Title: Succumbre

By: garlic

Disclaimer: Frozen and affiliated property of Disney.

Summary: She was supposed to be just another client.

AN: Just realized I hadn't posted this here, and since it's being expanded, decided it was about time to. Open prompt fill from Elsannonymous fillathon. Honestly, considering this prompt was originally submitted to a kink blog, this is really pretty vanilla. Title in Latin because I'm pretentious that way. Need to class up your porn? Add some Latin. TW: Elsanna, Smut.

Prompt 13:

"Hey! Not sure if you guys take up all the prompts you get or choose them? But would love to see this written: Cynical!Anna is a highly sought-after prostitute who's very good at what she does but has a long list of restrictions. Elsa is a wealthy patron who falls for her. Anna appears to react coldly to that, but at the same time, seems to surrender more and more of her restrictions each session…"

Elsa sighed as she entered her penthouse, letting her briefcase fall carelessly to the ground as the door slammed shut behind her. The beginnings of a mild headache pulsed at her temples, and with a weary hand she dragged her fingers through her hair, upending pins along the way and creating a tousled blond mess. She was just shrugging out of her coat when a commanding voice cut through the air, immediately setting her heart racing.

"You're late."

Elsa swallowed hard, blush already rising to her cheeks as she locked gazes with the petite trench coat clad redhead standing rigid in her foyer. Oh god, it was Friday. She had completely forgotten about her...appointment, and now there was an annoyed woman glaring at her, teal eyes hard and flinty, arms crossed angrily over her torso. Disappointment practically screamed from every pore of her body, and Elsa felt her blush spread as her body automatically responded with arousal, headache completely forgotten.

Anna smirked inwardly, sharp eyes noting the other woman's quick response to her presence. But as flattering as that was (and after all this time, Anna was a bit surprised to find that she still got so much satisfaction in the reaction she garnered from this particular woman) she schooled her features into cool distaste.

She clucked her tongue. "Well, Elsa? I'm waiting."

Elsa shifted nervously, eyes darting to the floor. A litany of excuses were poised at the tip of her tongue but...she knew better by now.

"I'm sorry," she whispered, head bent obediently. She stayed that way, tensing as the redhead hummed, the loud clack of her heels marking her progress as she sauntered towards her. A finger hooked under her chin, tilting her head to face her. A thumb brushed over her lips, and the blond barely resisted the urge to draw it into her mouth. Anna regarded her stoically.

"Well, you'll just have to make up for it, won't you?" She murmured. And with that Anna dropped her hand, turning on her heel and striding deeper into the penthouse. Elsa followed obediently, absently letting her coat pool behind her to join her forgotten briefcase.

She caught up to Anna in her bedroom where she had already taken off her own coat, draping it over a small sidetable. Elsa swallowed hard, gaze roaming eagerly over the redhead's figure. An inky black corset and barely-there panties with sheer thigh-highs and garters fulfilled a cliche, but what a cliche it was. Elsa would be lying if she said she found this get-up unexciting or boring. She stepped forward, hands reaching out to touch but was immediately batted away.

"Nope." Anna tutted and wagged an imperious finger. "Not me, you. Strip."

Blue eyes blinked in confusion. "But-"

A russet brow arched, and that was enough to shut her up.

"I went through all the trouble of coming here-" Against my better judgment, Anna bitterly thought, "-at your behest, and yet you were late."

Elsa once again blushed, lowering her eyes in shame. And that is not cute, damn it, Anna growled at herself.

"So we'll be doing things a bit...differently. Now, strip."

With a short nod, Elsa obeyed. Trembling hands rose to her throat, fumbling slightly as she undid the line of buttons down her shirt. A shrug of her shoulders had the silk blouse whispering down her back, almost immediately followed by the rasp of her skirt zipper.

Anna took in the scene zealously, feeling herself clench and her own arousal spike as snowy white skin was revealed. Elsa was gorgeous - certainly the most beautiful person she had ever met, and that shy demeanor only seemed to heighten her appeal. At least to Anna. Which is just one big no-no. It was one thing to find your clients attractive - it was completely another to find them appealing.

Underwear landed silently on the floor, and Anna let her eyes trace slowly up that lithe figure, unconsciously licking her lips as she lingered on the pale tuft of white-gold at Elsa's sex and then at her supple breasts, topped with firm rosy nipples. The older woman's hands twitched where they lay at her sides, fighting against the natural urge to cover her intimates. The faintest gleam of wetness at her inner thighs had Anna revving to go, fighting against a suddenly dry throat.

With sure steps Anna stalked forward, pleased when Elsa timidly retreated step for step until the blond's naked derriere bumped against the dresser. Anna grinned, leaning in to rest her hands atop the surface, trapping Elsa between her arms. Up so close she could see the fine feather of her eyelashes, the faint scatter of freckles, smell the sweet aroma of honeysuckle and desire. The slim marble column of her throat bobbed, and Anna pressed intimately against her partner, catching a soft earlobe between her teeth and laving it with her tongue.

"Turn around." She husked out, leaning back just enough to give the other woman room to pivot. The redhead sighed in approval as she was presented with an expanse of flawless porcelain skin. With teasing brushes she ran her hand from the dresser to womanly hips, trailing fingers up her side to her neck, gathering the mass of disheveled platinum locks and draping them over a trembling shoulder. Satisfied with her new uninterrupted view Anna brought her hands caressing down Elsa's arms, grabbing thin wrists and planting them firmly on the dresser.

"Hands stay here, got it?"

Elsa shuddered at the new command, unable to stifle a whimper at the sensation of rough lace and smooth silk pressed against her back. She managed a nod, afraid if she actually opened her mouth she would start begging for more. She was already slick and swollen, she could feel herself dripping down her thighs.

Fingers continued to aimlessly map the dips and curves of her body, never settling at one spot or pressing hard enough for any real pleasure. Just teasing, subtle brushstrokes creating buzzing lines of sensation across her skin. She was suddenly grateful Anna had braced her hands atop the dresser, it was the only thing keeping her legs from completely giving out.

"Anna, please..." The plea was falling from her lips before she could stop it, and she immediately cried out as two of those teasing fingers thrust unceremoniously into her pussy.

Anna frowned and twisted her fingers harshly, buried as deep as her knuckles allowed. "What have I said about using my name?" She growled, neatly compartmentalizing the burst of affection she felt at that action as a response to Elsa's mewls of pleasure. She curled her fingers roughly for good measure, looping her free arm around Elsa's waist to hold her in place.

Elsa moaned as Anna set a blistering pace, driving her fingers hard and fast. Pleasure raced along her spine, senses swimming. Her hands scrabbled for purchase on the hard oak, and she barely bit back a shriek as blunt teeth fastened at the junction of her neck and shoulder. The hand at her waist dropped to the apex of her thighs, fingers pressing hard on her throbbing clit, and Elsa nearly sobbed at the white-hot bolt of pleasure at that motion. Dimly she heard Anna repeat her question.

"I-I'm...suh-sorry!" She managed to stutter out between gasps. Ecstasy stormed through her senses, and just as she was reaching her peak, spots dancing at the edges of her vision Anna jerked her fingers away and Elsa cried out, the sudden absence bordering on painful. Her knees gave and she only managed to catch herself on her elbows thanks to Anna's steadying hands.

Anna left her there, panting against the dresser. She calmly sat on the edge of the bed, crossing her legs and waiting for the other woman to regain her senses. She ruthlessly quashed her regret at denying Elsa her orgasm. This...attachment to Elsa's pleasure was threatening her good sense. She had plenty of beautiful clients - Kristoff, the big burly sandy-haired blond with a strange fixation for roleplaying as a reindeer; Hans, the utterly handsome lawyer with parental issues who liked to beg for attention. What was it about this particular woman? What was it about her that was so devastatingly effective against her inner armor? She closed her eyes, drawing a deep centering breath.

When she opened her eyes Elsa was before her, shaking like a leaf but blue eyes dark and determined. Anna nodded approvingly, resolutely ignoring the warm flutter in her chest. She leaned back on her hands, letting her propped leg swing out slightly. Elsa took the hint with alacrity, dropping to her knees and capturing the leg in gentle hands.

Elsa thrilled at finally being allowed to touch Anna, fingers lightly massaging the redhead's calf. She brought her lips to lay a kiss on her shin, skimming down to mouth at a delicate ankle as her hands freed Anna's stocking feet from a shiny black stiletto. With a happy sigh she repeated the action on the other leg, rising up to unfasten the garter belts and strip dark hose from long legs. A glance up garnered her an allowing nod, and Elsa happily took advantage, hooking thumbs under the straps of her panties and eagerly dragging them down and off.

Ice blue eyes dilated at the sight of soaked folds, framed by wispy auburn hair. With a whimper Elsa nestled between spread legs, laying soft kisses high up a soft thigh before dragging her tongue across the other woman's sex.

Anna groaned at the contact, hips jumping as Elsa's answering moan vibrated through her. A playful tongue and lips danced over her slit and Anna growled, snaking a hand down to grab a handful of platinum hair, tugging her head back an inch to glare down into wide eyes.

"Make me come."

Elsa gaped, a new flush of arousal shooting straight to her aching core. She nodded her assent the best she could with Anna's commanding grip in her hair, and obediently let her head be dragged back to the redhead's soaked center.

Anna let a guttural moan out as Elsa attended to her with renewed vigor, tongue lashing out in firm strokes. She kept her hand fisted tight at the back of Elsa's head, bringing her legs up to hook over pale shoulders to grant better access.

Elsa groaned approvingly, dragging her tongue down to prod at Anna's opening, thrusting in as far as her jaw would allow. A gush of wetness covered her chin, inner muscles squeezing around her tongue as Anna moaned above her, and Elsa had to consciously stop herself from reaching between her own thighs to relieve her own burning desire.

Anna panted, biting back whimpers as Elsa's tongue slipped over and into her. God, but she was so good at this. Teal eyes slipped shut as tension coiled at the base of her spine, pleasure radiating in jagged bursts. Then a hot mouth was wrapped around her clit, sucking hard as a stiffened tongue swiped across the tip. Anna spasmed, curling around that blond head as she came hard.

With a yank Anna pulled Elsa away from her sensitive clit, panting harshly. She sat there, regulating her breathing as Elsa sat docilely under her hand. Motion drew her gaze to Elsa's mouth, where a pink tongue licked over a full bottom lip, chin glistening with wetness. Desire and some, dark, unnamed emotion flashed through her at that sight, and with hiss Anna stood on unsteady feet, jerking Elsa up to follow.

The blond scrambled to stand, whimpering as the motion aggravated the unsatisfied ache between her legs. Anna was glaring at her, and for a brief moment Elsa worried she had done something wrong.

But then sea-green eyes softened, and the hand in her hair loosened, no longer dragging but leading. With a light tug Elsa was urged atop the bed, the commanding hand slipping from silky hair to push her supine on the center of the mattress. Curious blue eyes followed Anna as she walked over to the dresser, pulling open a drawer to rummage inside.

When Anna turned back around she was cradling a strap-on in her hands, and Elsa felt her center clench in anticipation. The redhead paused at the foot of the bed, face impassive as she seemed to consider something. After a few long moments she laid the toy down, reaching behind her to undo the stays of her corset. Elsa's eyes widened, automatically leaning forward to offer help but froze at the warning glance sent her way. So she reclined back again, staring in awe as the lingerie fell away, revealing smooth freckled skin and pert breasts.

Anna fought back a blush as Elsa's appreciative gaze warmed her skin. She commanded her thudding heart to calm. There was nothing new or different about this, she tried to convince herself, even knowing by now how untrue that was. Especially once she made her next move.

She crawled towards Elsa, strap-on in hand, and ignored the exhalation of surprise as she set about buckling the toy around the blonde's hips. She studiously avoided eye contact as she secured the dildo, giving a firm pump and tried not to so obviously enjoy the moan that induced.

She shimmied over Elsa's hips, positioning herself on her knees over the toy. Wide blue eyes watched her every move, and Anna couldn't help meeting that gaze head on as she lowered her hips.

With a long, low moan Anna descended, pleasure igniting as the strap-on filled her, rubbing against her inner walls and setting off sparks of pleasure. She gasped as Elsa's hips jerked when their centers met, grinding down and causing the base of the dildo to press hard on the blonde's clit.

Anna bit her lip, staring into that adoring, half-lidded gaze. Warmth swirled through her and with a rebellious glare she rose up before sinking down again, swiveling her hips and wringing a gasp from the other woman.

Elsa whined beneath her, hips arching as she fought to keep pace. Every thrust sent out shockwaves of pleasure, and with Anna above her, flush and moaning, copper hair no longer neat and pinned back - like a goddess come down to take what pleasure she wanted, rocking on top of her...Elsa groaned, hands tangling in the sheets to keep from reaching up to touch.

Anna seemed to sense her dilemma, and (amazingly, mercifully) grabbed at her hands, bringing them up to her chest. With a groan of gratitude Elsa cupped her breasts, long fingers massaging in time with her thrusts. Thumbs swept up across engorged nipples, pointer fingers swiftly joining to roll and pinch at them as Anna cried out, chest arching and hips grinding down.

Elsa panted, unbelieving of her good fortune as Anna rode her with wild abandon. She could feel her stomach muscles clench as they pushed each other fast to the breaking point. She regretfully abandoned Anna's chest, sliding firm hands to swaying hips, gripping tightly and bucking up hard, using her hold to bring Anna down hard on her thrusts.

A soft cry spilled from Anna's lips at that action. Pleasure spiraled out of control, every pump of Elsa's hips striking just right inside of her. She was captivated in an arresting blue gaze, and even though every sane brain cell in her mind screamed at her to break eye contact, she couldn't tear her eyes away.

One hand drifted from her hip to her abdomen, thumb pressing down on her clit just as the strap-on slammed into her again. A lightning bolt of pleasure crackled over her, and with a choked cry Anna fell forward, landing on her elbows as Elsa continued to rut into her.

Hot breath washed over her cheeks, and opening her eyes revealed Elsa's face, inches away. Elsa's blue eyes pleaded with her, flicking down to her lips and back up again. Another press of a thumb and thrust and Anna gave in with a moan, swooping down to fuse their lips in a heady kiss.

Fire swept across her senses, and all her inner protests burned away much like kindling in a flame. Elsa moaned into her mouth, and Anna drank it in greedily. Heat licked along her veins, and with one last thrust and twist of thumb Anna shuddered headlong into her orgasm, crying out into a soft mouth.

Elsa quaked, Anna's release triggering her own. Her hips ground up erratically, and the couple parted with another strangled cry of pleasure.

With a sigh the women collapsed in on each other, quivering in the afterglow. Anna kept her eyes shut, resting her head against Elsa's sternum. She clenched around the toy still inside her, dread rising even as the aftershocks of ecstasy lingered under her skin. What had she done?

She stepped out of the shower, toweling her hair dry. A glance towards the bed showed Elsa nestled beneath the covers, chest rising in the deep even rhythm of sleep. Anna bit her lip and in the next second found herself standing at the side of the bed, hand reaching down. She caught herself before she made contact (just what was she doing?), redirecting her hands to grasp the sheets, tugging them up to cover a bare shoulder.

Just as she was turning to leave a hand shot out, wrapping loosely around her wrist. Anna turned to find a sleepy blue gaze directed her way.


Anna clenched her jaw. Gave a minute shake of her head.


A soft whisper, gentle and full of understanding. Anna felt that unnamed emotion boil up inside her, and with a nod acquiesced. She slipped under the covers.

"Just this once."

Anna clenched her eyes tightly shut, silently berating herself as a warm arm slid comfortingly over her hips, soft breath stirring the nape of her neck. She kept pushing the line further and further back with this woman, and soon it would be too hard to distinguish this life from her real one. And worst of all - she couldn't seem to stop herself from doing it.
