Chapter 1: Set Free

Professor Lovdahl ran down the dark corridors, her only light was the red alarm lights that flashed brightly every few moments. Her eyes counted the numbers on the walls, searching for the right one.

A112, A113… A116. Aha! A117!

She stopped and quickly fished out her identity card and swiped it on the door. It flashed green and the door slid open with a hiss. Inside was a small bed, connected to the wall. Subject A117 bolted up from the small bed, "Professor Lovdahl! What's going on here? Why are the lights acting all weird?" She looked confused, but her bright smile this time made Lovdahl sad, and brought no joy this time.

Lovdahl shook her head and pulled out her key. "This section of WGS has been shut down, they are destroying all traces of subjects. That includes you A117." Lovdahl worked on unlocking the lock that held strong leather straps to A117 small body. Her shaking hands were not helping her, and she dropped the key. "Damn it. I don't want them destroying you, we've worked too hard. I'm setting you free."

Lovdahl picked up the key, and A117 shook her head, excited and terrified all at the same time. "Setting me free? To were? Will I go to another lab?"

Lovdahl frowned at the subject's words, redoubling her efforts. She was running out of time. "No, you're not going to another lab. I mean that you are going outside.. When I get you there, I want you to fly. To fly as far away as you can. Do you understand?"

A117 tilted her head, grunting when Lovdahl pulled a strap too hard. "But we're not supposed to fly.. Not outside, if I go outs-"

"Listen to me! They have called you a failed test all your life. I don't think thats true. I'm giving you a chance to run! I don't want to see them destroy you. I want you to get out of here and be free. Now follow me A117." Lovdahl turned away walking quickly out the door, knowing A117 would follow like a dog. It was trained into her to listen to the scientists. That didn't stop Lovdahl from glancing back to check if the girl still followed. She led the subject down many halls until she stopped before a large metal door.

"A117, the world outside is dangerous place, I'm probably not saving you by doing this, but I want you to go out there. I want you to learn what its like to live. No more tests, no more needles, no more pain. Promise me you won't come back. I want you to know that you are something more. I know you are the key. Doctor Stone just can't see it. I can. If you can look for a group called the G-" A loud bang down the hall stopped her from saying more. She glanced back over her shoulder, scanning the keycard over the door to open it.

A117 looked confused and more scared than before. "I will live, if thats what you want. Thank you Lovdahl, you were always the kindest scientist here. Who am I supposed to look for?" A117 leaned forward and hugged the only figure she ever really trusted. Lovdahl smiled, nuzzling her face into the girls hair.

"No time, and goodbye A117." She pushed the girl out the metal door and shut it, running back down the many halls. Praying she did the right thing after all.


A117 shivered, it was chilly outside and the light was fading. She heard even more alarms go off in the distance and she unfurled her wings for the first time in forever. She finally had enough room to stretch them out, after seventeen years of being in small rooms.

A117 let out a sigh and gave them a test flap. "Okay, fly away. Not too hard. You've flown before.. Sure it was in a tiny room, but hey, this is just a bigger room. A big cold and endless room." The girl crouched and leapt into the air, flapping her wings hard in an attempt to gain altitude.

It took her four tries before she was high in the sky, she could almost see the whole building from this height. She noticed scientists running to and fro from buildings, it looked like they were shouting. With a slight struggle she turned her direction away from the building and she began to glide away. A117 wasn't sure what she was supposed to do, other than fly far away. She then decided she would fly until she couldn't fly any farther.


Ten hours into her flight, and one mishap with a tree later A117 noticed a secluded building. What did Lovdahl say they were called? Mansions, right. "Maybe someone's home." She mumbled, unsure if she was supposed to stop flying.

I am tired. And I did say i'd stop when I couldn't fly any farther. Looks like this is the best I got.

A117 curled her wings in, falling toward the building, diving at near impossible speeds. Her eyes grew wide as saucers when she realized her mistake. "Pull up! Pull up!" She landed running, and tripped over a chair in the dark, landing with a crash and an oof.

"Ow ow ow!" She sat up glaring at the offending chair, "Hey you stupid chair! Learn to move out of the way." She checked over her wings, then the rest of her body. Finding she had a scrape on her knee and possibly a bruise on her ankle, she decided it was a good first landing.

"A B- A117! Perfect if I do say so myself!" She stood and winced at a slight pain in her knee, but the gasp after caught her full attention. Her head jerked to the right, following the sound. A tall woman stood fifteen feet away, holding a notebook like a weapon.

"Flier, what are you doing here?" A117 couldn't see her very well, it had long since become dark. She curled her wings in halfway, holding them at half ready to fly. She didn't look like a scientist, so she was lost on whether or not to answer the girl. "Answer me now."

"I-I landed here, in hopes I could find some help. Whats a 'flier?' Is that me?" The woman stepped closer, more into the light, the moon making her hair seem white. She wore a simple blue nightgown that ran down to her knees, but it was her bright blue eyes that stole A117 train of thought.

Whoa, she's beautiful! I haven't seen a human like her before.

The woman lowered her notebook slightly, looking just as confused as the flier before her. "A flier is what you are. Are you defective? Or just stupid?"

A117 face scrunched up at her words, wings stretching out and flapping wildly. The girl stepped back and lifted her notebook again. "I am not stupid! I just didn't know!" Anna wondered just who this girl was? Calling her stupid.

The woman's mouth curved into a delicate frown, a thoughtful look crossed her face. "Calm down. Where is your owner? Let me see your mark." She stepped closer, still looking cautious into A117 space, until they were inches apart. The blonde girl lifted the sleeve of A117 jumpsuit inspecting the tattoo on her forearm.

"A117? Thats your name?" The taller womans fingers trailed down A117 arms, and the girl shivered. Something in her head wanted it the girl to do that again. It didn't make sense, and so she lashed out.

A117 jerked her arm back, fixing the woman with a glare. "Stop that! If you wanted my name, you could have asked. And I don't got an owner! I came from the lab back that way." A117 jutted her thumb over her shoulder, in the direction of the lab.

"Wait your voice. Are you a girl? Come into the light." The woman stepped back, pulling A117 by the wrist so they both stood in the moonlight, her eyes trailing up and down A117 body. "When did they start making female fliers. Are you something new?"

A117 felt her head spin, the girl wasn't making any sense to her, she acted if she had never seen a girl like her before. Well half a girl. "Uh.. I'm not a girl. Well I am! But.." She trailed off, looking at her bare feet. "I'm half a girl, savvy?" The blonde blinked in reply, understanding in her eyes. A117 didn't see it though, she was busy studying her feet,

Something else had the girls attention, about the flier saying she came from a lab. "I'm sorry, did you say you were from the lab? As in Weasleton Genetic Science lab?" The blonde woman went rigid and backed up a step, fear creeping into her body when the flier nodded. She held her hand out. "Stay back! You could be sick or dangerous." She turned and bolted in the direction of the mansion.

Boy is she fast.. Wait!

A117 took off after her, resorting to flying low to catch up. "Hey wait! I didn't escape! I was let go!" She stretched her arms out, grabbing the girl under her arms, slowly lifting them higher.

The woman screamed loudly and clung to A117. "Put me down! I order you flier! Right now!"

A117 shook her head, resisting the urge to listen. "Nuh uh! Not until you prom-" She yelped when the woman's fist connected to her throat. She let the woman drop, wheezing and coughing for air. "Ah! Lady!" A117 dived to catch the screaming woman.

She caught her, and her tired wings gave out. The long ten hours of flight was the most she had ever done. Now she was trying to carry the extra weight of the falling girl. They continued to drop at an angle. "Hang on!" She curled herself around the woman, wings folding protectively over her. A117 shut her eyes and felt the first tree branch hit her back, pain exploding throughout her body.

Snap! Snap! CRACK.

A flurry of dust and broken branches surrounded them both. A117 coughed and let her wings drop, crying out when her left wing made a horrible snapping noise. The woman sat up much quicker, relatively unharmed from the crash, mostly dazed from the entire thing. She stumbled to her feet, half falling, half walking away from the downed flier.

A pitiful cry caused her to stop at the edge of the trees. She chanced a glance back and she winced at what she saw. The poor flier lay on her belly now, her left wing at an odd angle. The flier had her hand reached out towards her, "Help me.. Don't leave me here. I'll listen.. I'll…"

The flier dropped her head, sobbing, the pain was too much for her. The woman sighed and dropped her head, looking at the dirt. "I'll help you, but you have to leave when you're well. And you'll listen to me. Got it?" After a weak nod, she helped the broken flier to her feet. "I know someone who works on hurt fliers, I'll get you fixed. I'm Elsa Roe by the way."

The flier nodded once again, "Nice.. Nice to meet you Elsa."


Doctor Stone stood in the empty cell of Subject A117. Two guards brought in a woman, and they tossed her to his feet. "It seems that Subject A117 has escaped. I wonder how Professor Lovdahl." He turned to face the kneeling woman bending low, grabbing her hair and yanking her head back. He grinned at her cry of pain, "So tell me.. How did it manage two heavy doors and the leather straps.. hmmm?" He yanked harder and bent down lower. She glared up at him, refusing to admit she had done anything wrong.

"Come on spit it out. There are only a handful who have the keys to the doors, and only three who have the key to its straps. I'm sure that Vance didn't set it free."

Lovdahl glared up at Doctor Stone, her eyes burned with hatred. "I set her free, she deserves it. She isn't a failure, she is the key! The answer to the problems. There are groups out there. They will end this torture."

Doctor Stone tskd in response. "He is a failure. A disgrace to our company name. If we must label it with a gender, then it is a boy. No matter how feminine he looks. Such a shame you decided to let him go. Now I have to go find him and cover this up. No one can stop me. I am owned by the most loved company in the world. I bring fliers into the homes of many."

The doctors cold grey eyes brightened, full of malice "Mr. Cooper! I heard her say she would volunteer for the flier breeding and the dream program. Didn't you?" One of the guards known as Cooper stood straighter.

"Yes sir! I did hear her, loud and clear." The guards face turned into a sneer as he lifted her up. "So glad you decided to help us Miss Lovdahl. Weaslton Genetics would fail without you…"

"A117 will be the ruin of you Stone! You used to be a great man! You brought this upon yourself. People will know what goes on in here. The Guardians will stop you and change the world! I swear it!"

Doctor Stone listened to her curses and screams as they dragged her away, his grin never faltering.

No one will stop me Lovdahl. I am at the top of the world and the Guardians are nothing but a group of children. And now it seems I have a flier to catch.


This is my first ever story. I promise there is more, and i know its a little confusing (maybe?) But please bear with me on this. I haven't tried to write a story. Constructive criticism is VERY helpful but no plain hate. I'm new to this, so please don't eat me.

EDIT (8-4-2014) I have went through and fixed massive paragraphs and hopefully made this a bit easier. I also added things here or there. Nothing crazy.