Lovino had moved in to Ludwig's house after that, and since he had been kicked out so suddenly, he had to buy new clothes.

In the first, few days after having moved in, he had recieved a dirty look from Prussia, who had shown up to retrieve his things before he moved elsewhere; he seemed to blame Romano for everything rather than to blame his own younger brother.

It seemed like a far cry from how Feli had reacted; he had no qualms about blaming his very own brother.

Lovino figured that Spain blamed and hated him as well; he doubted any of them hated Ludwig based off of their reactions.

He found that isolating himself from the world in Germany's house was their best option.

He couldn't keep denying the past by the time the next World Meeting rolled around.

Romano hung close to Germany in the room, deliberately sitting by him rather than by Spain and Feliciano.

Spain seemed to stay close to Prussia and France; North Italy sat on France's other side.

England seemed confused by the fact that France wasn't pestering him.

America seemed to take France's place in annoying England today, and Japan had situated himself beside the American; he refused to look at any of the former Axis Powers, which meant that Feliciano had most likely told him about the affair, and he didn't want to chose sides.

France alternated between comforting Feliciano and Antonio to outright glaring at Lovino and Ludwig.

Switzerland looked like he was about to yell at everyone to be nice, or be shot.

Russia in his very own, creepy way seemed to enjoy the tension, so Romano looked away from him.

He felt that everyone was judging them for hurting Spain and North Italy, though only a select few even seemed to know about it; everyone, it seemed, loved Feliciano and Spain much more than they did Romano and Germany.

It wasn't like he had wanted to hurt them!

England seemed startled that Germany didn't even try to get the meeting under control.

"As the host of this month's World Meeting, I am starting the meeting." England awkwardly announced in his best attempt to get the meeting started.

France scoffed, but did not bother with stopping the meeting.

Romano just longed for it to be over, so that he and Ludwig could once again be away from the world's prying eyes.

It seemed that luck was not on their side as at the mere mention of the country of Italy, Feliciano had screamed with tear filled eyes that he'd rather see the whole country of Italy dissolved then deal with his lying, cheating, twin brother.

Romano bit his lip, and tried to stifle the anger raising in him for his brother's sake.

"Dude, twin brothers should get along." America argued back with Feliciano despite Feli's obvious pain.

"He lied to me, and he slept with my best friend when he knew that I liked him!" Feli cried out; he didn't seem to care who had heard.

Romano stood up, and stormed towards the door of the meeting room; please don't force him to fight with his brother again!

He truly did love his younger brother despite the fact that he rarely shown it; he hated that he had hurt his normally cheerful brother so bad.

"Dude, that's not cool!" Alfred shouted at Romano.

That was the last straw for the Southern Italian, "I did not choose to fall for my Fratello's best friend! I did not want to hurt Feli or Antonio! I probably should of lived miserably, so that my always better loved brother got what he wanted, is that what you wanted to happen, Bastard?"

America didn't seem to know what to say to that.

"Big Brother Spain loved you, and you chose to hurt us instead of accept our love!" Feli shot back at his elder, twin brother.

"Do you just want that kind of love?" Lovino argued back.

The idea of never loving your partner, and having only them love you stung the slightly younger Italian.

Feli bit his lip, and tried not to cry; he had never thought of himself as better than Lovino, but it hurt to lose someone that you loved to your older brother.

"I loved him, Fratello." Was all that North Italy said.

Romano finally managed to escape the Meeting Room, and Germany followed him.

He hated how his last living family member had been seperated from him by the same German man.

He hated Ludwig in that moment, but he still loved him with his whole heart which was a very painful experience for him to have.

He let Ludwig hold him in his arms as a means to be comforted, and Romano wished that he could simply stay here in this man's arms forever and away from the painfulness of the rest of the world, where it was much to easy to hurt the closest ones to your heart.

He wished that his control over his country would cease, and his last moments could be in Ludwig's arms.

Maybe Feli could win over the German's heart once Romano was gone.

It hurt too much for Romano to think on that, so he focused on the beautiful feeling of being in Germany's arms.

Arms that made him feel safe from the rest of the world, and hit away all hurt with in him and that he had caused in others.

Ludwig's arms were the safest place that Romano knew, and he liked it there; he also enjoyed the flow of warmth and emotion that coated his being when he was near Ludwig.

In these moments, he could almost forget all of the people that these moments hurt.