"Mmm, Natsu," Lucy hummed as Nastu pressed his lips against her throat, the blonde enjoying the feeling. She could feel her throat and body pulsing with how many markings Natsu given her over the course of their love-making but she loved it. Especially since she rarely encountered anyone, she didn't have to worry about covering them up anymore.
She was care-free and just having the time of her life as she was living the life of what others may think was crazy.
She was in love with a wanted Prince, sheltered in the middle of nowhere where it was just them two.
It was the best thing, ever. Especially since the sky was always in perfect view where they lived, Lucy was practically in heaven. She wished for this to continue for as long as she lived as this is what she a born to do.
"Natsu," Lucy ran her fingers through his messy hair. "don't you have work to do?"
"Can't I just lay here with my wife?" He buried his face deeper into her bosoms. "I'm tired."
"Well, my dear husband," she felt the corner of her lips tugging upwards. "fall is approaching and it is going to be cold soon and we need firewood." She said making Natsu groan. "So hurry and go on so you can quickly come back to your wife,"
Raising his head and looking down at Lucy, he had a big grin on his face as he leaned down and pressed a quick sweet kiss against her lips.
"I love you," he hugged her tight making Lucy snuggling into his shoulder. "I'll be back for you."
"I'll be waiting." She planted a quick kiss against his cheek as she watched him rise and get out of bed.
She admired his naked behind as he looked for clothes that were tossed around the cabin.
Yes, she honestly could not be happier.
Riding his horse down the forest, knight Gray Fullbuster stopped his ride to stare down the hill where a vast variety of trees scattered, his dark orbs looking for some kind of sign.
He felt restless and frustrated as its been almost over two months since his journey started and he was feeling angry that he couldn't return unless he came back with the missing Prince and his lover. The king was bound to hang him if he came back empty-handed once more and he really had to go back as his girlfriend was waiting for him. But that idiot Prince made it hard for him as he was away for almost two months.
His men were scattered all through out the land and yet nobody could find a trace of them—where could they disappear to? They should have found at least something as it should be that difficult.
But no, all they were left were threats by the Kingdom and nothing but hope latched onto their chest.
Maybe they got mauled by a bear? If they were, this mission would have been for nothing.
Clicking his tongue in disapproval, Gray turned his horse around and went to go find the nearest water source so he could take some kind of break.
Traveling down the mud path, he was brought to an area where he had idea where he was, the feeling of uneasiness settling inside his chest as he knew if he didn't find an area where he knew, he would be stuck till the next morning. Or till he got killed by some animal which sounded better than being on this journey for another day.
Listening to the sound of water rushing ahead, the knight brought his horse to a nearby stream.
He hopped down his Nobel steed, the tired male taking a seat by a nearby tree to rest. The leaves were changing colors slightly as Fall was approaching making him realize that it was going to be a very hard and harsh winter with him being out in the world looking for somebody who he didn't even know was alive.
It made him angry as the endless search of the Prince was taking so long as he was supposed to be one of the best knights who was able to do anything and everything.
But apparently looking for some stupid Prince wasn't something he was good at.
He didn't even know what his lover looked like! All he knew was she was the Prince's lover, her name was Lucy Heartfillia, and she was blonde. But there were tons of blondes and honestly, he could have already passed her without even knowing.
The growling of his stomach made him groan, throwing his head back against the tree trunk as he was just so hungry. All he has been eating has been fruits and whatever he can hunt for the past week since he hasn't been to town for a while. And all he wanted was a warm house with a nice home-cooked meal.
He could just imagine his girlfriend placing a hot plate of food down on their dinner table, a very bright smile on her face.
"Gray-Sama, I made your favorite!"
Gray slurped his drool back into his mouth as he felt his saliva fill his mouth, the male suddenly feeling the urge to use the bathroom. Looking up to see his horse was still drinking from the stream, he stood up and walked away to find a nice quiet place to do his business.
Once finishing, he pulled his pants up and made his way back, a loud yawn flying out of his mouth as he just felt so exhausted.
He swore he will kill that idiot Prince himself once he finds him.
"Are you here by yourself?" Gray suddenly heard a female voice come from the direction where his horse was making him stop and listen. "Who do you belong to? You're very beautiful..."
He moved his hand to his side where he kept his weapon, the male pressing his back against a tree to peek at the stranger. He noticed a female petting his horse, a handkerchief wrapped around her head. She had a soft smile on her face as she gently touched the horse who happily allowed her to. He also observed that she had a basket of wet clothes behind her making him realize she was just a woman doing her laundry allowing him to relax and come out of hiding.
The rustling of the bushes made her become alert as Gray watched her snap her head up and look directly at him, the look of worry crossing her features making him smile.
"Do not fear, I'm not here to hurt you." He reassured her. "I'm just allowing my horse to take a drink and I'll be on my way."
The woman didn't look convinced as she took a step back, her eyes darting from his face to his sword by his side making him look down to see she was eyeing his weapon.
Gray quickly unbuckled his sword and tossed it on the ground, raising his hands in the air to show that he was harmless.
"See? I'm not going to hurt you."
After staring at him for a bit, the woman relaxed and offered a slight smile his way.
"I'm sorry, I'm just not used to seeing people around here."
"No worries. Do you live around here?"
"Yes, I live here. Are you lost, perhaps?" She looked at him and behind her. "Are you alone?"
"Yes, I am alone and yes, I am lost." He admitted, a sigh flying out of his lips. "By chance, do you know the nearest town here?"
"The nearest town is four miles from here. Just follow this stream down and you will come across a dirt path and you will be in town." She pointed down the stream, a smile present on her face. "I hope you find your way," she bent down to pick up her basket of wet clothes. "nice to meet you but I just go back and make dinner before my husband comes back."
"Oh, yes, of course. Have a lovely day, miss." He said but his voice suddenly became quiet when his stomach growled loudly.
He watched how the woman froze and his entire body grew cold as he just felt the embarrassment bubbling up his body.
He just wanted to rip his hair out as he never been so embarrassed in his life, his face feeling so hot as she turned around to look right at him.
"S—sorry," he sputtered, looking down. "I haven't really eaten since yesterday."
"Oh," she let out a small laugh. "then... would you like to come by for some dinner before you leave?"
"I don't want to intrude—"
"No, I don't mind at all. It's actually been a while since I've seen somebody other than my husband," she offered a bright smile. "please, stop by."
Looking at his horse and up at the sky to see how many more hours of sunlight he had, he finally gave in when he felt his stomach growl once more.
"I would love to."
And with that, Gray followed the woman home with his horse as they came up to a small cottage that he would have never thought would be there. It looked very comfortable and homey making him miss his home even more.
Tying his horse to a tree nearby, Gray followed the woman to her home where she opened the door and stepped inside. He followed suit and once he did, he was star struck by the interior where he would have never thought it would look like this. There were very little decoration but there were two love seats and a glass coffee table in the center of the house where it faced a small television pressed against the wall. there was a fireplace in the corner and a small radio right above it. Fresh picked flowers laid in a vase by the window and a collection of books laid in the almost empty book-shelf. Magazines were scattered on the coffee table and the place was just so homey and elegant, he was speechless.
"Please make yourself comfortable, I'll fix up some snacks for you right away!" She happily scurried into the kitchen leaving him in the living room.
He kicked off his muddy boots and made his way to the love seats, sitting down on the soft cushion where he let out a sigh of relief.
He's been sitting and sleeping on cold hard grounds that he felt so relived to finally be in something soft and warm. It made him miss his home so much as he just wanted a nice warm bed with a nice thick blanket to cover him up.
"I sliced some apples, I hope you like them. I promise I'll whip up something better for dinner but for a snack, this will do." She came back with apples and a cup of water.
She placed it down on the coffee table making him come over and immediately start stuffing his face. She started to giggle making him feel embarrassed once more, finding out that he probably looked like a barbarian.
"Don't be shy, I'll be in the kitchen." She said as she took off the handkerchief around her head to pull it off.
Bits of her golden hair stuck to her forehead as sweat was lining against her hairline.
Gray couldn't help but think she was just beautiful, a slight blush appearing on his cheeks.
He watched her leave and then finished off his snack, happily laying against the soft love seat where he flicked the television on.
This brought back memories of where he was home as this was just so great. That woman's hospitality was something that wasn't really common and he appreciated it as he was feeling so content at that moment.
He wonders if the husband was as nice as the wife was.
He had a feeling that he wasn't.
He could just fall asleep right there but the smell of something nice cooking made his senses become alert as he was far too hungry to even sleep.
His mouth watered at the sounds of meat sizzling and his stomach growled for him once more.
Whoever married that woman, he was intensely jealous of.
Hearing the door open behind him, Gray immediately snapped out of his trance as he prepared himself to greet the husband. He had a feeling that he might get the bad impression as if he would, too, if he saw some strange man in his home alone with his wife.
He watched how the woman came back out, a bright smile on her face.
"Welcome home!"
"Uh, hello, I am—" he looked up to lock eyes with familiar eyes making him stop and gap. "—Natsu." His name slipped out of his mouth as a whisper.
"Gray." His name came out of his mouth, a tense look appearing on his face.
Suddenly, all the emotions he's been holding in just started flowing out, the knight clenching his fist as he jumped over the couch to run over to where the male was.
Natsu was quick to dodge him as he ran over to where Lucy was, guarding her behind his back.
"Natsu, what is—"
"Lucy, stay back! He's a knight from the kingdom, he's here to take us back!"
"A knight?" She gasped, the look of terror mirroring her face as she looked at Gray.
The look of betrayal flashed across her face and Gray felt slightly guilty. But he didn't even know that this woman was the missing lover of the Prince. He should have known by her blonde hair and the stupid cottage in the middle of nowhere.
"So, you've been here all along, huh, flame-head?"
"How did you find us? I demand you leave right now."
"Without you? Oh no, I've been searching for you for far too long and I also don't want to rot in a dungeon for all eternity so, nah," he shook his head. "but first, I'm going to beat the shit out of you for causing all this drama." He started to crack his knuckles making Natsu throw him a glare, pushing his wife behind him even more.
"If you leave now, I'll spare you the time and the looks."
"Oh, I'd like to see you try," he smirked. "and since even did you get married?" His eyes darted from his tan face to the blonde behind him making Lucy tense up. "I wasn't even invited to the wedding—I'm kind of hurt."
"Fuck off," he muttered under his breath. "who'd want a piece of shit like you in their wedding, anyways?"
"Oh well, whatever." He shrugged as he took a step forward. "Your father can deal with your idiotic self because I'm going to drag you back to the kingdom even if it's the last thing I do."
"I'd like to see you try!"
And with that, Gray lunged forward and tackled the pink-haired Prince, the two tumbling to the ground for Natsu to take the lead and straddle the knight, throwing the first punch at his face.
"You have no right to butt into my life!" He shouted as he repeatedly threw punches till Gray kicked him off and get on top of him.
"I do when my life is involved!" He punched him right in the jaw making spit and blood fly out of his mouth. "I have been able to go home in two months because of your bitch-ass!"
"Nobody told you to!" Natsu punched him right in the face to have him fly back and clutched his nose which bled. "Tell that stupid king that I'm dead! I'd rather die than be forced to separate from Lucy!"
Staggering back and wiping the blood from his nose, Gray looked over at the blonde who stood by the corner, her eyes wide in fear.
"Y'know, you're right. I do like her." He said making Lucy hug her herself. "So maybe when I drag you back, I promise I'll take good care of her for you."
"If you dare lay a finger on her, I'll kill you!" Natsu snarled at the knight who didn't look intimated by him at all.
"Hey, somebody has to take care of her, right?"
Lunging forward with all his might and fury rushing out, Natsu slammed Gray down to the ground and threw punch after punch as it soon got very blurry for Gray. It got to the point where Lucy had to step in, screaming about how he was going to kill him if he didn't stop.
But Natsu looked like he didn't care as blood dripped off his knuckles and the look of anger never disappeared as not an ounce of pity was brought out.
"Say that one more time and I'll fucking kill you," his threat didn't sound like a joke as he was pushed back by Lucy. "now get the hell out of here before I actually do."
"Natsu," Lucy gave him a look as she made him sit down on the love seat.
"Stop," she said once before turning around to approach the bloody knight. She peered over him as he looked as if he was coming in and out of consciousness making her frown. "see what you've done?"
"Are you really chastising me when he's the one—?"
"I don't want to hear it," she put he hand up to have him look away in anger. "Gray, can you hear me? Gray?" She bent down to nudge him on the shoulder making him groan. She sighed and stood back up, pointing at her husband who eyed her with a pout. "Look after him while I go get the first aid kit."
"Luce, are you serious right now? If you haven't forgotten, he's trying to take us back to the kingdom! He's one of them!" He pointed at the knight making Lucy huff and plant her hands on her hips.
"You can't blame a guy for doing his job—you beat him to a bloody pulp when he's a guest in this household."
"No," she cut him off immediately. "watch him." She said once more before leaving the two boys in the living room in a mess.
Natsu could only glare down at Gray as he waited for him to pop right back up again, his hand clenching into a fist repeatedly.
He didn't mean to actually beat him up that much, he was just a little angry at him so he kind of went a little overboard. But now he can always make fun of him for winning against their never-ending battle of who was better.
"Natsu, clean yourself with this," Lucy came back to hand the Prince a wet tissue. "and make sure to disinfect your cuts or else." She gave him a knowing look as she went over to where Gray was, kneeling down in front of him. "Sir Gray?" She called out as he groaned out in reply. "I'm going to have you to sit up."
"I..." He gasped out making her use the tissues she had to wipe the blood away as much as she can. She noticed the blood on her wooden floor and pursed her lips, gently helping the knight up to sitting position to make it easier for her to aid his injuries. He winced when Lucy pressed the tissue against his nose.
"I'm sorry," she cringed. "your nose doesn't look broken but it's definitely going to hurt for a week or so." She wiped the blood off his chin. "And you might want to expect a black eye."
Gray hissed out in pain once more when she applied some disinfectant on his busted lip and his forehead as she carefully placed a band-aid on his cuts. He pressed the bag of peas she handed him against his eye and he tasted blood in his mouth, his eyes following the gentle hands of the blonde.
"Why are you helping me?" He asked as Lucy started to check on his hand. "I'm the enemy, remember?"
"I know," she said while wrapping his knuckles with bandages. "but you're also my guest."
"He's not our guest," Natsu hissed from behind but the blonde simply ignored him.
"And I basically am the entire cause of this royal drama so I'll take fault in whatever is happening." She held his hand in her hands, giving them a gentle squeeze. "But please do understand when I tell you that I love Natsu and these past two months have been the best two months of my life." She looked up to lock eyes with the knight, tears glistening in the corner.
Gray's eyes widened at her expression and words as he felt some kind of throbbing sensation inside his chest.
"Haven't you loved someone or something where you don't want to spend not even a single second away from them?"
Lowering his head to the point his bangs covered his eyes, Gray was in loss of words.
This woman... whoever she was, she really was just full of surprises and life. She was just a ball of sunshine which made him understand why the Prince he's known since he was young was acting the way he was. He would have never thought Natsu would be the type of guy to run off with some girl, and especially throw away his title like that.
This woman definitely meant something more to him than he would have thought.
A slight smile appeared on his face. "I don't know why the light requested you two back in the kingdom but I do know it is for a good cause. King Igneel is very kind and he knows what is best and if he just wanted the Prince back, he would have just requested the Prince but he demands you both." He looked up to lock eyes with Natsu before looking back at the blonde. "I understand... I really do. But, you also need to realize that I want to go home, too."
"You don't understand!" Natsu shouted. "You don't even care!"
"Natsu, please,"
"Dear Lucy," he looked at the blonde in front of him with such a look that it made her insides tremble. "please, return with me to the kingdom for I must return back to my dear Juvia. I swear, as a devoted knight to the Dragneel kingdom, I shall not allow you to be taken away from Prince Natsu. On my life, I will keep you two together even if it is the last thing I do."
"Lucy, don't listen to him, he's a load of—"
"Yes." She suddenly said surprising both Natsu and Gray. "I will return back to the kingdom with you."
"Lucy, what are you—are you crazy?! Did you just not—"
"Natsu," Lucy cut him off once more. "Gray is right. He has a home to return to and he cannot because of us. If King Igneel is demanding our presence back, why not pop by for a visit or to see what he has to say at least? You did just suddenly leave."
"Lucy, you do understand that this could jeopardize our freedom and our relationship." He stepped forward to look his wife in the eyes who just smiled at him.
"Yes, I do, but I cannot allow Gray to suffer like this. Let us return, yeah?"
The look on his wife's face made him bite down on his thoughts as he knew he couldn't say no. He loves her too much to say no to her but he didn't want her to be taken away from him. He wouldn't be able to bare that kind of pain as he was living the life.
But if she thought this was best, he was going to follow through because Lucky Lucy was rarely wrong.
"Fine, let us return back to the Royal kingdom."
notes: okay so this was supposed to be uploaded yesterday night but I accidentally fucking deleted it so j had to rewrite it & you do not know how blown I was
notes2: I have been so stressed lately where my right eye continuously twitches and it's the most annoying thing ever
notes3: how are ya lovely humans? leave me a lovely review!