Everything was chaotic, and chaotic didn't seem to cover all of the emotions that floated about in Division 15.
She just had to keep moving, because if she stopped, Gail was pretty sure the adrenaline would stop too. Thus leading to the impending mental breakdown she was fighting at the moment.
Chloe was in the hospital fighting for her life, and while Gail Peck didn't exactly like Chloe, she was still worried of the well being of a fellow officer. Gail was striding purposely down one of the corridors of the station, sliding by people not going as fast as she was.
Okay it wasn't that she didn't like Chloe, it was just that, Chloe was far too optimistic about everything. It was like she was so innocent to everything that happened in the world. And Gail was actually kind of jealous of that. Peck was through so much, and it got to her sometimes. Keeping up the snarky, bitchy attitude was something that was very difficult to do sometimes.
Everything was going so well, Gail avoided McNally and Collins like the plague, and in turn she branched out and actually made a new friend, Holly,
She remembers their meeting so clearly. She had just nonchalantly pushed right by Peck and just continued trudging on with the leaves crunching under her.
"Hey, Lunchbox, you're not allowed down here," Gail said, taking a step towards the intruder and sighing inwardly.
"Thanks 'preciate it!" was all the woman said still walking without a second thought.
"No, I said you're not allowed down here," she said, matching an icy glare with her words.
The brunette woman in question just turned around with a smirk and took a step towards Peck. Gail just rolled her eyes at the overly hoppy this girl was. 'She literally just bounced towards me, like it Tigger from Winnie the Pooh.'
Gail just rolled her eyes and gestured with her hands, saying "Yes, you" without actually opening her mouth,
The woman lifted her bag and replied with a laugh, "No, I actually need to get some samples."
"Who are you?" Gail answered back, keeping her face in that uninterested snarl she perfected.
"The forensic pathologist," she had said back, almost in disbelief.
"Oh.." Gail relpied shifting her hands to her pockets, taking a wide step forward. "Could've mentioned that sooner," Gail said slightly less sarcastic.
"Sorry, thought it was.. obvious." she had answered, gently lifting her bag before letting it fall slack.
"Only to nerds," Gail said, trying to gauge the reaction of her spiteful insult. To no luck, the brunette in front of her just scoffed. "Can you come back later?"
She had took a slow step forward and was now face to face with Gail. The woman was slightly taller than Gail, but seemed more slender. Not that Gail wasn't slender, it was just the vest and all wasn't too flattering.
"You're not up to your medical jurisprudence -"
Gail immediately zoned out, staring blankly into the brown eyes, and by the time she tuned back into the scheduled conversation, she had already missed too much of it. Gail had just shook her head and continued her blank stare. If she were to be honest about anything in her life, it'd be that at that moment, her eyes started to burn. So finally she blinked. Gail had had enough of the fake listening.
She smirked inwardly at herself for being so clever.
"Why are you saying all these words?" because I don't care to listen to them, She took on that disinterested look and tone again. This time the woman just smiled, though nothing was funny, it was a more 'can you believe this chick' kinda smirk. Then Sam had spoken up,
"Alright, i'm gonna need someone to stay here and uh, someone to go along to the morgue!"
Gail rolled her eyes as Cruz piped up, immediately following Sam's words to stay with him. They were such an odd couple and to Gail it made no sense, but she didn't care to speak her concerns. Mostly because they weren't concerns just her opinion based on harsh judgements. Something she did well.
"Alright, I'll go to the morgue," Peck raised her hand as if she were volunteering, she didn't really have a choice. "Guess it's never too late to learn all about medical jurisprudence!" Gail had said to the brunette who had just shook her head with a smirk, turning to get to her work.
Gail watched this woman work, her body twisting and her hands moving gently across the bones, picking up the remains and scraping things off into small petri dishes. Then she grabbed leaves and sticks and threw them in an evidence bag. Gail found that weird, but didn't say anything. She chalked it up to some nerdy science thing, and immediately stopped caring.
The car ride was boring, and Gail had glanced up from her phone only a few times the whole ride. She spent hours talking to Holly, and she can begrudgingly admit to learning a few things too.
But afterwards after everything was said and done, Gail had opened up to Holly. Oddly she didn't regret it.
"Something tells me you like it here," Holly teased, placing undone paper work into her bag, only glancing at Gail for a second.
"I could live here. Holly..." Gail admitted, swirling in the chair as it pivoted to face the Doctor. Gail sighed heavily and looked up through her eyelashes. She counted the little dots on the ceiling on one tile for hours today, and now she did so, but to help formulate the words.
"I'm like a cat, i'm very good at climbing trees, and then the minute I get up there, I don't.. I have no idea what to do. I want to get down but..." Gail looks at her hands and rubs them together, now staring at a particular scuff in the floor. A dark contrast in the boring white tiles. "I don't know how to do that."
Holly had chuckled and smirked, but she still listened, and kept quiet. Just letting Gail ramble on about being a cat, an odd analogy yeah, but it worked... Kinda. Gail rationalized things better in her head than out loud. She didn't like speaking about her emotions.
"So, I.." Gail starts again, after her long pause. "I create an emergency situation, to get out of it," Gail finishes letting her chest rise with a heavy breath.
"Out of the tree?" Holly questioned, letting herself process information, Gail had assumed. It was a lot to lay on to someone she barely knew.
"Of relationships." Gail clarified, this time meeting Holly's eyes with a pained look, but it was only for a moment. Then Holly had turned around, grabbed Gail's coat from the chair behind her and her own bag, and walked towards Gail slowly.
"Ah. Yeah, I used to be like that too," Holly admitted with a sheepish look. "But it turned out I didn't like men." Holly said casually, shrugging her shoulders and allowing Gail to grasp her coat.
"Well I don't think I like men either,"
"I mean I'm a lesbian," it was Holly's turn to clarify.
"Oh," Gail said. She stood and shouldered her coat on, fixing the collar as she casually strolled out, "I mean I hate people," Gail threw over her shoulder to Holly, and she saw that smirk, and how Holly bit her lip just slightly, and then shaking her head like she was trying to clear her head of thoughts.
Gail on the outside, threw the sarcasm at Holly, but on the inside she was freaking out. 'Lesbian? I should've known, I guess... Maybe.. but she said it so... nonchalantly...' Gail was indeed freaking out in her head.
But they had gotten on so well, and still did. But Gail felt, different about things. Holly was Gail's only real friend, and Gail liked spending time with her, it made her feel happy. Gail could just forget her day at work, and all that stupid, pointless drama, and she could laugh. She could joke, and laugh, and enjoy her time with Holly. It was a very foreign thing for Gail to experience, but she liked it.
Like that one time Holly brought a date to The Penny, oh Gail had had better moments than that. She just glared icily at the two and hoped that maybe the chick Holly was with would take the hint and leave. What hint? Gail had no idea. But then Holly had glanced up at her, and held her gaze, and she felt the glare soften. It returned once Holly smiled and turned back to her date. Then the chick looked towards Gail, and the icy look in her eyes was back, full force.
Okay so that one time was last night, and it really didn't help her mind and she couldn't help but let the frown and icy look return to her face.
She decided she didn't want to look so angry and thought of a happier time. like that time at the batting cages were Gail made an absolute fool out of herself and had thrown the bat father than she had hit the ball. They had both been laughing until tears were in their eyes and stitches in their sides.
Gail felt herself smile, but then her mind raced back to the whole being shot at in the park deal. She wished she didn't. She couldn't actually admit she was scared, but she was. And that scared her more than anything. Not like she had much to lose if she was shot.. Except maybe her friendship with Holly, and her brother Steve... That's a lot to lose, now that she thought about it. She took a breath and turned once again down the main hallway that would take her to the real bustle of the station.
The person at the end of the hallway had taken her off guard. Long dark hair spilling over the shoulders of a very worried looking woman. She clung to a blue folder like it was a life saver and kept it tight against her chest, and Gail almost wanted to punch herself in the stomach when she felt the turn and happy sensation..
"Hey? What're you doing here?" Gail had asked when she was close enough, her hands held out at her sides. She put them down quickly, and ran her fingers over her holstered gun. She realized what she was doing and quickly pulled her hand away.
Not the best signal to send to Holly, was it?
"Oh! Hey, I was just dropping off my report on a murder case from a couple weeks ago," Holly had stated looking very uneasy under Gail's penetrating gaze.
"Doesn't the courier usually bring that stuff over?" Gail asked, watching Holly closely. Gail's own uneasiness was gone and was replaced by her guarded stance. She didn't want Holly to know what happened. Even if she did pull those, big, dark, brown puppy dog eyes she always did when she wanted to know something. Gail almost always caved, almost.
"He was sick, or... something?" Holly said nervously, Holly looked at Gail's skeptical look and broke under the pressure. Looking down at Gail's name tag and grabbed her wrist without really thinking. "Hey, C'mere." As she led Gail to her immediate left and opening the first door she saw. An interrogation room, suddenly Gail got nervous. Really nervous, Holly's hand had squeezed tightly and she looked back at Gail as she shut the door softly.
The blue, protective folder was thrown onto the table and Holly had quickly appeared in front of Gail who was rooted to one spot.
"Is it true?" Holly had started, taking a deep breath, "I heard a rumor that there was some... freak out there hunting you guys?" Holly asked, much more worried looking now they were in a tight space, only a few centimeters from each other.
"Holly I-" Gail squeezed her eyes shut, shaking her eyes. Maybe if she closed her eyes and clicked her heels together, Holly wouldn't be as close. "I'm not allowed to talk about this," Gail said slowly, opening her eyes and shifting slightly.
Holly just looked at her, her face screamed bullshit and she opened her mouth to retort back, but Gail saved her the trouble.
"There's an officer that was shot, she's in the hospital and," Gail licks her lips and her eyes suddenly become cloudy as she remembered the radio chatter, the bullets raining down on her cover. She thought it'd never end. It felt like an eternity, but it wasn't even close. She averts Holly's gaze, even if she can feel it burning a hole through her face. "and a few other officers took fire." Gail said, finally gaining her nerve to look up. She found Holly's eyes, and she didn't feel that scared anymore, mostly tired. Her adrenaline was running off.
"You mean you?" Holly had a stunned look on her face, and the eyes told Gail everything. Holly was beyond worried, she was scared shitless. "And you're going to go back out there!" Holly said, her voice getting higher and higher.
Gail just looked at her calmly, even though her insides felt like they were jumping into her throat. Speaking of throat, Gail cleared hers, and licked her lips again.
"Holly.. I'm a police officer-" Gail had said. Gail had looked at Holly funnily. Holly knew this, it wasn't a shock actually, looking down Holly would be able to see her badge, and her gun at her hip.
"That doesn't mean you have to go out there and put yourself in danger!" Holly had said quickly, her hand running through her dark hair.
"Uh..." Gail looked at Holly as if she were an alien with multiple heads. Multiple beautiful heads..She scolded her own mind at the thought. "Yeah, it kinda does!" Gail scoffed, her tone dripped in sarcasm.
Holly took a step back and closed her eyes. She took a breath in as Gail watched her intently. Gail hated to see the brunette like this, but, there really wasn't much she could do. It was her job. She couldn't change it, and she didn't want to. Even if she was just a tiny teeny bit scared.
"Yeah... I knew that.. I'm sorry, I was..." Overreacting? Gail offered in her mind. "but...L-listen.." Holly stuttered, taking her place back in front of Gail. "That girl last night?" Holly gulped and Gail heard it.
Gail remembered the chick, Tall, dark, and handsome? Pretty? Whatever. She also remembered feeling a jealousy she had never, ever, felt before. It was something she wished she was able to forget about. But that night when she stood up and announced she was leaving, because the pain of watching Holly laugh with someone other than her was too much, she knew it wasn't just a friendship anymore. And the second time Holly glanced her way, Gail felt herself blush and move her gaze to the bottom of her glass. She left that night so she could mull things over. She didn't know quite what she was feeling towards Holly. But it sure as hell wasn't friendship. She said that already didn't she?
"I barely knew her, alright? Okay?" Holly said hurriedly, "It was a stupid set up."
Gail had just shook her head, and couldn't help the feeling of relief crush the pounding waves of jealousy in the pit of her stomach. 'What would I have even done if it was "something"' Gail wondered on the inside. For all intents and purposes, she tried to focus on what Holly was saying, mouthing... whatever. But she really couldn't. Gail Peck was just staring at Holly Stewart's lips, and it was tempting to lean in to kiss her. But she didn't, she waited until Holly was done, she listened half-heartedly. Her mind already on the prize.
"It was just, I just wanted you to know. I don't know why I didn't tell you," Holly sighed, a hand pushing her glasses up and rubbing her nose before placing them back down. "I mean we tell each other stuff, right?" Holly was smiling, and using her hands to wave around. Her rambling becoming much more rushed and hurried. ""That's what's so great, is us hanging out. And then I heard what was happening I just thought I should come down here and, I dunno." Holly had scrunched up her face and Gail just kept silent and stared at her.
'Kiss her! She thought, then the rational part of her brain screamed 'Don't do it!' And it was going back and forth between the two sides for this whole monologue that Holly felt she had to share.
"I dunno... to just, make sure you're okay, or something?" Holly said, her voice slightly straining and her hands rising up and pointing to Gail but falling slack at her sides.
That did it. That had just broken Gail's heart, in a good way. Holly actually cared for her well being and not many truly did. Gail threw her rational thought out the window and her eyebrows knitted together, and she couldn't help the glossy look in her eyes.
Gail was quick, before Holly could start another sentence, one hand knotted itself in beautiful brunette hair, the other pulling Holly's face closer, and then her lips.. her lips had crashed into Holly's forcefully.
Holly was frozen and Gail slowed the kiss down just a tiny bit, enough for Holly to get her bearings back. Gail thinks to herself all the while her lips are pushing back against Holly's, it was a very sudden thing to do. But it felt good, and she didn't want to stop until she was about to pass out.
Gail very slowly trailed her tongue at Holly's bottom lip, and Holly slowly slipped her own tongue from her own mouth to meet with Gail's. Gail was already, and deeply hooked onto kisses with Holly. Gail's hand in Holly's hair had slowly wound it's way up on her cheek. She knew Holly wasn't going to run on her right now, so she didn't feel the need to hold her into the kiss.
Holly's hands moved up and clenched at Gail's, the ones that held onto her face so gently.
Gail was gasping for air by the time it was over, and she very slowly, very reluctantly pulled away. Gail had to force her eyes back open, and she had to restrain from capturing a very inviting set of lips again.
"I'm sorry.." Gail had whispered, her thumb on her right hand had slowly started moving on it's own accord. It traced back and forth very slowly. "You just.. You just have to stop talking," She whispered. Gail shook her head, and her eyes flicked down to Holly's lips, she was chewing on the bottom one, running her tongue on it, and then Gail looked up, into those deep, dark, brow, adorable little puppy dog eyes. Holly looked scared for a moment, and when Holly touched Gail's hand, the thumb slowed, but didn't stop.
"I won't say another word." Holly whispered, her eyes half lidded as she leaned her head in. Gail's breathing evened out, and she leaned her own head in. This time, Holly closed the space and kissed her slowly with no intention on becoming too heated.
They kissed off and on, long deep kisses, to short soft pecks. All the while Gail's hands were on Holly's face.
Gail had hoped her hands weren't cold, she didn't see how, because the rest of her body was on fire, and her heart was beating a mile a minute.
"Thank you." Holly said softly, when Gail gave her a confused look, Holly spoke again. "I wish I could ramble on forever in your presence,"
Gail didn't really trust her voice, but just nodded, her hands falling from Holly's face to her shoulders. Gail sighed heavily, looking up at Holly worriedly
"I have to go..." she whispered. Her hold on Holly's shoulders tightened.
"I know," Holly said softly, her eyes conveying much more emotion that Gail had seen from her since the coatroom incident.
"I should go," Gail said, slightly stronger.
"I know," Holly replied just softer than before. Gail cleared her throat and looked up at Holly, watching as Holly gripped tight to Gail's uniform every time she moved, and then unclench when Gail squeezed her shoulders gently. Gail wrapped her arms around Holly.
"I don't want to go," Gail said instead, she just kind of melted into Holly, who wrapped her arms tightly. Holly sighed,
"I know, I don't want you to either,"
There was no telling just how long Holly and Gail stood in there, just hugging and sharing gentle kisses. When Gail finally cleared her throat and stepped back still taking hold of Holly's hands, it was obvious. They both knew that Gail needed to go, despite both of them not really wanting Gail to go anywhere.
"I guess, we'll need to talk about this later then," Gail said, twisting her face into a mock disgust face. In reality, Gail really didn't want to talk about it. She didn't know what she wanted, well she knew, she just couldn't put it into words. Holly was so good with words, and saying what she felt. Gail was not. She fell flat on her face in that department. Holly just smiled, and shrugged.
"If you want to," Holly replied. Gail reached up and pushed Holly's glasses up on her nose more, letting a very small smile wash over her face.
"I head out and then you come out?" Gail asked.
Holly just smiled, and kissed Gail quickly, "Sure, Officer," she drawled.
"Hey, don't pull that tone of voice with me, nerd! I know where you sleep."
"No, no you don't. you've never been to my apartment," Holly defended.
"I am a police officer, I can just look you the system." Gail gasped, "You probably gave the wrong information, you liar!"
Holly just laughed, and shook her head.
"What are you hiding, Hols? A felony? You have warrants don't you? You just want me to clear them, that's why you've become buddy buddy with me isn't it?" Gail smirked, even though she was doing a good job at holding her straight face, It failed once Holly had bit her lip.
"Caught me red-handed, I'm just using you to get out of my parking tickets," Holly deadpanned, but allowing herself to smile, looking down at their intertwined hands. Gail followed her gaze, and she took a sharp intake of breath.
"God, I hope not," Gail scoffs. Holly just smiles and Gail sighs. "I really... really... reaaally, need to go now." Gail said, drawing it out dramatically.
"How long have we been in here?" Holly mused.
"A bit," Gail said, pursing her lips. Gail pulled herself away and picked up the blue folder that was on the table. She flipped through it, and hummed. "There isn't anything in here, nerd." Gail smirked. It was just blank white sheets and a few printed out news articles from a few weeks ago. Holly blushed and stammered.
"I-I.. I just, wanted to... see you?" Holly said skeptically, Gail just laughed and smiled.
Gail had thrown the folder on the table again, and walked to the door, she had just opened it a crack when Holly's voice enters her ear.
"Just... Please be careful, Gail." Holly pleads.
"I will!" Gail smiles and walks out, getting two steps out and already wanting to go back in. She didn't want to go out there, she wanted to go home with Holly and watch those stupid Dr. Who, or some stupid show with her. But she couldn't do that, could she?
Wait... Did she just say she wanted to spend time, alone, with Holly? Even after the kisses and hand holding. 'You are so screwed, Peck' she thought to herself, running a finger over her lips and pulling on them.
"Peck!" someone calls all too loudly for her liking, she turns lazily and comes to meet face to face with Oliver, who checks his phone and sighs. "We're gonna roll out of here in ten minutes, you cool with that?"
'As if I had a choice,' she thought to herself instead all she said was "Yeah, that's cool," very nonchalantly, shrugging her shoulder.
Then she heard the interrogation door open and the creak made her stomach do flips. She saw Holly try to slip by unnoticed, but failing. Oliver heard her footsteps and Gail bit her lip as Holly turned, she offered a small wave, and a huge smile to Oliver.
"Hey," Oliver said, grinding down on Gail's nerves,
"Hi," Holly said, hands in her pocket now. She sent a look over to Gail but it was gone in an instant, and so was she, halfway down the hallway when Oliver turned back around with a glance at his phone.
"That's your friend from the forensics lab." he threw his arm backwards and pointed. It was a statement.
Gail's voice was defensive and was slightly higher pitched than her normal speaking voice, "The courier was sick Oliver! If you really must know!" Gail said, turning away quickly to hide a slight pink tinge on her cheeks.
Oliver stared at Gail's back with a puzzled look on his face. He didn't have much time to process it and moved onwards, following in Gail's blazing path.
They did it, sure, they caught the bad guy. But at what cost? Chloe was fighting for her life with a gunshot wound to the neck, and Sam took what like 20 shots to the chest? Oliver was in a hospital beds for minor injuries sustained. He was just tied up and led to believe that he was being used for bait. Gail couldn't even begin to think how she'd feel if she thought she'd be the cause of multiple officers' deaths. It was a thought that made her stomach twist in painful directions.
Okay, slight exaggeration in Gail's mind, but still... The bad guy had infiltrated the one place Gail felt safe, the station. Gail has been around her superintendent mother enough to know, that just letting this asshole walk in, was going to be cause for some major trouble. Like, huge trouble.
Everyone was so down and everything, Gail couldn't take it. It was making her feel worse! She excused herself from the conversation she was having with Steve. Not really having, just listening numbly, a one-sided conversation.
She quickly exited the hospital and walked into the parking garage. There was really no reason as to why, it was mostly to get far away from everyone. She didn't want them all to know where she was going. Gail didn't have a car in the parking garage, so why would anyone come up here for her?
She took out her phone from her pocket and thumbed the screen. It lit up brightly and she saw the texts. Some of them news alerts from the local news stations, a few from her father, then one from Holly that she hadn't opened yet, and that was in the afternoon, before the interrogation room stuff happened.
She unlocked her phone with a few button presses and was about a millimeter away from sending a text to Holly before she dropped that idea and called instead.
Gail heard the dial-tone and she boosted herself up to sit on the concrete barrier. It only rang twice.
"Gail! Oh my god, are you okay?" Holly had stammered and Gail heard the worry in her voice. Gail couldn't understand, how someone as caring as Holly could care for someone as cold as herself. She couldn't take it, she held the phone to her ear and the tears started falling.
"No..." Gail managed to croak out. Gail's head was already starting to pound, and her chest was heavy with emotions she hated feeling. There was just so much stress, and she needed to talk to someone other than a cop. Holly was her best, and really only choice.
"Where are you?" Holly asked quickly, very quickly. Gail heard the jingling of keys.
"Hospital." Gail replied. She used her free hand to wipe at the tears.
"Are you okay?" Holly asked again.
"Sam and Chloe they're not so okay," Gail had answered instead. She sighed into the phone and tried to hold back the sob that escaped.
"Gail, are you crying?"
"What? You must have the wrong Gail." she broke off her voice cracking in the end and her normal sarcastic tone was absent. Gail totally zoned out, rubbing her head, pushing stray strands of hair back. Holly had said something but she missed it, a car was pulling out of a spot and was blinding her.
"I'll be there soon, okay?" Holly
"'Kay," Gail whispered, and then the phone call ended. It was only a ten minute conversation, but, it felt good knowing that Holly was coming. She rubbed at her eyes and hoped they weren't red and puffy. She hated crying because her eyes gave it away in an instant, more so than anyone she's ever met before.
She made a slight detour in her plans and rushed into the bathroom before returning to the lobby where everyone was waiting. She had just splashed water on her face, and made it look like she had not just been shedding tears.
"Hey, Gail," Steve said softly. "You wandered off there for a bit. You okay?"
"I had a phone call to make," Gail replied slowly, letting her older brother envelop her in a hug.
It may be weird, but Steve always smelled good. It was comforting and it helped her forget they were in a sterile hospital for a few seconds. Then he pulled away, and Chris slowly crept up on them. Chris gave her a tight lipped smile, he looked unsure of what to do. Any other time Gail would've made fun of him for looking like a lost puppy. But that wouldn't be right, not in the present moment.
But Gail zoned out, and her eyes started to burn. That's when she heard a soft voice behind her,
"Hey, I came as fast as I could," Gail turned, and Holly stood there, hands in her coat and eyes slightly worried. Gail wasn't sure why, but she felt like someone had kicked her, she was breathless, and her hands started to sweat.
Gail focused on her and she didn't care at that moment what anyone thought of her. She threw her arms around Holly and Gail buried her head in the crook of the brunette's neck. The tears just silently fell and very soon she felt soft arms pull her closer and a hand twirling her ponytail.
Gail was suddenly very aware of four eyes staring into her back, and she begrudgingly pulled away from the warm embrace.
Gail's eyes were already starting to get red, and wet tear stains already covered her face.
"Steve this is Holly. Chris this is Holly," Gail introduced softly. "She's my best friend, sorta." Gail started awkwardly.
"Sorta?" Steve questioned glancing from his little sister to her new friend. Holly just bit her lip, standing slightly behind the side of Gail and nervously pushed her glasses back up her nose.
"I don't entirely feel like explaining right now," Gail said, rubbing her temples. "I'll explain later," 'If it is anything other than just friendship.' She thought.
Steve nodded and scratched the back of his neck, noticing Traci wave him over.
"Nice to meet you, Holly. If you'll excuse me," Steve said, giving a smile and proceeding over to Traci.
"Hey, Holly," Chris said nervously. He held his right hand out for a shake but was met with air. He glanced down at Holly's right hand and saw that it intertwined with Gail's left. Chris made a noise in his throat and smiled. nervously. "Oh there's Dov! I'm gonna go talk to him for a bit, he must be worried, about Chloe and all."
Once they were alone, Gail loosened her grip on Holly's hand but didn't let go. She hadn't noticed she'd been so nervous, until Holly turned to fully face her, worry in her eyes.
"Gail..." Holly started, breathing out heavily. Gail couldn't make her draw her eyes to Holly's. She didn't want to see the emotions emitting from those brown orbs. Instead she grunted and stared at a loose thread on Holly's coat.
"Gail," Holly began again, more insistent this time. Holly gave a quick glance around the room and noticed it was full of most the officers of 15th division. She suddenly became much more worried for Gail. "Come here," she said softly, pulling Gail away from the others. They rounded a bend and came across the vending machines.
There was a small red table, and three chairs centered around it. Holly motioned for Gail to sit, and she did. Holly sat opposite of her, on the other side of the square table. Too far away for Gail's liking.
Gail became nervous and rubbed her temples with two fingers again. She needed to apologize quickly, or Holly might think... Well Gail didn't know what Holly might think.
"Holly, I-" Gail started around the same time Holly spoke too.
"Gail, liste-"
There was an awkward silence as Gail sighed, staring at a coffee stain in the middle of the table.
"How are Chloe and Sam?" Holly asked instead.
"Chloe was shot in the neck. It's not looking good, there's a blood clot, I think." Gail placed her head flat on the table and groaned. "Sam's not looking that much better, he was shot in the chest and stomach twice, I think. There was quite a lot of blood." she recalled.
"What was that? It's kinda hard to understand you when you're talking into a table." Holly joked, though a snarky retort was missing from Gail. Gail sat up, repeated herself and then laid her face back on the table. "Tired?" Holly offered,
"Mmhmm. And a migraine, I think." Gail admitted. Holly stood and Gail didn't move. She did, however, hear shuffling and coins being deposited into a machine. Then loud beeping and a clunk as whatever Holly bought hit the bottom of the vending machine.
"Here, some stale cheese puffs and shit tasting coffee, for you, my treat!" Holly joked again. Gail lifted her head up and let half her lips curl up into a smile.
Gail rested her hands around the small styrofoam cup that was placed in front of her. She didn't bother to open the cheese puffs, but she did take a sip of her coffee.
"I messed up, out there, didn't I?" Gail asked suddenly, her eyebrows coming together in a frown. "I didn't want to introduce you as my gir-I mean, I didn't want to say anything else. We haven't really had much time to talk since, you know." Gail alluded. She found the words just falling from her mouth and just jumbling together in a long sentence. "Well any time really," she amended.
"You didn't mess up, Gail." Holly said, smiling slightly.
"I just.. didn't want to assume... anything.." Gail said slowly.
"I noticed your slip up,," Holly blurted quickly. "I don't want to pressure you or anything. I didn't quite know what to expect, to be honest." Holly had gotten up and scooted her chair closer to Gail, she laid a tentative hand on Gail's.
Gail couldn't help but chuckle at Holly's rambling. She took a slow slip of her coffee, her eyes glancing at Holly's face. She was biting her lip, and Gail thought it was adorable. Wait.. Adorable? Since when did Gail think things were adorable?
Gail slowly moved her hand from under Holly's, just to gauge her reaction. Holly's eyes looked down at her now empty hand, a slight frown on her lips.
Gail clenched her jaw, and leaned in, she was so nervous her hand shook and her breath came in shaky, short segments. Then Holly looked up, and noticed Gail only a breaths length away. Holly didn't dare move.
Then Gail pressed her lips very softly to Holly's. Gail's hand rested on the table, but it didn't stay there long. Slowly it had worked its way up Holly's arm, and onto her chin.
Someone cleared their throat behind the couple, and Holly jumped, pulling away from Gail. Gail snarled and whipped around in her chair to see who had interrupted such an intimate moment
A woman, who looked to be in her late 40's. Gail glared at her, the woman looked so smug with herself for ruining the moment. Gail almost wanted to take her handcuffs and cuff her to the vending machine.
"Sorry," Holly started, very quickly. "We-" but she was interrupted.
"Isn't this a moment, best held in private?" The woman said snarkily gesturing to the two in disgust. The woman was peering down at them from behind red-rimmed glasses
Gail clenched her jaw tight and stood slowly.
"Isn't that an outfit that should be worn, in private," Gail mocked. The woman was wearing an 'oh so' flattering cheetah print skirt with a matching shirt that seemed three sizes too small. Not to mention, the platform heels that screamed 'stuck in the 80's' "Honestly, I think my mother has more fashion sense than you do." Gail smirks, pulling out her notebook and scrawls the word 'Fine' on it in big fat letters. Under it she put 'Crime- wearing platform shoes out in public' she tore it off and handed it to the woman who looked appalled, but frozen to her spot.
"Have a nice night!" Gail smiles sweetly. Gail was opening her mouth to spit out one last cold comment, but Holly stood and intervened, grabbing Gail's hand and ushering her away from the vending machines.
They had reached the lobby and sat down in two empty chairs away from the others.
"That was mean," Holly said, raising an eyebrow. Gail just shrugged.
"Mean is what I do best."
Holly sighed. Gail almost felt as if she did something wrong. Then Holly started chuckling, the chuckling turning into giggles, and the giggles into full fledged laughter. Gail just smiled, and it made her stomach flip and butterflies swarm in the pit of her stomach
"The look on her face, when she read what you wrote, it was hilarious!" Holly quieted after that, still giggling to herself. Gail just kept smiling. "What did it say anyways?"
"I went all fashion police on her," Gail smirked, "She had a fine for dressing absolutely hideously. I think i'm gonna need glasses like you after seeing that," Gail teased, raising her hand in horror. "Steve? Is that you?"
"You a very long time, just to be able to pull that 'fashion police' thing didn't you?" Holly asked smirking.
"Maaaybe," Gail drawled,
"You're insane, you know that?" Holly stated.
"You said that already," Gail quoted.
"I knew it sounded familiar," Holly winked. Gail scoffed, and crossed her arms.
"Honestly, did you see what that chick was wearing?" Gail said, lightly smacking her face with her hand, cringing.
A/N Bada bing bada boom! Part one is completed! And let me tell you, Holly and Gail have to be the best god damn couple on Rookie Blue and if the writers dont get them back together i'm going to cry. And probably eat a lot of ice cream! This'll be a multiple part story thingy, because I love to write the Rookie Blue characters. Next part will be uploaded quickly... possibly... maybe... hopefully... fingers crossed. As always reviews would be appreciated, P.M's would be awesome. And I hope I did these epic characters some justice! Props to you if you know where I got the title from, I'll send you a virtual hug and a cookie if you do! :)