"This is stupid… I should just go home already!" Rin thought to himself as he waited outside the Tachibana's house. He didn't know why he was so eagerly waiting on Makoto. It actually felt similar to the feelings he had yesterday when he had been waiting on Haru. This time if felt more like eagerness and less like anxiety though. "He'll probably think I'm super weird for just showing up here… oh God what if Haru is with him…" he panicked for a moment, not sure what he would say if Haru was there with him. Before he could finally back out and just go home, he heard Makoto behind him.
"Rin? What are you doing here?" He had asked, green eyes looking surprised and a little worried. Rin talked quickly, coming up with a pretty lame excuse but he was soon following the taller boy into the house.
"I'm home!" Makoto called out and Rin smirked a little at how cliché it was. Ren and Ran came running out, soon followed by their mother. While the twins bounced all around their brother, talking rapidly about their day, Mrs. Tachibana greeted Rin.
"It's nice to see you again Rin," She said sweetly and the redhead smiled at her.
"You too, Mrs. Tachibana." He said as Makoto finally got his siblings to calm down a little.
"We're just going to hang out up in my room." Makoto told her.
"Alright, I will let you know when dinner is ready, you are welcome to stay Rin," She said and Rin smiled again, thanking her before the two boys when upstairs.
"So what's up?" the brunette asked when they got up to his room. Makoto set down his bag then sat down on his bed, tapping the spot next to him for Rin to join him. The redhead went over, a bit nervous and flustered still, but sat next to him.
"I…um, I guess I wanted to come talk to you," Rin told him, noticing how Makoto lit up when he said it. "About what happened… last night…" he added and the other boy's smile faltered a little. He looked worried.
"I-I'm sorry I did that, i-if it freaked you out or anything Rin-!" Makoto started quickly and Rin grabbed his hand to stop him.
"Don't be sorry!" He snapped quickly, "It didn't freak me out. Well, it surprised me, like… a lot… but it… it was a good sort of surprise?" Rin said, trying to find the words to explain it. He was at least relieved as it worked well enough to make the worried look leave Makoto's face.
"Let me explain… or try." The redhead said, turning so he was fully facing the other swimmer now. "So yeah, I really liked Haru, and that whole thing sucked and I made a pretty big idiot of myself…" he started to say.
"You're not an idiot Rin" Makoto added in.
"I know! Let me finish!" He said quickly. "But I don't just have feelings for Haru. I-I just always thought I could never ask you out because I thought you were head over heels for Haru and I wouldn't have a chance. S-So that's why yesterday was a good thing. Even though things went badly with Haru… they went well with you… But I don't really know what you think so I wanted to come talk to you…" Rin finished, feeling his heart pounding as he told him. For some reason, he was still nervous. Scared that maybe Makoto had just kissed him only to help him feel better, that for some reason it was just a onetime action that didn't have a real meaning behind it.
"You actually had feelings for me?" Makoto asked, sounding surprised.
"Have" Rin corrected him. "But I thought I didn't have a chance… and I thought that I wanted the intensity from when Haru and I race, but last night… with you was different…"
"Different?" the brunette questioned.
"It was better." Rin told him, looking up to look Makoto in the eye. He watched those bright green eyes widen a little before the red head leaned in and closed the gap between them with a surge of courage. He pressed his lips against Makoto's, not pulling back or backing down until Makoto started to kiss him back. Moving closer to him, Rin slid his hand up into Makoto's hair, deepening the kiss before breaking it for a moment.
"Does… that make sense?" he asked, a little breathless and Makoto chuckled.
"I think I got the message." The brunette purred before he kissed Rin again. His hands slid along the red head's sides to his hips and Rin started to change their position. He climbed up onto the back stroker's lap, straddling his legs as the hands on his hips drew him in until their chests were pressed against each other.
"Makoto…" Rin breathed as they broke the kiss again and his lips traced along Rin's jawline.
"Yes Rin?" Makoto said, his voice low and rough in a way that sent a tingle down the redhead's spine. Green eyes looked up at him while still kissing down his neck.
"Maybe… maybe we should go somewhere that your family can't just walk right in…?" Rin asked and Makoto froze, his eyes jerking away from him to the door and a blush quickly crept up on his face. "Otherwise you're going to have to keep very quiet…" Rin purred, leaning in right next to Makoto's ear.
"We… we have a least an hour or two until dinner… where do you want to go?" the brunette asked, looking back up at Rin.
"Well… my mom's out of town right now and I think Gou said she was going over to her friend's house… my house should be pretty empty, and it's a lot closer than Samezuka is" Rin suggested, sliding back off his lap.
"Are you sure?" Makoto asked, standing up next to him.
"Yeah, no one should be there I think."
"No, Rin, I mean… like, are you sure about this? A-Am I just helping you get over what happened to Haru or… something, um, more?" he asked, "N-Not that I mind! I still want to help you, I, um, just want to know." He added quickly, looking down at his feet nervously.
"Makoto" Rin said, making the brunette look back up at him. "I didn't come all the way over here to bother you about anything with Haru. I want it to be about you and me… I want you." He told him, taking Makoto's hand as he said it.
"Okay," he said, green eyes lighting up. "Let's go then" he added, leaning in and placing a quick kiss on the tip of Rin's nose before he led him to the door of his room. Rin blushed a little, but he smiled as he followed after the brunette and soon they were on their way out the house.
Notes: Whoops... I said I would post this like two weeks ago... I fully blame SouMako week for taking up my time XD I'm sorry for the delay, thanks for sticking with me! 3