelings whatsoever regarding her. She probably didn't even register on the radar. That was how shitty her luck appeared to be based on recent events.
A small part of Sion had prayed that there was no room available for her to stay, yet it appeared that Noriko was all too happy to provide a place. Which of course destroyed any plan of strategic retreat. The brat still didn't know where she lived after all and it wasn't too hard to ignore her phone when she switched it to silent during resting periods.
Still, how was she supposed to explain this to Chris? Because eventually, the moron would find out. Whether the means of exposure was from Ivan or some other source, he would find out. The bastard would be so thrilled he'd probably dare to visit and hold a damn house party, inviting the nuisances that had just entered her existence for a longer then wanted period of time. Perhaps she should find someone to modify a security system that electrocutes the doors and windows when activated.
…Yeah, that would be an interesting idea to follow through with.
Mai shuddered at the dark smile that appeared on Sion-san's face. Though whether that was from getting to witness Naru hold Minnie or something else, the school girl had no idea.
Though the image is definitely not something I would have ever been able to picture with no reference. It is just that bizarre.
Ayami-chan's cry in demanding Minnie's return jarred Mai from her self-judged to be disturbing thoughts and seemed to wipe the dark smile off of the photographer's face as the violent scene of her…personal annoyance…convulsing from an electric current running through his body was shoved to the back of her mind at the young girl's shout.
"Give Minnie back to me! Don't touch her!"
The height difference was obvious between the teenage male and the adorable little girl, as she struggled to reach for her doll that was being held from her.
Naru appeared completely unresponsive to the young girl's pleas for Minnie's return as he started asking questions over Ayami's demands.
"Ayami-chan, I heard you can talk with Minnie?" Despite using an indoor voice, his silent demand for an answer was loud and clear to everyone in the room, cold gaze on the child before him.
Something within Mai ached from the realization that she was the cause of Ayami-chan's distress, having been the one to inform Naru of what had occurred when Kana-san brought a snack to her step-daughter's room. Sure, it had been out of concern for the girl, but that didn't ease the sense of guilt that weighed on Mai's chest.
Though in a way, it was even more disturbing that no one else apart from Noriko-san appeared uncomfortable with the cries of a child. Though whether that was because this wasn't a dangerous situation at the moment or they truly didn't care, Mai didn't know. Something in her did say that if the Ayami-chan had been in danger though, Bou-san and Ayako would be distressed. The black trio though, they may move to help the child, but they would not have the same emotional response.
Those three were on a whole different level emotion wise.
"No one touches her!" Ayami-chan gave one last shout before jumping and succeeding in rescuing Minnie from Naru's grasp, running out of the base without looking back, only the sound of Noriko-san calling out for her niece filling the air.
Sion, as opposed to the rest who had stared after Ayami-chan (apart from Lin who was still staring at his laptop, typing something) observed Naru, noticing the slight frown, likely stemming from whatever was currently running through his head.
"Are you really that smart, brat? Borrowing what is viewed as a precious belonging while the owner is awake and aware is just asking for headaches, or if she had been a teenager, a punch to the face and kick to the groin. Though not necessarily in that order."
Mai couldn't help but pray that her face didn't appear as ashen as Ayako and Bou-san's did at the brunette woman that had dared to utter what the trio had thrown into a locked box, stuffed in a barrel and sealed away in the back of their minds, hopefully deep enough to not be caught on the mental radar of their narcissistic boss.
However, at that moment, all three shared two thoughts.
Sion-san/Sion is suicidal!
Followed by…
So you're okay with stealing from a child if she's sleeping!?
Naru however, completely disregarded Sion's 'question' and instead considered something else she had stated.
"True, if we wish to have undisturbed results, we will need to acquire Minnie after Ayami-chan has been put to bed. Mai."
"Y-yes?" The female assistant stuttered, startled at being the sudden focus of piercing indigo eyes…eyes that just a short while ago had been in her dream.
No, Mai. Stop thinking about that! Naru will find out with some weird telepathy! Work, concentrate on work!
"When you decide to be productive, secure Minnie after Ayami-chan is asleep. Preferably without waking her up."
Decide to be productive? Who do you think helped carry all this equipment in here, you stupid narcissist?!
Despite her thoughts, Mai put on a strained smile which wasn't fooling anyone and nodded.
~But he's irresistible
Up close and personal
Now inesca-~
In the short amount of time she had known the photographer, Mai had never seen the woman look so out of place when she scrambled for her phone, answering it instantly as if she was horrified by something. Mai didn't know any American songs, but judging by Sion-san's expression, it was one that she didn't want associated with her.
Of course, the darkness that seemed to flow from the older woman's voice might also be what was filling Mai with trepidation and fear for whoever was on the other end of the phone.
"What the hell do you want, Ivar? And when the hell did you change my ringtones?"
Sion-san was speaking in English? Mai couldn't understand anything the woman had said except one thing that sounded like Reynolds-san's name. So, did that mean it was Naru's older clone (though he was only older in age, despite their appearance being the same, assuming he hadn't just been messing with them and was truly a young genius who was pretending to be older) who was risking Sion-san's wrath.
Though considering how Reynolds-san reacted when he was kicked to the ground, it's no real shock to imagine he could stand up to Sion-san over the phone.
"Well, tell them to go to hell. I declined their job and have better things to do then listen to some silver spoon fed imbeciles bitch about not getting their way. While you're being useful, prep the work room for when I return, but keep your fingers out of the dark room. I still have experimental works hanging in there. If any are ruined, I will kick you out of the building, damn what Chris says."
After listening to something, Sion-san simply scoffed and hung up without any form of farewell, carelessly tossing the phone into her bag.
Following the phone, Sion reached into the bag and pulled out a decorated box, tucking it under her uninjured arm and started walking out the door.
"If anyone needs me, I'll be outside."
What was unsaid but heard in her tone was that nobody better need her assistance.
Not that Sion cared as she walked through the hallway, eyes forward but not truly seeing her surroundings as she exited the back door to the porch. Sitting on the end of the deck, Sion placed the wooden box on her lap, just staring at the lid.
Slowly, Sion ran a finger over the engraved symbols that decorated the lid. There was no lock to prevent any nosy people from opening it, hence why she carried it everywhere when she knew she was going to be out for long periods of time. Sion didn't even trust her home roommate with it. Despite her distaste for what lay within, she had never been able to find the strength to toss it away. She'd tried for years to pass it off to someone else, but considering it was still in her lap, that had obviously never happened.
Still, considering what the brat had dragged her into, this would most likely be useful in the future.
"So, what's inside that thing?"
Sion did not show any outside response to the sudden intrusion that was Bou-san, who had just plopped down beside her, staring at the box as well.
Without turning her head, Sion turned her eyes to the monk, bits of her hair shading her expression slightly.
"I do hope that just because I am agreeing to work with the kid, you don't have some sudden idea that we are all buddies here. Because I would be quite willing to dissuade you of that particular notion."
Her tone made her displeasure of the monk's company known as the older male immediately lean away, hands up in a surrendering motion.
"Woah, simmer down, Ojou-san, I was just trying to be friendly. After all, we're going to be seeing more of each other in the future. It would be better to at least be civil with each other, right?"
Bou-san scratched the back of his head, a nervous laugh coming out as the photographer remained silent, just staring from the corner of her eyes.
Come on, Ojou-san, don't leave a guy hanging like this!
"As long as you refrain from doing anything to piss me off, I can be amicable."
She finally removed her gaze from the monk back to her box.
Just what constitutes pissing you off?!
The woman wasn't exactly making this easy for him. Couldn't all these dark, unnerving types be less mysterious and more cooperative? Then again, it would probably be a different type of nightmare to be stuck in a room with cheerfully smiling Naru, Lin, and Sion.
A shiver ran up Bou-san's back.
"Don't mess with my equipment, don't make skin contact that isn't for life saving situations, don't invite me to social gatherings for pointless conversations, don't wake me up unless it is work related or emergencies, don't call me any cutesy nicknames, don't go asking pointless questions about me, don't ask me rhetorical questions unless you wish to be insulted, don't call me for pointless reasons, don't alter my ringtones, don't touch my phone period, don't switch my clothes with alternatives cause you believe my sense of style is too dark, don't ask me to repeat my dislikes, and likes."
Bou-san couldn't stop his eyes from widening at the list. Before he had time to fully process things though, a business card was thrust in his face, Sion fully facing him, holding the card to him like a salary-man would.
"For the full list of dos and don'ts please contact the breast-obsessed, headache-inducing doctor or should he be unavailable, you will be given an alternate number for assistance."
Stunned, Bou-san slowly accepted the business card, eyes reading the black printed font that decorated the crisp white card.
Sure enough, under the name Christopher Hyde, where the profession would generally be placed, was the description 'Breast-obsessed, Headache-inducing Doctor'.
Just how bad is this guy that Ojou-san actually felt justified to make an insulting business card specifically for him?!
Another point to consider…
Just how many means of getting angry with someone does one person need?!
It wasn't until the monk and been on his way back to the Base, that he realized another thing.
The woman had completely dodged his question regarding the wooden box covered with protective symbols carved in.
[That Night]
The base was filled with the sound of electronics running and feet shuffling as Bou-san, Mai, and the self-proclaimed Miko stood in the middle, observing the monitor that showed the empty bedroom. Empty of people at the very least, as the camera was focused on the bed which Minnie the doll was placed upon.
Naru was reading a file in his hand while Lin was typing something that only he knew once again, while now and then adjusting the equipment slightly when he felt it needed.
Sion was asleep on the couch, deeming that she wasn't needed for anything since one more pair of eyes wasn't going to affect anything on one simple screen. Though whether she was truly asleep or simply feigning sleep to avoid dealing with anyone was unknown.
Bou-san leaned closer to the monitor focused on the doll, taking in the Victorian dressed toy's appearance.
"So this is the Minnie doll. I'm surprised the kid just let you take it after that earlier display." The monk complimented Mai's newly discovered ability to tame little girls who were brave enough to take on Naru. Because surely the head of SPR hadn't actually made his younger assistant steal from a child. They must have found another method other than what Sion had suggested.
The teenage school girl gave a sheepish smile in response. "I actually took it from her after she fell asleep."
Both monk and miko immediately focused on the back of Naru's head.
So he actually took that woman's suggestion?! How low will these dark beings go?
Ayako gaze accidently glanced at the doll as she stopped the pointless endeavor of intimidating Naru to become an upstanding Japanese citizen by glaring at his head, before wrapping her arms around herself.
"I can't stand dolls. They always give me the creeps."
Seeing Mai's confused expression at the older woman's reaction to the seemingly innocent doll, Bou-san took pity on the supernatural beginner in the room.
"Dolls were originally created to contain spirits. That was why they were made hollow, to make them easier for spirits to possess them."
She would never be able to walk through the stuffed animal sections of stores again without worry.
The loud sound of a chair scrapping against the floor instantly drew everyone's (who weren't asleep/ignoring everyone) attention to Naru, who was fixated on the monitor the talkative trio had stopped watching to talk amongst themselves. Now that they were all watching again, the trio saw what had caught their boss/temp boss's attention.
Minnie, whom Mai had placed in a sitting position against a pillow during the start of this test, was now splayed out on her front facing towards the pillows she had been leaning against just a minute ago.
Then, before their eyes, the doll started moving in a motion similar to a child dragging the doll by its foot to the end of the bed…
…But nothing else was on the camera.
Mai couldn't help the flinch she gave when the Minnie's head suddenly separated from her body and started rolling on its own, right off the bed.
Without breaking, despite the loud thud that came through the speaker when her head hit the floor, Minnie's head continued rolling another two feet till it was no longer in the camera's field of vision.
Everything was silent, eyes focused on the camera, when suddenly, the screen was filled with Minnie's face, empty green eyes staring back at them.
Mai couldn't contain the small scream that filled her throat as she latched onto Bou-san's arm, hiding her face in the in the sleeve of his shirt.
When the screen suddenly went dark, Bou-san gently removed Mai's grip from his arm and ran out of the room towards the one they had placed the creepy doll. Slamming the door open, he braced himself for an attack…
…but nothing was out of place. Minnie was still sitting up on the bed, head and body attached, bed cover undisturbed from any movement.
"But…that's impossible." He slowly walked up to the bed, eyes focused on the blankly staring doll.
"Just what are you?"
A.N. I'm alive, People! Things have been hectic. I first got a bit depressed cause some people made comments about my writing style and such. It didn't help that my laptop was so finicky. Though I finally got a new laptop so this will make writing easier. Now I can move my laptop without worrying about it dying cause of slight movement of the battery. Then again, that thing was almost ten years old. Thankfully I have everything backed up on an external hard drive. Hopefully life will remain steady so I can keep writing without stress.
Not to mention I've moved and things are finally settled down on that front, though now I'm applying for a new job so I've got that stress. Hope you all like this chapter, please share your thoughts and constructive critiques are appreciated! Also, I love the song Irresistible, but Sion on the other hand… Well, moving on shall we?
I wanted to give out a great big thanks to all of you who Favorited and/or Followed this story, as well as those who've kept reading this despite the wait, it helped me a lot.
MusicOfMadness: Yeah, the night games I've researched made my heart leap in my throat, though it didn't help I was researching at night, while listening to crime tv series in the background. I agree with the not messing with things we don't know. If it isn't real, great, but if it was, *shudders*. Fatal Frame destroyed dolls for me, though I've never liked porcelain dolls, which is why Minnie gives me the creeps.
Maester Ta: Thanks for reviewing!
LadyDream3512: I feel a kind of guilty pleasure from your desire to punch Naru while loving him. I can completely understand the feeling. Sadly, with how long Sion was on the medicine, help would be needed. I was on strong painkillers for over half a year because of a lung illness and when I was better, I found I had to be careful for a while because I'd started to believe I needed them to function. Thankfully nothing came of it, but that gives me a vague idea of what years of dependency would cause one to go through. Still, glad you liked this!
bored411: Ah, hope you weren't expecting too much with Ayako, since the scene was pretty much the manga's method. Hope you still enjoyed it though!
lilnightmare17: Hope you enjoyed this chapter, thanks for reviewing!
Lunawolf22: Glad you enjoy it. Thanks for reviewing!
Guest (Whomever you are): yeah, verbal abuse between these two is fun to write. Yeah, I seem to enjoy being terrified. Nothing like donating plasma while watching a horror flick. Thanks for the suggestion too. I enjoyed the terror.
Guest: Thanks for reviewing!
Diving in: Everyone loves a glaring contest via instinctual telepathy. With these two personalities, it isn't that hard to picture them doing so. Yeah, Sion is here to stay, though it definitely not going to be easy for her. But hey, the SPR team is a group of different personalities that butt heads but still make it work. Thanks for reviewing!
CritiqueGirl101: No comment regarding your hypothesis is all I'll say. I'm glad you like the way it is written and yeah, Sion's language is definitely a bit much, I mean, I'm someone who apologizes before or after the few times I curse around people, but yeah, that's just Sion. Thanks for your review and thoughts.
Madness-Is-Contagious-96: First, I agree with your username. Second, I had to laugh (in a good way) at your review. It was like reading a funny poem. I could hear the beeps in place of your curse words. Happy you love this so much and hope you continue to enjoy the journey.
Reclun: Thanks for reviewing and thank you for helping with my confidence issues. Hope you enjoy this chapter!