notes: ive been reading too many things that involve princes and love and banishment and drama and asfghjk just love me and this story, ok? Ok.
disclaimer: no.
Stepping out of the train, Lucy felt the wave of fresh air and relief wash over her body as she was greeted with the clean Magnolia air. She recently transferred to Magnolia, the capital of Fiore, because of one sole purpose: to see the stars. She heard that the stars rarely disappear from the beautiful sky and they're much more beautiful and shinier there rather than another place in the world. She also heard that the royal family lived in Magnolia and she wanted to see how they were since they're always a hot topic wherever she went.
Well, not like she was going to get the chance, anyways. She wasn't even that interested in royalty.
Inhaling the nice air of the place, the blonde took her luggage and her overly excited body to her apartment which she gotten months before just for the day where she finally came.
It was a nicely spaced place that was perfect for a family of four but she got it for herself and the price wasn't as expensive. The place was nice and neat and very cozy as if she lived there her entire life.
The apartment was right down the street on Strawberry Street and the building was a cute little house-like apartment. She fell in love instantly and she was damn proud of herself for grabbing this apartment—it was probably one of the best things she's done in her entire twenty-four years of living.
Finally arriving at her cozy new apartment, the blonde quickly dropped her luggage off and set off to go sight-see the famous Magnolia.
She heard that during the summer the rainbow cherry-blossoms bloom and they also hold many festivals that have the royal family participating every day. She was most excited to see the stars at night and now she was feeling restless.
First, she needed to go grab something to eat before sight-seeing since she was feeling all hungry and jittery from all the coffee she consumed and the traveling.
Walking down the cobblestone pathway of her new street, the blonde got up on the edge stream which split her neighborhood in half, and balanced herself down. Local boatmen warned her to be careful but the blonde just brushed it off since she knew she was fine.
She didn't take ballet for seven years, after all.
"Man... Magnolia sure is nice... way better than Hargeon." The blonde muttered to herself as she continued to stare off into space, enjoying the beautiful view. "Why haven't I come here sooner?" She asked herself as she was about to hop off the edge when she heard some screeching and crashing from behind her.
She was quick to turn around and see as she suddenly saw a cat hiss and pounce off her while running in the other direction, the female adult's eyes widening to have everything go in slow-motion.
She felt her feet slip and she slowly started to fall backwards but before she fell into the cold stream, a warm hand grabbed her by the wrist and yanked her forward. She then fell forward instead of backwards and fell into a warm chest which smelt like honey and spices.
Lucy looked up in alarm to see who saved her and noticed it was a blonde-haired male grinning down at her. She felt the blush spread throughout her pale face as she could feel his warmth coating her like a comforting blanket.
"You okay there? Are you hurt?" he asked making her gulp and stare dumbly. "Are you okay?"
Finally realizing he was speaking to her, the blonde quickly nodded and regained her composure, quickly standing up on her two feet.
"T—Thank you so much! I thought I was actually going to fall inside!"
"Maybe this will show you not to walk on the edge of the stream," he teased making her flush in embarrassment. "I'm glad you're okay. I have to get going now, if you'll excuse me—"
"I—Is there a way I can repay you?" Lucy was quick to ask making him stop in his track and look at her in bewilderment. "A—as in for saving me from... falling into the stream." She said shyly making him eye her for a minute longer before a smile spread through his handsome face.
"How about accompanying me to a party tonight?"
"A... party?" The blonde cocked her head to the side in wonder and confusion making him nod and grin even wider. "What kind of party?"
"Oh, I'm so rude! My apologies—it's at the royal kingdom tonight at seven. Would you be interested?"
"T—the royal kingdom?" Lucy gawked in surprise making him chuckle and nod. "Isn't that for important and royalty only?"
"Yes," he agreed as he glanced the way where the cat went earlier and back at the blonde. "are you interested? If not, you can say no. I just got to hurry and go catch my cat." He said, jerking his thumb towards the direction where the cat went making her eyes widen. "Oh! I'm so sorry—yes, erm, sure! I would love to! Uh... I just live on strawberry street right there." She turned to point at her cute little apartment making him lean forward and look at the house she was point at before nodding.
He flashed another grin her way before waving goodbye. "See you at seven!"
Also waving goodbye, the blonde failed to notice that she completely been asked out by a handsome stranger she just met in the streets.
Was this the magic of Magnolia?
When it was just barely six, the blonde was surprised to hear her knocking on her front door. She remembered that she had a party to attend at seven and that blonde stranger said he'll come pick her up then but who was this knocking on her door, now?
Walking on over towards the brown wooden door, the twenty-four year old opened the door and was almost knocked off her feet when a group of people suddenly entered her apartment uninvited.
"W—what..?! Who are you people?!" She cried out as she noticed it was a female holding a make-up kit, a man who held a hair kit, and another woman holding a white box in her hands. They were all grinning at her and she felt sort of scared but she didn't let it bother her as somebody else enter the room, her eyes widening in surprise.
"Y—You! You're from—"
"My name is Sting. Sting Eucliffe." He announced, smiling beautiful as he approached the short blonde. He wore a fancy suit which was all sorts of shiny and clean making her eye him in wonder. "Sorry for the intrusion. I hope you do not mind."
"Since the party will be at seven, I have come an hour ahead to prepare you. I have these three to help you dress up for the party so you will look like a suitable date." He flashed a grin showing off his rather sharp fangs.
Lucy seemed perplexed by the idea but didn't question it further as the three went to work almost immediately, the blonde too surprised to even utter another word.
Who was this blonde guy and why did his name sound so familiar?
"Have you ever been to the royal kingdom before?"
"E—eh?" Lucy squeaked in surprise, the blonde quickly straightening herself as Sting eyed her with an amused expression. "T—the royal kingdom? No... I haven't... I just arrived to Magnolia, today." She confessed making him quirk a brow at her in interest as the two rode in a large limousine which Lucy found really cool and fancy.
She first thought this guy was someone who lived in the town just like she did but she was wrong. This guy was somebody important if he was invited to attend a party at the royal kingdom.
"You came to Magnolia just today? What is your purpose?"
"I wanted to see the stars," she admitted, her eyes twinkling slightly making Sting stare at her. "I heard the stars here are much different than anywhere else."
"That is true," he agreed, shifting slightly in his seat. "Magnolia has the most beautiful view of stars and we also have the rainbow cheery blossoms."
Agreeing with the blonde male, the limousine came to a halt making Lucy patiently sit in her seat, wondering what was going on. Just then, the door opened and a blinding light took away her vision for a bit.
Sting stepped out of the car and extended his hand out towards her to help her out, the blonde hesitantly placing her hand on top of his to have him pull her out. "Follow me. Do not let go of my hand until we make it inside, am I clear?" Sting whispered into her ear making her nod obediently, her eyes wide in awe.
All she could see was the large beautiful castle that was right before her eyes, her mind trying to process everything that was going on.
Carefully staring down at her feet, Lucy made sure she didn't accidentally step on her dress and slip or even miss her footing as she climbed up the red-carpeted stairs. She felt like she was somebody famous and all the attention made her insides squirm awkwardly as they finally reached the top of the stairs.
Lucy felt slightly out of breath as Sting looked composed as ever, a handsome smirk decorating his face.
"Shall we enter?"
"O—oh... yes, of course." She murmured awkwardly as the male blonde pulled her inside the open doors of the castle.
The floor was shiny and waxed; everything appearing to look like it was sparkling. Large beautiful chandeliers hung from the tall ceilings and all sorts of people dressed in suits and ball gowns were walking around.
Being guided down the corridor and into a large room, Lucy felt Starstruck by the place.
She never has entered a castle and never wore something so expensive.
She was just an ordinary woman coming to Magnolia to see the stars but now, she looked like a Princess!
Turning her head to thank Sting and ask him a couple of questions, the blonde felt disappointed to see he wasn't besides her anymore. Instead, she was all alone in the large room full of people she didn't know.
Feeling flustered and all alone, the blonde stepped to the side of the ballroom to allow people to pass through, her brown orbs darting from place to place to observe the palace even more. She even recognized some people there as they were famous musicians or actors. Though she didn't see any royalty but she didn't even know how they looked like.
But surely, royalty would stand out more, right?
"You're in my way," a gruff voice behind her making her jump and quickly move to the side in embarrassment. She turned around to see it was a tall slim male with tan skin and brown spiky hair. He had a scar on his right eye and he had somewhat pointed ears, an emotionless expression plastered on his face.
"S—sorry..." the blonde muttered out an apology as she bowed making him huff and step forward to grab a wine-glass that was on the table. He grabbed the glass and immediately drowned it making Lucy stare in surprise.
He seemed to notice the look and smirked, looking at her. "What? Haven't seen anybody drink like that before?"
"Well... uh, I—"
"Cobra!" A female voice flew on top of her voice making the two turn and look who it was. It was a woman with shoulder-length purple hair dressed in a lime green gown standing right before them, a scowl on her beautiful face. "The ceremony will be starting soon! You should be up there!"
"Yeah, yeah, whatever." He muttered before walking off with the beautiful woman leaving Lucy confused.
Deciding it was just some kind of mess up, the blonde turned around and began to walk away when she suddenly bumped into someone making a small yelp appear and somebody falling to the ground making her eyes widen in alarm.
She looked down to see who it was and she noticed it was a blue-haired girl about the age thirteen dress in a dark purple gown looking surprised and a bit pained.
"I—I am so sorry! I didn't see where I was going and—"
"I—its okay, miss! It was my fault—please do not be so alarmed!" She spoke up as she quickly stood up and dusted herself making Lucy watch with furrowed brows. "I am just so small; people do not see me as well!"
"Wendy!" A new voice appeared making the two turn and see it was a woman with vibrant white hair running towards them. She had a pretty pink bow tied on the end of her long beautiful hair as she had a scowl on her face like the other woman did earlier. "What are you doing down here when the ceremony is about to start?!"
"Oh... oh! I forgot—sorry Carla! Excuse me," the said girl, Wendy, said as she quickly scurried off with the woman Carla.
Once again, Lucy was left on the spot in pure confusion and wonder.
What in the world was even going on? Who were all these people and what were this ceremony people were speaking about?
But as soon as she asked, it looked like her question was answered when the lights went off and a spotlight laminated the staircase where seven people stood, three of which she knew since she's met them already.
"Ladies and gentlemen, allow me to introduce you our future rulers!"
"Wait... they're... royalty?!" Lucy cried out to herself in a hush whisper making others around her eye her weirdly before fixing their attention back on stage.
"First up is Princess Wendy Marvell, future ruler of the sky district!" The host announced as they shown the same blue-haired girl that bumped into Lucy earlier walking down the stairway. Lucy seemed completely confused and shocked that Wendy was a Princess. And she was so rude not to acknowledge her, either!
"Right behind Princess Wendy is Prince Gajeel Redfox, future ruler of the steel district!"
Walking right down beside Wendy was a tall dark-haired male with multiple piercings around his body, a stern and emotionless expression on his face as he gracefully walked down the stairs as well.
"Behind Prince Gajeel will be Prince Cobra!"
"H—hey... it's that guy!" Lucy muttered to herself, her eyes wide as the same drinker she met earlier walked down the stairs, the look of boredom and annoyance stretched across his face. "I didn't know he was a prince..."
"Besides Prince Cobra is Prince Sting!"
"What?! He's a Prince, too?!" Lucy gasped out in surprise as she practically had her eyes glued on the grinning male who had multiple ladies screaming for him.
How come she didn't know he was Prince? She must have appeared so rude and ungrateful to a Prince like him with the way she acted today... and now she felt utterly embarrassed.
"Besides Prince Sting is his twin brother, Prince Rogue! Coming down the stairs with Prince Rogue is Prince Laxus Dreyer!"
"Prince Laxus!" A lot of the woman screamed making Lucy cringe slightly, the blonde eyeing the crowd of wanting females to the Princes on stage plus the one Princess. She felt slightly perplexed and restless by the thoughts and she had to get out of there before she was pulled into something she shouldn't have been pulled into.
Meeting Sting in the streets was by pure luck and now, she regrets meeting him since she didn't belong in this world.
Turning around to leave the place at once, she was stopped when the host announced the last Prince.
"And here is our future ruler, Prince Natsu Dragneel!"
Turning her head once more to see the last Prince, Lucy felt the air escape her lungs as she got eye-contact with the pink-haired Prince. He grinned wickedly at her and she knew he saw her by the way he stared down at her.
She could tell she wasn't going to be leaving anytime, soon.
notes: it didn't turn out as well as i thought and this was supposed to be short because it's the first chap but so many things i had to add so nngh... oh well. it was supposed to be longer but i cut it short.
i hope you guys liked the first chap though, tell me what you liked and disliked! and if i should continue or not. :) x
thanks for reading!