(this chapter will be told in the perspective of Viral)

Today I will capture the person named Santa Claws! Mama Vikki told me it's a person who comes down the chimney, eats all of the cookies, and leaves something called a present. How dare he eat all of my cookies!? I made those last year and set them on the table to cool, but I fell asleep when Mama Cupcake snuggled against me. I was so warm and comfortable I fell asleep in minutes... I woke up and found that Santa Claws had eaten them! This Santa person is going to pay, and i'll rip his claws off of him, so he won't touch my cookies anymore! So I set a trap this year. I put in some sleeping pill thingies that Mama Vikki uses when she has headaches and wants to sleep. The whole bottle is inside of the cookies, and there's no way he can stay awake! HAHAHAHA! I will catch you Santa Claws! And so I wait, in the corner of the kitchen, watching those chocolate chip cookies like my life depended on it. Both of my Mamas have fallen asleep already, and it's really dark here, but my eagerness to catch Santa overrides my fear of the dark.

Step Step

I heard footsteps creep around my living room. Someone was coming towards my cookies. I swallowed hard and strained my eyes to see who it was.

"I know you're there Viral~!" Came a a soft whisper of a voice unfamiliar to me. I almost screamed when something grabbed my shoulder, and I instinctively jumped up. A strange woman sat next to me and smiled. She looked similar to Harbor from Kantai Collection, minus the horn and outfit. Her large, clawed hands picked me up and I sat there, awed that I sat perfectly in her palms. She was huge, and I think she might have been plumper than Mama Vikki. She walked over to the cookies and picked up the plate, smelling it before making a disgusted face.

"You could have killed me with that much sleeping pills!" She whispered angrily, dumping the cookies into the trash before placing the plate back down on the counter where it originally was. Still holding me, she walked over to the Christmas tree that was standing in the middle of the living room. She placed a box, that I have no idea how she got, underneath the tree. She then placed me down and pointed to the box. I picked up the box and stared at it.

"You can open that in the morning. It's a little gift from me, since I ate your cookies last time." She stated and when I looked up she was smiling at me.

"Do you think this will make up for my cookies?!" I asked her angrily and she just chuckled, kneeling down before me. I placed the present down and glared at her.

"Want to see something cool?" She asked all of a sudden and I tilted my head in confusion. She placed her right hand palm side up. Her giant clawed hand began to glow slightly, and it seemed like something warm was being produced. In the next second a batch of fresh, chocolate chip cookies appeared on a plain white plate. She gave me the cookies. I eyed her suspiciously. Why would she need to steal my cookies if she could make her own?

"I know you must be mad, be I got hungry and needed to eat something. After all, it's a lot of work to travel across the world in one night on an empty stomach." She gave an excuse to eat my cookies. Well, I guess I can't blame her. She did give me that free present, and even all the other kids. I decided to take the cookies from her and began to eat one. I heard Santa whisper 'Awww~!' When I squealed in delight. They were warm and gooey, just the way I liked them. A beeping sound entered my hearing after my third cookie.

"Ah. I have to go. I still need to give a few gifts before I head home."

She stood up and Walked towards the living room.

"See ya next year~!" She said and disappeared from my view... Crap! I meant to capture her, but I was too caught up in eating the cookies! Argh! You win this time Santa Claws!

UPDATE 1/5/2015 - So i decided to change the ending a bit, only because someone said i should XD enjoy

Yeah i know, random as heck, but that was the point of it. Viral is a kid after all, you can't expect everything to be... normal XD anyway, this is actually a lot shorter than I originally wrote, but then I realized that the original made little to no sense, and that this pretty much summed it up in less words with more sense. If you dislike it, lemme know and i'll remake it (since I kinda feel like it isn't that good anyways). as always, peace!