*Author's Note: After watching 5cm per second I just couldn't stand the ending, I just had to write a sequel to it because it was bothering me to the point where I couldn't sleep (I'm weird don't judge).

Chapter 1 – Apart

She sat next to the window of her apartment, staring at the dark gray winter sky. She didn't know what time it was or how long she's been staring all she knew was that it was starting to get dark. She couldn't believe how her life turned out, it changed so suddenly just like the seasons or maybe she knew it was coming but was denying it. She wanted to go back to the good days when everything went right, when she was sure he loved her but she couldn't, not anymore. Her emotions were creeping back to her, she could feel them. She had to move before her emotions got a hold of her and kept her from leaving. She grabbed her handbag, put on her shoes and ran out the door.

"Akari!" the voice felt so distant she almost couldn't recognize it. "Akari wait!" she didn't stop, didn't want to see his face or talk to him then she felt a hand grab her wrist, the same hand that she has held for years, the hand that wore the same ring as hers. She pressed the elevator button and waited, still not looking at him.

"Akari you can't do this, the wedding is in 3 days, please stay," his voice sounded so sincere and gentle…just like the voice he uses when he lies to her.

"I can't?" she asked in a sharp tone turning around "I'll tell you what you "can't" do when your wedding is coming up!" she yelled yanking her hand away from his and pushing him away. "You "can't" go getting drunk every night for the past week, "can't" leave your wife for two whole days and never call or pick up your damn phone, "can't" go sleeping around with other girls!" The elevator doors opened up behind her and she stepped in leaving one final word, "that's what you "can't" do Yuuchi."

The elevator doors closed and Akari almost collapsed, when she first met Yuuchi she thought he was perfect, he was someone she met during high school after she stopped contact with her childhood friend. He was good looking, charismatic and caring but more importantly he was there, they began dating and soon he had her in love with him head over heels and who could blame her, almost all the girls who knew him fell for him. They went to the same university and after finishing university he was very successful and climbed the corporate ladder, she decided to move in with him and they started planning for their weddings. Soon after moving in with him Akari discovered that he had a bad addiction to alcohol and more times than not he would come back home in the middle of the night drunk as a skunk. Whenever she was about to break he would smooth talk her and play the perfect man she thought he was and she would stay. Tears began rolling down her cheeks, her thoughts were jumbled and she needed a place to stay. The elevator doors opened and she walked quickly, almost running away from the apartment to her best friend's house.

Kyou opened her door to something she didn't want to see, Akari standing there crying. She quickly motioned her to come in and put a blanket around her and sat down next to her.

"What happened?" she asked.

"I-It's Yuuchi," sobbed Akari.

"What did that asshole do this time?" she said sounding like she was about to kill someone.

"He didn't come home for two days and he was sleeping with other girls," cried Akari leaning into her best friend. Now Kyou really wanted to kill him but right now she needed to be here for Akari and she hugged her.

"Let's go take a walk," she said in a soft voice.

When did he begin feeling like this? Like life didn't matter anymore, no reason, goals or even emotions. Takaki sat against the wall with an empty bottle of coffee in his hand and his TV still on, another night without sleep. He looked around his apartment; it was a mess, countless empty bottles of coffee and fast food containers lay on the floor. Dishes from months back still not washed and recently he has stopped eating completely, living on only coffee drinks. Feeling as if his sanity could break any second he decided to go out for a walk, he put on his brown coat and stepped outside. It was noon but it was still freezing cold, he walked to the nearby park with many trees including a cherry blossom one. He stared at it and remembered his childhood memories, the only thing that could make him feel something even if it was a stab to the heart it was the only thing left that kept him from ending his life. He thought about her, wondering how she was doing, what she looked like and smiled.

"Definitively better than me at least," he whispered, his breath turn into fog and his eyes followed the trail before it cleared.

"Takaki-kun?" a voice, his body reacted to it, it was warm, familiar, and he focused his eyes and saw his childhood friend sitting on one of the benches. He walked slowly towards her scared that it was only an image of his imagination; he stumbled and fell into the snow the hunger finally hitting him like a truck.

"Takaki-kun!" she quickly got up and ran to him checking if he was okay. He felt the warmth of her hand on his cheeks and a wave of relief came over him assuring him that he was still sane.

"Sorry, I-I stumbled on something," he said weakly. She helped him up and walked him to the bench and sat next to him.

"Are you okay?" she said with a tone of worry, no answer, he didn't know how to answer and he didn't want to lie to her, not her. The silence hinted to her that his life has not been going too well either; she could see the sadness and weight life has brought onto him, something that she immediately related to. Not sure how to cheer someone up when you're down yourself she sat silently next to him, she looked at him and she sensed loneliness. She didn't feel pity towards him because she knew the kind of person he really was, she just wanted to help him like the many times he's helped her.

He sat there silently not sure how to explain the failure which was his life, then he felt arms wrapped around him, he felt for the first time in a long time a will to live. He looked up at Akari who had her head rested on his shoulder and was completely shocked. Akari was too, she just did the first thing that came to mind, blood quickly rushed to her cheeks and she was embarrassed, they haven't met for so long and this is what she does? But still it felt right and she silently whispered in his ear "its okay, I'm here."

"Akari I know you're going through a lot but you can't just hook up with a stranger," said a voice and the two quickly separated and were blushing madly.

"Kyou! Uh where were you?" said Akari quickly trying to regain her composure.

"Getting us hot chocolate like I said I would, but don't try to dodge the subject. Who is this guy?" she asked staring at Takaki as if he did something horrible.

"He's Toono Takaki, he's my…," her mind went blank for a second, who was Takaki to her? Many options popped in her head and she decided to go with the safe one "childhood friend."

"Nice to meet you," said Takaki.

"Well well what do we have here? You've never told me you had a BOY childhood friend," said Kyou with a teasing look towards Akari which made her blush even harder.

"We can talk about this later, it's so cold why did you think it was good idea to take a walk?" said Akari trying to change the subject.

"Was it not?" Kyou said looking at Akari then at Takaki earning an half angry look from Akari. "But you're right we should go home, it's too cold to be talking out here." The instant she said that she saw the looks of both Takaki and Araki fall, they both didn't want to leave but knew that the weather was too extreme. Araki wanted to invite him over but it wasn't her house and even she wasn't really an expected guest so the three of them went their own ways back home.

*Author's Note: Thank you so much for reading; I really appreciate any comments or suggestions that you may have as it really encourages me to write more.