It was after the relay race at the new Iwatobi Swimming Club that Rin found himself sitting next to Makoto. Rin sat on the top step in front of the newly refurbished club while his friend came up quietly behind him and sat down. The redhead hardly appeared to notice that he was there as his red tinted eyes were focused off in the distance.

"You did well today," the teen's head jerked up as Makoto spoke, surprised to see the brunette sitting there, smiling brightly at him.

"Ah, um, thanks. You guys did good too." The redhead replied quickly, recovering from losing his train of thought.

"I think Seijuro made the right choice." He added, smiling a little as Rin's eyebrow raised.


"With choosing you for the new captain I mean," Makoto said and Rin started to feel his cheeks heat up a little. "I think you've done really well so far, and that you'll make your team even stronger."

"Thank you…" he said with a light smile. "But don't think that your niceness will stop me from beating you guys next time!" he teased and Makoto laughed.

"I don't think anyone could stop you even if they wanted to," he chuckled.

A sort of silence settled over them for a few minutes as Rin glanced back out to whatever he'd been staring at, but Makoto's gaze stayed on him.

"So… what are you waiting on?" he asked, and Rin looked back at him.

"Ah, actually I wanted to talk to Haru about something." Rin admitted, though he didn't notice the slight falter in Makoto's smile as he said it.

"Oh, well I guess I should give you a minute. I think he'll be out soon, he was almost done when I left." The brunette told him as he stood up, getting off the step.

"Yeah, thanks, um… for everything," Rin said with a big smile up at him, flashing those pointed teeth of his. He got up as well, snatching up his swim bag and slung it over his shoulder.

"No problem, just let Haru know I'll wait for him at the bus stop, okay?" he asked and Rin nodded. "Thanks, and Rin… um, well if you need help with anything feel free to text me anytime." He offered and the boy looked surprised again before he smiled then stuck his tongue out at him.

"Like I need help from you!" He teased as Makoto walked down the steps. He chuckled then turned back to him and waved.

"See ya later Rin!" He said then walked away after Rin waved back.

Now, he just had to wait for Haru. He sat back down on the steps, listening for the door to open as he tapped his foot lightly. It felt like forever, but the door opened again and he turned quickly only to realize it was just Nagisa racing out with Rei in tow. They both said good bye to him as well as the little blonde boy skipped away with their newest teammate rushing to keep up.

When Haru did finally come out, Rin had gotten caught up in his thoughts again and nearly missed him walk right past.

"Hey! Haru, wait a sec!" He called quickly as he scrambled up and ran after him. The dark haired boy turned around, looking up at him with his usual blank expression. "Can I, um, talk to you for a minute?" Rin asked him, nervously running a hand through his hair.

"Sure" Haru said flatly and Rin paused a moment before he organized his thoughts enough to actually continue.

"So, um, I was wondering if maybe… you would maybe like to get dinner with me some time?" He asked quickly, his heart racing as he finally was doing it. He was finally asking Haruka Nanase out. "I-I even found a place that has mackerel since I know how much you like it-"

"No." Rin stops suddenly as Haru cuts him off. The boy looks stunned as he looks down at him.

"W-What? I didn't even fin-" he reasoned quickly, his heart starting to seize up as the word "no" sank in.

"I'm not like that Rin," Haru tells him, pausing before saying "I'm sorry." And then he continued to walk away.

Rin stood there, still shocked he processed what had just happened. Even after that he kind of just stood there, not really sure what to do now. He had done so much, practiced, and waited for a good time, and even found a place Haru would like and everything. The redhead really thought that he was going to say yes… or, like… at least give him a chance. He wasn't really prepared for a flat out no.

"U-Um, yeah… it's fine." Rin mumbled even though Haru was long gone now and he slowly started to make his way back home.