Letter 1- Eren Yeager

A/N: Well first off thanks for taking the time to check out this story-or well drabbles! I would like to make it known that by writing these drabbles I'm in no way trying to or have the intention of insulting or offending anyone's story or favorite pairings, but rather I'm writing these because I don't think anyone else has done it and that it will make a entertaining and hopefully funny story. So please keep this in mind that this is not meant to be something taken really seriously!

Second these drabbles will be mostly based on Attack on Titan cliches and pairings that are common within fanfiction, and not so much on things that have happened in the anime/manga since I do not want to spoil anything for anyone!

Disclaimer: I do not own any character of Attack on Titan, Hajime Isayama does! Also this story is inspired by Sarinistes' Bleach drabble series, which you can check out by using the link below~


Now on with the story!

Dear Attack on Titan Fanfiction Writers,

I can' believe this! The things in here about me and my friends...these stories are just sick! I am a member of the Survey Corps my job, no- my life purpose is to destroy all of those disgusting titans and take back humanity's freedom! To take back what belongs to us! OUR BIRTH RIGHT AS HUMAN BE- (SNAP!) *stops writing and rushes off to go get a new writing tool*

Anyway that being said first off, Armin and Mikasa are my childhood friends! You got that? Friends! I do NOT sneak off in the middle of the night into the horse stable to make out with Armin or Mikasa and definitely not that horse face! Let alone do any of the other ridiculous things you writers have me doing with them.

Seriously! Mikasa is just...a great friend and thats all! I do not *cheeks turn slightly red* have sex with her.

THEN all this stuff you have about me and the Captain, is just beyond disgusting! Just what the hell do you think I do in my spare time!? I mean yes its true that I'm under Captain Levi's watch, but that means he's just suppose to look after me to make sure I don't accidentally transform. NOT look at me undress or chain me to his bed and do whatever the hell you guys have me doing in these stories! At most I admire him for how skilled he is at taking down titans!

He only beat me up at that hearing in order to save my life, to show that I'm not a threat to humanity! Not to satisfy some sick pleasure you say he has and certainly not to pleasure me! I'm not his "sexy" slave or "sexy" maid!

Also I would like to say that I am not some over emotional whinny crybaby! So what if I get angry!? I can fight and will continue to fight titans! Somebody has to stop them, I WILL KILL ALL- (SNAP!)



Eren Yeager

A/N: Well that's all for now, Hopefully Eren was in character. Please do review! favorite, and follow! Compliments, Constructive Criticism, and Suggestions are always welcomed and appreciated.