These two are impossibly adorable so I'm just gonna... leave this fic here.

Where Kageyama is the King and Hinata is his Knight, but if you think that's all there is to it, you are sorely mistaken.

DISCLAIMER: I do not own these characters- They are too brilliant to be mine *sigh*

Rated M for Violence and Language (for now)

"We get a shit load of money with this job done." One soldier told the others, trying to convince them to go through with the plan.

"There's a reason the King isn't dead yet, you know! Haven't you heard of 'The Orange Crow'?" Another argued, having a couple of the other soldiers nodding in acknowledgement.

"Of course I've heard of him but you can't believe in that stupid story. It has bullshit written all over it." The first soldier stood his ground, driven by his thirst for wealth.

"Yeah, but even if the crow doesn't exist, it can't be that easy. We'd get slaughtered for sure."

"Look, are you in or are you out?" the disagreeing soldiers looked at each other and after a minute, they all gave a firm nod in agreement.

"Alright, we move in tonight. Just tell the guards that there's something going on out front, that'll distract them for a bit." They all gave another nod and dispersed back to their positions.

In the throne room, King Kageyama Tobio was sitting and looking through a document he had been given earlier. He was tired of this – he never wanted to be King in the first place but he can't do anything about it. And if he was going to be King, he was going to be damn good at it. As he was in the middle of a long yawn, there was a sudden loud opening of the throne room door and he frowned, staring at the half dozen soldiers standing before him with weapons wielded. He knew this was coming at some point, but did they have to choose this time? The displeasure of being unable to finish a yawn was the worst and left him with a feeling in his throat that made him uncomfortable for hours.

"You have the worst possible timing to come here." Kageyama stated, not moving from his throne but placing the document aside.

"We have come to kill you, Shadow King" the seemingly lead soldier called out, the others shouting in approval.

"Oh are you? You men have guts to come here when you know that it's impossible to defy me." The raven-haired young boy kept up his strong front as the king.

"Yes and your guards won't be coming. You have nowhere to run and no one to protect you.

"I see. Well, aren't you going to kill me then? You seem to know the consequences of going against me so I'm sure you all have a death wish."

"Don't act so high and mighty. You may be the King but you are the Shadow of a much greater King. There are people other than us who want you dead and we will get vengeance."

"Then you can go ahead." Kageyama gritted out through clenched teeth, starting to get pissed off at these soldie- ah, he meant 'traitors'.

The soldiers ran at the direction of the throne but the men at front stopped, seeing something from the corner of their eyes. After a push from the others, they were about to continue but there was an orange and black flash from above them and they froze as something landed in the middle of the group. Before they could even move toward the mysterious flying object, they fell with loud thumps which resonated throughout the room. There, still in battle position with knives at the ready and a blank face, was 'The Orange Crow'; Hinata Shōyō.

"Don't you dare hurt the King" The short young boy muttered under his breath as he straightened up and turned to the King. He was about to bow when he noticed that he was still holding a knife and so he placed his knives back in place, pulling them out of the lifeless soldiers. He came over to the King and bowed, holding one hand over his heart

"What the hell are you doing Shōyō, why must you always overdo things?" Kageyama sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. Every. Time."

"It's how I do things!" Hinata shouted, the Knight mask disappearing and turning back to the normal jumping ball of energy that Kageyama knows. This side was only shown to the King, the humanity of Hinata Shōyō was not easily seen.

"You show off too much. Did you know that they call you 'The Orange Crow'? The King's right hand who will only show himself if the King doesn't plan for you to live." This got a wide grin from the Knight.

"Yes, I'm aware~ Sounds cool doesn't it?"

"It sounds stupid. And I told you not to call me 'King', it creeps me out!"

"Sorry, sorry but I like playing the part of the 'King's Knight', you know?" This made the King sigh but then he gestured to the lifeless soldiers.

"You killed them?"

"Yep, they tried to hurt you..."

"Very well then, just... I'll get someone to dispose of the bodies. Come here for a second."

The Knight rolled his eyes, walking over to the throne.

"I'm not hurt, I don't get hurt." Hinata protests stubbornly as the King looked him over for wounds like he does every time this happens.

"I'm just checking." Kageyama stated with a stern tone, stopping the other from continuing the argument. Once the taller boy was satisfied with the lack of injuries, he gave a firm nod and ruffled the Knight's hair.

"Good Job."

"As long as someone wants to kill you, I'll do my job as King's Knight. Although, ever since somebody let one of the men go, assassination attempts don't occur as often since they're scared of the King's Crow."

"I did it for exactly that reason; less attempted assassinations."

"Yeah, yeah, I can take 'em." The shorter boy declared confidently.

"I'm sure you can Shōyō, however, I do not want you hurt so this is a better alternative... also, I dislike having to clean up after. It's a pain."

"Hey, I'm not the one paying people to kill you."

"They want me dead because they think I killed the previous 'Great King', who also happens to be my father, just so I could have the crown." The raven-haired boy explained, his tone going low with annoyance.

"But you didn't. Why can't people just understand this?" Hinata asked with a whine.

"You don't know how the world works, do you?" Hinata pouted and turned his head away.

"It's not like I had anyone to tell me, Shadow King." Kageyama's face softened, despite the nickname and he ruffled the other's hair once again although, maybe a little to roughly this time but it didn't seem to bother the shorter boy.

"Well now you do, idiot." Hinata looked down and nodded, a small sad smile showing on his face.

"So, I'll get out of here and let someone take care of... that." Hinata explained, pointing to the pile of bodies. Kageyama looked over to them, wondering how Hinata did that. Killing a bunch of people and acting as if nothing happened. He would call him a monster but he just couldn't. He always thinks back to the young version of him, the same age as himself but more broken than any broken toy he he'd ever owned as a child; although, this was a boy, a boy who used to be hopeless and hurt. Even so, Kageyama wanted to fix him and make him feel happiness again.

"Yeah, I'll come up to the room later. I need to keep an eye on everything here for a bit though."

"Yeah, yeah, I'll be in the room if you need me. Don't have any fun without me Tobio." Kageyama blinked at the recently new use of his first name but smirked.

"Of course." Kageyama shooed the other away and the red-head rolled his eyes, doing as he was told. When the shorter man was gone, the raven-haired king looked over to the bodies- each containing a knife mark to the heart.

"He's gotten faster." the King muttered to himself before he called a surprised guard from outside and Kageyama wondered where they had been this whole time. Some men got rid of the bodies and the King went back to his work as if nothing had occurred, earning some whispers from the guards. He heard them call him 'The Shadow King' and 'heartless'; 'arrogant' seemed to be their favourite.

If only they knew

There was only black surrounding Hinata's vision and nothing else. He stood in one spot, searching for a way out and wondering where he was. All of a sudden, he heard a familiar scream. It was agonised and desperate, piercing the red-head's heart and ears like an arrow. He ran toward the sound of the high-pitched screams, only to reach a door. It was an old, wooden door that was painfully familiar. The screeching and wailing only got more intense and Hinata tried his best to get the door open but just like before, he was too weak.

"Natsu, I'm here, just hang in there! I'll save you, I swear. I swear it!" the short boy shouted, hearing his rough voice resonate throughout the darkness. He pounded and scratched the door, his hands and fingers bleeding and filled with splinters but he didn't care about the pain. He needed to get to his little sister and that was his first priority. Suddenly, as he pounded on the door once more, he was hurled forward and through the door as though it had been opened just before he touched it. Suddenly, he was in a memorable room and he was holding a knife in his hand. He saw the backs of a bunch of men who made his body shiver.

He then ran forward, about to connect the knife with skin but he was interrupted by a voice that was stronger than everything else going on around him. He froze and listened for it again, wanting to hear it more than anything at this moment. Once again, he heard the call of his name from a soothing male voice and he turned toward where the door used to be, only to see a forest surrounding him. The darkness, the screaming and the men were gone. All that was left was him and the knife.

"Shōyō" he heard that same voice call him from behind. He wanted to turn around but he couldn't move his body and it frustrated him to no end.

"I'm here Shōyō. I'm here for you, so calm down." The voice called him again. His body immediately stopped tensing and he closed his eyes, feeling warmth spread through his body. He took comfort in this voice... but who was the owner?


Hinata's eyes snapped open to come face-to-face with Kageyama.

"W-what-" the shorter boy tried to speak but his throat felt as though he had eaten sand.

"You're finally awake. You were having another nightmare weren't you?" the raven-haired boy asked as he got up and reached over to get a glass of water for the other. He took the offering and drank all of it, gasping for air as he took the glass away. He cleared his throat and looked at a concerned Kageyama.

"I don't remember..." he lied and the taller boy frowned.

"You were shouting in your sleep again." He informed and Hinata looked down.


"You don't need to apologise, idiot. Just... you can tell me anything, alright?" the King looked at him with a stern face and the orange-haired boy nodded hesitantly.

"I-I know."

"Well, if you're okay I'll just go to my bed and-" Kageyama was interrupted by a hand on his shirt. He looked to Hinata curiously and saw that his eyes were drooped with a mixture of sleepiness and sadness.

"Shōyō, what is it?" This happened more than it should. The nightmares came to both of them most nights and a lot of the time, the shorter of the two would seek something from Kageyama. Although, neither of them were really sure of what it was and they were left back at the beginning. They slept in the same room so Kageyama could keep an eye on the other boy but the King didn't know what to do for his knight.

"It's nothing." Hinata finally muttered, letting go of Kageyama's shirt. The King knew that the other needed something but what it was is a mystery to him.

"Are you sure, Shōyō?" he asked once again, wanting to know what was bothering the other boy.

"It's fine. I'm…fine." Hinata finally told him and the king frowned.

Liar. You're lying to me

"Alright, when you feel like telling me what's wrong, I'll be right over there in my bed. All you have to do is call for me, okay?"

The other boy stared at Kageyama for a few seconds and nodded, probably still not used to being treated with care, even after all this time.

"Okay." Kageyama confirmed and went over to his bed that was across the large room. He lay down in the almost uncomfortably soft bed and listened to Hinata from there on. He would look after this boy with all he had and it didn't matter what they went through. His knight was far too important to him.

Kageyama's eyes snapped open. He had fallen asleep and the boy across the room was loudly calling his name. He turned his head toward Hinata where he saw the boy continuing to sleep. He got up and walked over the other bed, his name being called another couple of times.

"Shōyō?" he saw the other's face scrunched up with pain.

Another nightmare? Kageyama worried, knowing that even two nightmares in one night was unnatural for Hinata.

He climbed onto the knight's bed and grabbed the boy's shoulders, effectively pinning him down. He also learnt after all of this time that doing this stopped him from screaming and moving about. He lightly chuckled at himself, remembering the days where he hated everyone around him, not caring about anything or anyone. This boy had changed his life, even saved his life, and he loved him. To what extent his love went to, he wasn't sure, but all he knew was that he wanted this boy to be happy. Kageyama refocused his attention on the sleeping body beneath him. He shook him by the shoulders, hoping that the he would wake from his nightmare soon. Suddenly, he was pushed back and hands were on his throat, effectively choking him and his eyes went wide.

"Sh-Shōyō!" he managed to get out, hands flailing to push him back and Hinata's eyes snapped open. They widened as soon as he realised what was happening and his hands were quickly removed.

"Tobio! I am so sorry. Oh my god." The red-head fussed, trying to remember what had made him choke the only person in his life that he was close to. He sat up, watching the King cough and gag to try and catch his bearings.

"I am… I can't believe I did that. I am so sorry." Hinata apologised, not knowing what to do. This had never happened before and he felt his heart sink. Kageyama was the one person he never wanted to hurt but he had just tried to kill him. When he saw the mark on the raven-haired boy's neck his breathing picked up and before he realised, felt breathless and light-headed despite his heavy breathing. He felt tingling in his hands and fingers as he started shaking, his muscles tensing and his heart beating fast.

Kageyama watched as Hinata started hyperventilating and realised that the boy was having a panic attack. He had seen this happen to the other boy multiple times just after Kageyama had lost his parents. Ignoring his own breathing, he tried to think of a way to distract Hinata enough to calm him down. He did what he would normally do to calm the boy during nightmares which was pinning him down at the shoulders and he racked his brain for something to say to him. Something that would work to slow his breathing is all he needed but there wasn't anything around him.

"Shōyō, It's fine just breathe normally. Copy me." Kageyama ordered him as he showed Hinata how he needs to breathe. Hinata tried but he couldn't keep up and the King cursed.

Something enclosed that can contract... I don't see a bag anywhere, He tried to find something when he realised he did have something like that. He bought his lips to Hinata's, keeping the knight's mouth open to keep him breathing. Kageyama circulated his breathing to match Hinata's breath intake to the right timing. This way, it both distracted Hinata and circulated his breathing properly. He didn't even think about it- he just wanted to calm Hinata down. After a few minutes, he could hear and feel the Knight's breathing normalise and he took his mouth away, seeing Hinata's face stained with tears.

"Are you okay now?" He asked gently, scared to startle the boy.

"Y-yeah, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to do that. I was asleep and there was someone there trying to- and I just needed to- I'm sorry." Hinata sobbed, clutching to Kageyama.

"Shh, it's okay Shōyō, you didn't mean to do it. I forgive you." He cradled the boy and ran one of his hands through the orange silk that was Hinata's hair.

"You don't hate me?" The knight asked, taking comfort in Kageyama's warmth.

"Of course I don't hate you. I'll stay with you so let's get some proper sleep, okay?"

The other boy nodded but surprised Kageyama with a chaste kiss and he froze.

"Thank you Tobio..." Hinata offered to the taller boy before he closed his eyes and nuzzled into Kageyama's neck. To say that the King was surprised was an understatement; however, he smiled a little and ignored the pain in his neck. He would protect this boy till the day he died.

For the first time in weeks, Hinata and Kageyama didn't have nightmares.

There is the first chapter. Sorry; it's rough around the edges and I am horrible with grammar and punctuation. It's actually a trial fic so if you guys want more then please inform me with a review or PM. Thanks for reading!~