I know I have another SasuSaku pending and all, but I decided to do this one because it's technically for when I can't sit still and write out a good, detailed chapter. This is my first attempt at writing a story in drabble format.

I really hope you all like it, and reviews keep me motivated, so let me know how I do, okay? This story was inspired by something I watched, and once you start reading it, I'm sure you'll be able to find out what I'm talking about.

Again, I hope you like this, because I really do love SasuSaku; it's my Naruto OTP so you can see how much I'm rooting for them. I think multiple pairings are involved, but mostly SasuSaku. So please, let me know how I did so I'd know I should keep going! Remember, this is drabble format, so I hope you guys don't mind the shortness of it! Also, this is an AU story, quite a few things here don't follow the actual show or manga, but I'm sure you already knew that!


If there was one thing the stoic Uchiha truly abhorred, was the unexpected, an event he was ill-prepared for. There were many things he prided himself in; his strength, his status, and the fear his family's name brought upon the village of Konoha, quite a number of things. Recognition was an absolute must, what point was there if people did not know to fear him? Yes, he expected to be feared, yet, admired; to be known. His name would be whispered in silent reverence soon enough, it was only a matter of time before it was he, Sasuke Uchiha, who took the reins of the village. It was to be expected.

There was no room for the unexpected.

She was nothing but a simple woman, nothing extraordinary about her that could be of any use to him. Any other day he would have written her off as some nuisance, not worth his time and thoughts, however, such a thing eluded him, leaving him dumbfounded.

Sasuke was taking a trek through the village, hollow eyes piercing the sights before him as the sea of people took time to detour out of his path. There had been point in time, where the people of Konoha gazed upon him with the warmth of their eyes, basking him in the acceptance of their smiles. Once. Long ago, his parents brought him up on the principles of comrades and allies, friendship and companionship, to hold out a generous hand in respect for others. It had been years since then, before his innocence was torn to shreds, sliced up with the blooded weapon that was used to murder his parents.

Years of resentment, of the need to seek out revenge, it carved him into the man he was now. Sasuke Uchiha was an emotionless man, a cold leader who stood in front of what remained of the Uchiha clan. He didn't need love, as long as he was feared, he knew no one would stand against him, defy him. No one dared. He saw that, and as he walked, he couldn't be more content with the wary actions of those who surrounded him.

From the corner of his careful eye, Sasuke caught sight of a pink blur and took sight of the unyielding proximity of it. Canting his head, he saw her in time to see the way she was not looking where she was going, waving brightly at a storekeeper a few feet away from them. It was already too late for either of them to evade the collision, and as the young Uchiha grunted with annoyance, the young woman gasped in surprised.

The flower vase she had been holding slammed against his hard front, spilling against the dark blue fabric, splashing against the ground as well. Petals fell like rain upon their feet, crumpled between them as their bodies made impact. Wide, viridian hues ghosted over his face as she opened her mouth in what would seem to become an apology, however, Sasuke spoke up before she did.

His sharpened tone cut through the air, bleeding with cold indifference. "Look at the mess you've made." Sasuke's tone was absolute, thick with accusation.

In that moment, the pink-haired woman pursed her lips, the surprised look disappearing from her face. Instead, her vivid green orbs darkened with recognizable defiance. Securing the vase of flowers with one arm, she allowed her other fist to clench tightly at her side. "Don't be so dramatic and rude about it. It's just water, it won't kill you."

Something sparked within him as her words weighed over him, making his eyes narrow. With a roll of her eyes, clearly not happy about the situation as he, the woman turned to leave him. In that instant, Sasuke shot his hand out in blinding speed, catching hold of her slender arm and preventing her from leaving the scene. Giving her plenty of reason to flare up on him, the young woman glowered in his direction as she turned to face him once more.


In that moment, Sasuke could feel the impact of her challenging gaze, but that was not the only thing that caught his attention. There was something about her bravery that fought against him, and he realized that the woman was one of the first to ever speak to him in such a manner. If she knew who he was, she sure didn't act like she did, and not only that, but she didn't seem to fear him.

There was something about her fiery nature that left him motionless, silently scrutinizing her with his dead eyes. If there was something that always surrounded the solemn Uchiha, it was the lack of life that surrounded him. The remainder of his clan no longer captured the liveliness of how it used to be, now full of strangers who mutely worked their share, before retiring for the night. His life was a basic routine, dull and quiet, nothing different. Static in nature.

However, as he grasped her, the warmth of her skin nearly seared him as she came alive under his touch. Her viridian glare brightened with intensity as she straightened up in fearless wonder. "Don't touch me." The woman's tone was low and threatening, and Sasuke could not sense a single drop of fear within her icy words.

It was almost thrilling.

"And if I don't feel like it?" Sasuke couldn't help but counter, as his darkened hues settled over her entire frame. She was a ninja, he could tell by her attire, the way her clothes framed her figure well in order to provide for better movement. Not only that, but the young kunoichi was well toned in both her arms and legs, with her hands slightly calloused due to hard missions on the road. Her strength meant that the woman would not hesitate to strike him if push came to shove, and strangely, he rather looked forward to that.

Being a kunoichi didn't dull her feminine features, either. Her skin, despite probably working under the sun, was still smooth under his hard fingers. Her silky, pink hair hugged the frame of her face perfectly, and he couldn't help but catch the sweet scent of berries. She had long, wispy lashes that perfectly kissed her cheek bones, and her lips seemed perfectly full.

She was a strong woman, fully capable of taking care of herself.

"What are you staring at?" Her voice invaded his thoughts, forcing him back out into reality. As his eyes flew back to her face, she yanked her arm away from him, clearly offended by him and the air around him. "Just because you're an Uchiha, doesn't mean you can step over people. Jerk."

With a huff, she flung her hair over her shoulder and stomped off, leaving Sasuke to watch her leave. She was quite the woman and he only wished to know just how much he could make her squirm, and to satisfy his thrills, no less. Turning his head a fraction of an inch, he stared the storekeeper down with his demanding, yet cool eyes.

"Her name…" Sasuke asked, his tone nearly falling silent, but the shopkeeper didn't make the mistake of keeping him waiting.

"H-Haruno. Sakura Haruno." The shopkeeper whimpered, before quickly withdrawing into the sanctuary of the shop, leaving Sasuke alone to debate with himself on the streets of Konoha.

The woman was long gone from his vision, but he could still feel her warmth, smell her scent, and see the image of her fierce persona within his mind's eye. She had completely entrapped him, simply by being herself, by not allowing herself to be chained by him.

She was different.

"She is mine…"

Short and simple! I hope the rest of my chapters are like that! So please let me know how I did, thank you!