Hi everyone! This is my first fic for this account, but defiantly not my first time writing one. (My old account was hacked and everything was deleted...) stupid hackers. But whatever, I got over it, and I don't even care anymore. (Lies...) but anywho, here's the story!

Disclaimer: I don't own transformers, and sadly, I don't think I ever will. I only own Kaitlynn, and I guess, Mikaela's mom!

Name: Kaitlynn Jasmine Banes

Nicknames: Katie, Jazzy

Age: same age as Mikaela (idk how old, 16? 18?)

Appearance: Very tall with, Long brown hair, and brown eyes with a blue rim on the right one.

Personality: Can be extremely shy at times but is usually loud, jumpy, and witty. (She loves sarcasm)

Backstory: hmmm CLIFFHANGER (lol fail of a cliffhanger... Just read to find out)

(Btw Kaitlynn is named after my new little sister Jasmine. Love ya jazzy!)

Kaitlynn Jasmine Banes. My new (kinda old now) permanent name. I will never forget the day that the Banes family adopted me and gave me a new home. Yeah. I was five. I bet your waiting to hear some tragic Mary Sue backstory aren't you? Well, there is none. I was adopted. Simple as that. I live in a happy family with my sister Mikaela, my adopted mom, and my... Dad. I guess we don't really live with him... He's, he's in jail. But that's a topic that I-we try to stay away from.

I love my new family, but sometimes I think about how it would be different if I still lived with my biological parents. I don't remember much about them but sometimes I can remember little things, like the color of their eyes. My mothers were a bright blue, unlike my fathers, who's were a dark brown, like mine.

I don't think I'll ever see my real parents again, but I'm happy to know that my foster family is still there for me.

Sooo, whaddya think? And no, this is not gonna be one of those 'Optimus prime is my father' stories, but like Katie thought, she never sees her parents again. Don't get me wrong, I love Optimus, but I've already attempted to write a story like that and it didn't turn out well. But, anywho, plz rate and review! Till next time!