Morgana watches as Merlin sleeps in her chair. He looked so peaceful. It was a wonder why she ever hated him. He was perfect for her. Wait! What was she saying!

Merlin opens his eyes to see Morgana and backs away in fear. She chuckles shaking her head.

"Merlin I already told you I wasn't going to kill you."

He of course has to argue, "No you said you wouldn't let me die by fire. There is a difference."

She throws her hands up in the air, "Do you always have to argue?!"

He smiles, "yep! You would get bored of I didn't!" Damn! He was right and his smile was making things worse.

"Merlin do shut up!"

He looks at her, "Why?! I am having fun!" They look at each other and then start laughing and laughing forgeting that they wanted to kill each other.

When they get a hold of their selves Merlin asks whispering, "Why did you save me?"

Silence passes and Morgana tells him the truth, "I don't know." They look at each other and she clears her throat. "lets get you healed." She works her magic and heals Merlin. He falls asleep so she use a feather light spell on him and places him in a room on the other side of her castle. Aithusa walks by her and stays to protect him which confuses her but she lets it go and heads to her room.

All the while a few leagues away Gaius, Lancelot, and Gwaine were riding into the druid camp.

I am doing a chapter for each group. In time I may change that but for now I will be doing this.