Done For You

Bella's P.O.V

"You don't love me?" I asked breathlessly. I swayed lightly on my feet. I started feeling dizzy and I nearly toppled over from the shock. He wrapped his arms around my waist to support me. I fell into them for comfort. Was this some stupid joke? Could we all just laugh and go home? I expected him to embrace me but there was nothing. He only held me in his arms until I gained my bearings once again. I was in the woods behind my house and it was late at night. I heard Edward clear his throat and my head snapped up to his flawless face.

"Bella, I never loved you. I pretended all this time. You're just not good enough for me to keep up this charade. I can't risk you being around our kind anymore. I'll even make it so it'll be like we never existed here." He seemed like he was silently laughing at me and mocking me with his golden eyes. I was hit full force with emotions. Jasper was wrong. I'm not worth it. Suddenly I understood. I'm Isabella Swan, the pathetic human who couldn't do anything right. Isabella Swan, the human who always needed protection, not only from other vampires, but also from herself.

"You're too weak."

The words hit me, and they hit me hard. I blinked back tears from my eyes as I stepped out of Edward's strong arms. I was begging him. Here I am again, acting like the damsel in distress. Can't I do anything right?

"Then change me! Edward, please don't do this to me! Take me with you! You promised me in Phoenix, that you would never leave me! Was that a lie? Did Alice and the others leave?" My sadness suddenly turned into anger. I couldn't believe it. He's leaving me now?

"I thought my staying was best for you but it's not." Edward sighed. He hugged me for once last time and I caught the last of his scent. "You're useless. I don't need you anymore and neither does the rest of my family. I don't want you. Go do what you pathetic humans do and just cry. I don't want to see you ever again. Now promise me one thing."

"Anything." I vowed as tears trickled down my face until I couldn't see. My anger subsided.

"Don't do anything reckless or stupid. Charlie needs you."

"If that's what you want…" I fell to my knees as he turned around and ran without a second glance. My body went numb and I couldn't feel anything but the tears flowing from my eyes. He left me. My other half left me. Why? All I could do was scream out in agony, and that's what I did. I saw a nearby tree branch sticking out of the ground. The last year of my life was a lie. I cried out as I ran my wrist against the branch. Why am I such a screw up? I did it again and again, I started feeling dizzy as I saw the blood. I began to feel faint so I curled up in a ball on the ground. I couldn't go home. I looked at my house. It was visible. I was maybe five minutes away from it. I can't let Charlie see me like this. He deserves better. He doesn't need me. I'm worthless. I looked up when I heard footsteps. In an instant, three pairs of red eyes were looking down at me. Vampires.

"You're the famous Isabella Swan aren't you?" The vampire girl had a sad expression as she looked me up and down. She looked young. Maybe about sixteen. Her eyes wandered to my wrist. She had red eyes. Maybe she would kill me and drain the blood from my body. I was shocked. None of the three vampires made a move to drain the blood from my body. None of them showed any signs of thirst. The boy with reddish brown hair looked sad as he watched the blood drip from my wrist.

"I'm Jane Volturi. This is my mate, Demetri," she motioned to the tall blonde vampire with spiky hair. He looked like he was about nineteen. He had some muscles. He reminded me slightly of Jasper. I shook off my thoughts as I looked at Jane who continued to speak. "He did me the favor of tracking you down." She then motioned to the other vampire who was looking at me intensely. "This is my twin brother, Alec." I nodded. I then gasped. I was standing in front of three of the most dangerous vampires in existence. Carlisle told me stories about his time with the Volturi. Why are they in front of me now?

Jane must have sensed my confusion. "Aro wants to see you. We have heard stories about you. He wants to meet you for himself." Jane's eyes darted to the blood on my wrist. I was too captivated by the three beautiful vampires that stood before me. Jane was short and had blonde hair tied back into a neat little bun. Her red eyes looked striking against her pale skin. They were bright even in the dark night sky, further emphasized by the pouring rain. She reminded me of a more dangerous Alice as they shared the same petite figure.

"The Volturi? Is this a death sentence? If so, I'll gladly go." I responded looking down at my bloody wrist. My clothes were muddy and I didn't need a mirror to know that my eyes were red and puffy from crying. I was a mess. I felt disgusting and I didn't want to live anymore. I was hoping I'd just bleed out but now I might be killed by the vampire kings. Lovely.

"If you died, Aro would be very unhappy." She gave me a look of sympathy. "You might want to clean up a little bit first." Jane sighed and grabbed my wrist and removed the scarf she was wearing and wrapped it around it.

"I don't want my dad to see me like this," I muttered knowing she could hear me.

"Is that your house?" she asked me motioning the white house that stood tall behind us. Edward had just taken me home since it was getting late after we hung out at our meadow. I noticed that he was acting strange. He didn't even kiss me anymore. I had no idea he was going to break up with me.


"No one's home. Demetri, Alec, guard the private jet. See that there are no intruders. I'm referring to the mutts." Jane said in a monotone voice. I stared at Alec. He got ready to break off in a run. He paused, making eye contact with me before dashing off with Demetri at his side. Jane picked me up and carried me and jumped through the window to my room. I pulled some random clothes out of my dresser and walked into the bathroom to shower. I cleaned off my cuts and winced at the hot water running against it. It wasn't the first time I did it. This was the first time someone found out besides Carlisle. After that was done, I wrote a note to Charlie, telling him I was leaving and such. I walked back into my room and Jane had a duffel bag packed with all my clothes and necessities. Jane wrinkled her nose at my outfit. I was wearing a plain black t-shirt and grey skinny jeans along with converse. I was comfortable.

"We are so going shopping. Let's go." She gave me a wink before throwing me over her shoulder and jumping out my window. I looked at the house as it grew smaller and smaller. I sighed sadly. I guess this is goodbye. We ran to the private jet which was somewhere in a clearing in the woods. That made no sense to me. Vampires, fuck logic. Jane handed my bag to Alec and passed me off to Demetri.

"By the way Isabella-..."

"Bella," I said softly. Jane nodded and continued.

"Okay then Bella, Aro has a gift that allows him to read any thought you've ever had with physical contact." Jane explained. I nodded and looked at her wearily. She must have saw the drowsiness in my eyes when she took me to a small room in the back of the jet. It was a small white room with a bed. "Rest up. When you wake up, we'll probably be in Volterra." She turned and walked out, bidding me a goodnight.

I didn't know when I fell asleep. I woke up with three worried vampires standing over me. I realized I was crying when the silent Alec asked me what was wrong. I put my hands over my eyes and continued crying. Alec cocked his head to the side and wrapped his arms around me. "I'm sorry… I just…" My throat constricted. I couldn't breathe. Alec reached over and grabbed a bottle of water from a small fridge. I didn't even notice there was one there. I nodded my thanks and took a sip.

"What made you upset?" Alec asked me.

"Memories of what happened yesterday." I put the bottle down. "I also had a really bad flashback." I buried my face in Alec's chest. He rubbed my back in a soothing manner. "I'll tell everyone when we get to Volterra." I paused and looked him in the eyes. They were still red. I looked at Jane and Demetri who stood in the doorway awkwardly. Their eyes were still red too.

"You aren't bothered by my scent?" I raised an eyebrow. Demetri chuckled.

"Hell no! Sure you do smell good," Jane slapped him before he finished. "But we have no desire to eat you or anything." Demetri winked at me. I blushed slightly.

"The Cullens were always bothered by my scent though. Minus Carlisle," I responded. Demetri then had a full-out laughing attack causing Jane and Alec to chuckle too.

"That's because those idiots starve themselves on what they need to survive. They're a whole lot weaker than us." Demetri smirked. Alec seemed to have noticed that I was calm now so he released me from his arms. He still sat next me. So these vampires were not going to eat me no matter what. Shit.

"We're here," Jane said. She turned and walked through the doorway. In Volterra already? How long did I sleep? It doesn't matter. It was a beautiful city from what I saw. It would be a wonderful place to die.

Alec lifted me up in his arms. "Wow, you're very light unsurprisingly." He smiled at me. A real genuine smile. His eyes glanced to my wrist but he didn't say anything. Shit. I didn't cover it up.

"What are you trying to say?" I joked. "I happen to eat vampires for breakfast."

"Whoa. Let's see you try that puny human." We both laughed.

"Oh it's on!" I got into a dumb boxing position.

"Sorry to interrupt but Aro wants an audience. Bella, meet up with Demetri. I'm going with Alec," Jane said and walked to her brother. She linked arms with him as they elegantly strutted down the steps of the plane. I followed and I jumped off the last step and tripped over thin air. Demetri caught me.

"Clumsy, aren't we?" He threw me onto his back and ran to the Volturi's castle. A man who reminded me of Emmett and a short petite girl came to greet us. They both were wearing red cloaks that hid their skin from the sun. Jane and Alec ran into the castle before anyone noticed while Demetri took his time. There were humans around but they paid him no mind.

"Hello. I'm Heidi and this is my mate, Felix. Aro is delighted to meet you. Come. This way." Demetri carried me through a long hallway with Heidi leading us to a huge room. Pillars were next to three thrones. Three vampires sat in the thrones.

"Ah, Isabella! I have been longing to meet you! I am Aro. This is Marcus," The man stood up and he pointed to a brown haired vampire who seemed bored with an underlying depression hiding within, "and this is Caius." He pointed to a blonde vampire with a sharp expression. All three of them were dressed in elegant robes colored in vivid red and gold. "We are the three kings of the vampire world." He glided over to me and grabbed my hand and placed a soft kiss on it. "Amazing. I cannot read your thoughts. What a wonderful gift! A mental shield! Brilliant! Surely…you would be a fine addition to the guard." He clapped his hands. "What do you say Isabella?"

"Sure. Anything to forget about the Cullens," I smirked and clenched my fist. Maybe this is where I will fit in. I smiled at him.

"Ah yes, how is my dear friend Carlisle?" Aro cocked his head to the side and smiled at me. Marcus leaned forward slightly. We made eye contact for a while.

"He's fine. They all moved from Forks, Washington and left me." I started to cry and that's when Jane and Alec walked in, caught up in conversation. Tears began streaming down my face as I fell to my knees. My heart ached. It was like I was slowly ripping off a band aid. Demetri rubbed circles on my back and was trying to stop me from crying. Alec ran up to me and pulled me into a firm hug. Aro bent down on one knee and looked at me.

"Tell me the story young one. What did the Cullens do?" Aro asked. Marcus gave me a look of compassion and nodded to me, urging me to go on. I took a deep breath before beginning.

"They all abandoned me. I met Edward, Alice, Rosalie, Emmett, and Jasper at school. I constantly felt drawn to Edward and I realized that he felt the same. It wasn't long until I was in love with him. I started to get to know the family and met Carlisle and Esme. It became a running joke that I always got hurt since I'm clumsy. Eventually it began to get serious. A vampire named James began to hunt me and tried to kill me." I showed my wrist to Aro, feeling insecure about my cuts that were still bleeding slightly. I didn't care about that. I wanted him to see the crescent shaped scar that haunted my dreams was still visible with no chance of disappearing anytime soon. Aro's eyes darkened a fraction. "This is where Edward sucked the venom out of my system after a vampire named James bit me. He didn't want me to turn." I glanced up at Marcus again. I felt him encouraging me. Alec had me on his lap and was rocking us back and forth. "Things were fine afterwards. I started to hang out with the Cullens more and more until yesterday or whenever Jane and the others found me after Edward dumped me saying I wasn't good enough for him anymore and saying goodbye forever." Tears flowed from my eyes as Aro wiped them away. "I'm ready to die now."

"What?" Aro's mouth opened in shock. "I would never hurt you Isabella! You are too precious."

"He's right Bella. I barely know you, but I love you like a little sister already," Demetri said. "Now I want to kill that son of a bitch!" He looked at Aro pleadingly. Aro dismissed him by waving his hand causing Demetri to pout.

"Language!" Caius boomed. I was taken aback slightly. Tears were still in my eyes as I smiled slightly. Caius gave me an uncomfortable look.

"It's okay Bella, he's not worth your tears." Alec comforted, hugging me once more. Jane agreed and flanked my other side.

"Why do you want to die?" Aro asked me sympathetically. He looked at the scars on my wrist once more. Damn, why didn't I cover them up?

I shrugged my shoulders. "I thought being with the Cullens was where I was truly supposed to be. I feel like I lost my purpose in life. I didn't have the best childhood and I spent most of my life unhappy." I rose to my feet as Marcus appeared right in front of me.

"Never say that Isabella. Even if you feel like you've lost your way, just find another one. You are too beautiful to be so sad. Edward wasn't your true mate anyway. You have to be strong Isabella. If not for yourself then for me," Marcus spoke to me softly. Caius' head snapped up.

"I…I don't know what to say…" I looked down at my feet. Caius shook his head.

"Tell me, Isabella, were you planning on committing suicide?" Caius asked. I was shocked. How did he know? I sighed and nodded my head. "I see. It was written all over your face. You thought you would provoke the Volturi and we would kill you?" Again I nodded.

"Isabella…" Aro said sadly.

"I know it hurts Isabella," Marcus sighed. "Sometimes it hurts to live on but it would hurt even more if you died with nothing but regret," Marcus sounded like he spoke from experience. I felt tears brim in my eyes. All I do is cry. Why do they care so much?

"Bella, live," Alec whispered in my ear. "Live for me. Live for all of us."

"Isabella, we have a room prepared for you. I would like you to go and think things over," Aro approached me and pulled me into a hug. I saw Jane raise an eyebrow. I guess this is strange to see Aro hugging someone, much less a human. "Alec, please escort her to her new quarters and please…keep her safe."

"Come with me," Alec spoke softly and held out his hand to me and I took it hesitantly. I turned around and gave a sad smile to all the vampires in the room. He led me through the double doors leading to the throne room. He led me down another corridor where there were six doors. "Jane, Felix, Demetri, Heidi, and I live in this wing. Your room is right next to mine." Alec opened the door and I looked around the room in awe. It was beautiful. There was a canopy bed in the center with red bedding outlined with a golden trim. The floor was carpeted with a warm sienna color. The walls were beige and there was a nightstand next to the bed. A walk in closet was on the far side of the room. I had a dresser and a bookshelf full of books in the room. There was a small fridge near the door. Alec looked at me for a while. "I'll leave you to your thoughts. I'm going to check up on you in a few hours."

"Thank you for everything Alec," I whispered. My throat was dry so my voice cracked slightly. Alec reached down to the fridge and tossed me a bottle of water which I surprisingly caught. He smiled before leaving the room and closing the door behind him. I just noticed that there was a guitar in the corner of the room. I picked it up and looked at it sadly. Edward never gave me a chance to play for him. He always had to be the talented one. I strummed a chord. It was in tune. The guitar must have been new. I closed my eyes and began to sing.

"Those times in life we learn to try, with one intention
Of learning how and when we'll die, but we can't listen
I wish to God I'd known that I, I didn't stand a chance
Of looking back and knowing why, or pain of circumstance

You're not alone
We'll brave this storm

So here's my song I wrote in time, when it was needed
Through pain of heart or loss of mind, your burdens lifted
You aren't alone just know that I, can't save our hearts tonight

You're not alone
We'll brave this storm
Let's face today
You're not alone

You're not alone
We'll brave this storm
Let's face today
You're not alone

You're not alone
We'll brave this storm
Let's face today."

I put the guitar down and lay on the bed staring at the ceiling with tears streaming down my face.

_Z: The song used in this chapter was Carolyn by Black Veil Brides, it's personally one of my favorite songs. I recommend you give it a listen. I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I have discontinued 'Heat Reborn' as this is the rewritten version. Can you review and tell me what you think? I would greatly appreciate it!

I love you all!