A/N: AHHHHHHHso sorry!This took way to long. . '

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The Lunar Lamas, were a fun bunch to watch. They bustled around their business in a v-shape, never breaking from their lines. The head Lama stood in the front, closest to the train. As the passengers unboarded, they nodded to each person, repeating frazes of 'Hello' 'How do you do?' 'The yetis will show you to your rooms' and 'Please do not raid the pantries'. Jack was pretty sure they were looking to North for that one.

When they got to Nightlight, the Lunar Lamas all bowed their deepest bows to him. Jack's glowing friend shuffled from foot to foot, a small smile on his face, but he looked uncomfortable. The winter spirit laughed, but backed away when the attention was turned to him.

"Child of the Moon!" the Head Lunar Lama said with a bow.

"We have awaited your arrival!" said another.

"Thank you for gracing us with your presence!" they said one more, still bowing. Jack back up into the group behind him. Nightlight pushed him forward, giving him a 'haha' look.

"Thank you for having us once more," Ombric stepped up, acknowledging Jack's discomfort.

"There is never a time we wouldn't have you," the head Lama nodded.

"Come," said another.

"We will show you all to your rooms," said one in the back.

"As you have not all been to our home before," the head Lama said, turning their 'v' formation around, walking out of the courtyard.

Jack looked around him as the others started following. Walking alongside Katherine and Nightlight, he glanced around in amazement. Everything was glowing a soft, blue glow, and the moon looked bigger and brighter than ever, just as Katherine had described it. Glancing to the side, he hunched over uneasily when he saw some Lunar Lamas staring at him with large grins on their faces. Jack walked closer to North. They were kinda creepy.

The men lead them to their guest rooms. The guardians already had rooms, so they quickly moved on to showing everyone else where they would be sleeping. All the parents tried to calm their children as they hopped up and down on their beds, forgetting their manners.

Jack was given a room in between Sandy's and Nightlight's, with Bunnymund's all the way down the hall, not that Jack cared or anything.

Once they had been shown their rooms, they were lead to the dining room. A very long table ran across the room. Surprisingly, it could seat all of them.

Toothiana perched on the chair next to Jack, looking at him for a moment before turning away to speak to Sandy. Jack hunched his shoulders, feeling he did something wrong. In reality, he knew she was used to being alone, and the Queen didn't trust easily, but he still felt like he had offended her in some way.

Scooting in his chair as close as he could to the wooden table, he fidgeted with the designs on the side, marveling at the moon patterns. Ombric had taken the chair on the other side of him, and patted his hand comfortingly when he saw Jack's nervousness.

They didn't have to wait long. As soon as the Lamas were seated, Yetis bustled out of the kitchen, large trays and platters balanced on their hands. Setting them in the middle of the table, the food became accessible to everyone, and they all dug in. Jack hesitated, feeling like he was stealing something, but with some prompting from the wizard next to him, and the Lama's stares pressuring him, he reached out and dished some -turkey was it?- onto his plate. Satisfied, the Lunar Lamas gave themselves small portions of food. Jack didn't eat his food, just stared at it. He had never had turkey before, and he wasn't feeling up to trying it now.

Everyone was in a discussion of some sort, and Jack shrunk down in his seat. He knew he was welcome, and it was ridiculous, but he couldn't help but feel like he wasn't supposed to be here. Looking out across the table, he stared at one of the Lamas, who continued eating, kindly disregarding his stare.

Glancing back down at his plate, Jack picked at the meat with two fingers, then grabbed his fork, stabbing it. He lifted it closer to his face for closer inspection, his expression falling. He wasn't a big fan of eating meat. He would eat it, on some occasions, but it just seemed unappealing to him.

'This was an animal,' he sighed to himself, setting it back on his plate. Slinking down in his chair, he just smiled and took very small bites of whatever Ombric or North shoved on his plate and prompted him to eat.


Bunnymund took slow, thoughtful bites of his lettuce. Being a Pooka, he was considered to be a picky eater to most other beings. The Lamas understood his pickyness, however, and just gave him the best thing they could give him. Along with plenty of other side dishes, he had a lot to eat, but that's not what he was focused on at the moment.

He was focused on the winter spirit a couple of chairs down from him that kept sneaking glances at him, thinking he wouldn't notice. Bunnymund never turned his head toward him, but he felt Jack's gaze fall on him often. If it were any other person, it probably would've irked him, but this was Jack. He and Jack had a sort of...connection.

Bunnymund sighed, taking another bite of his food. He was a human. He couldn't let Jack fall for him. And he couldn't fall for Jack. It wouldn't work. Bunnymund wasn't ready for this.

But he had made the mistake of actually looking at Jack, and as the spirit turned to look at him again, he was met with surprised blue eyes and a flustered face, which quickly turned back to stare at the table. Bunnymund smiled. He had to admit, for a weird looking furless human, he did look cute when he was embarrassed.

And a small, lonely part of him was convinced it would work.


"Hey, Sandy!" Jack smiled at the short golden man, who grinned sleepily up at him. The Sandman only talked to people through dreams, give or take a few choice people, but that didn't bother Jack. The silence was sometimes nice, as long as he had someone there with him.

They were sitting at the edge of the neatly paved clearing of the Lamadary, where everyone was currently celebrating their reunion. Turns out the Lamas were excellent party throwers also, and it seemed everyone was having a blast. At first Jack had been mingling, but as the night wore on, he soon got tired of the constant noise surrounding him and went to go sit with Sandy, who, surprisingly, was awake.

Jack plucked a few grains of dreamsand from the cloud they sat upon, his feet kicked up behind him as he laid on his stomach. They sat in a companionable silence, that is, until the other tapped Jack's shoulder, smiling deviously at him. The mischievous grin instantly reminded Jack of the other Sandy, and he was instantly wary, knowing the man could be every bit as a trickster as Jack was, maybe even a bit more.

When Sandy pointed across the clearing, Jack followed with his eyes, trying to figure out what he wanted. Immediately, he saw Bunny standing in the direction Sandy was pointing, as if the man had known Jack was keeping tabs on him.

"What?" Jack scoffed defensively, already knowing what Sandy was hinting at. The man formed the shape of a heart with his hands, and Jack almost choked on the air he was breathing.

"No!" he quickly denied, shaking his head for emphasis. The Sandman rolled his golden eyes, smiling a softer smile at him, making Jack look away, embarrassed. "I don't like him," he insisted.

Patting his foot, Sandy just shook his head, confirming that he knew Jack did. Whining, the winter spirit let his head thud against the dreamsand cloud, making him feel tired.


Jack may have been tired earlier, but there was no way he was sleeping now. It wasn't that he couldn't. He just didn't want to. Usually, he had no trouble adapting to new places, as he was constantly traveling, but something about the palace just put him on end. It was probably just nerves about tomorrow. Tomorrow he was going to speak with the man in the moon, something he hadn't done in three hundred years.

Sandy had offered to give him some dreamsand, but, not wanting to feel like a burden, he refused. So now he sat outside, staring out into the silent courtyard.

...What if the Man in the Moon from this universe didn't like him either?

...What if his new found friends disliked him because of it.

Jack didn't know if he could handle that. Not for the first time, he considered again running away, but decided that would be too childish. They trusted him. He couldn't abandon them.

"Hey," a soft voice made Jack jump, and he quickly turned away from the softly glowing balcony to find Bunnymund standing behind him, still dressed in his robes, but wasn't wearing his glasses.

"Oh, hey," Jack smiled, stuttering a bit.

"...Can I sit?" the Pooka said after a moment of silence.

"Oh, ya. Of course," Jack scooted a bit to the left even though there was plenty of room. Bunnymund just smiled and sat next to him, dangling his legs off the edge of the balcony as Jack was, crossing his arms over the railing and looking over to the human, who was a bright red.

After his and Sandy's 'talk' today, Jack knew he was being obvious, and felt like dying inside. He couldn't let Bunny find out.

"So what are you doing up?" Bunny finally asked, watching his reaction.

"Oh, I just couldn't sleep," Jack gave a lopsided smile, watching the few Yetis still up bustle around on the lower level. "Why're you up?"

"Same reason I guess." Bunnymund shrugged. "I have to get my sleep cycle back under control," he said, narrowing his green eyes.

"Ah," Jack nodded as if he understood, and they fell into an uncomfortable silence again.

Kicking his bare feet around, Jack all of the sudden felt like throwing up. Anxiety came crashing down on him, and he felt like he was drowning all over again. But he didn't want to make a fool of himself in front of Bunnymund, so he stayed silent.

The Pooka sensed his turmoil and sighed to himself. Poor boy.

"You know," he began, "the mountain tops are a lovely place to sit and look down on everything," he pointed to the peak of the Himalayas, not far from the Lamadary. "Especially at night. I know you are nervous," Bunnymund gave a lopsided smile at Jack. "It'd be a great place to calm your nerves."

"...Okay," he said after a bit.

"Let's go then," they stood up and Bunnymund offered his paw, which Jack took gratefully. The elder tapped his foot and a hole appeared in the paved tiles. "That'll be fixed in a bit..." Bunnymund said after a bit of staring. Jack laughed and together they jumped in.

It was a short walk there, thanks the his tunnels ability to bend space. The hole opened up to the snow covered mountain top. It was wonderfully cold up there, unlike the warm temperature the Llamas kept their palace at. Jack did love the warmth, but only at times. The cold helped him clear his head, and right now, that was all he needed.

They wandered for a bit until they found a good spot to sit. There was a small cave a ways away, barren of snow, so Bunnymund could sit comfortably, and Jack could still reach out and touch the snow at anytime. Throughout their whole walk they still held hands instead of letting go, like Jack had expected him to. Not that he was complaining.

Upon sitting, they fell into a comfortable silence unlike earlier. After some prompting, Jack finally made it lightly snow, and they watched in peace as the flakes drifted down lazily from the sky.

Jack sighed peacefully and curled up on his side, still linking hands with Bunnymund, who was forced to lay down so they weren't at an awkward angle. Closing his eyes, he drifted off to sleep, knowing he was safe.

Bunnymund watched his eyelids flutter as he slept. Reaching over, he patted his head softly.

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A/N: Stalker bun woohoo! :P

Again, so sorry this took so long, I've been distracted by other things. D: It's not even that long of a chapter, I know. Hopefully I can make it up!

So thanks to all of you people! You're amazing!