a/n: Hello Girl Meets World fans! I'm Summer and I just wanna say I love this show so much. I'm 16 and I'm not ashamed to say it. I love the friendship between of Riley and Maya and how they take care of each other. I also like how the Matthews family looks after Maya. So I decided to write a fanfic based off their relationship. I find it comforting that they show that not all families are perfect and that sometimes friends are just as helpful and loving. I really feel like I can connect to this show. In middle school, seventh grade I went through depression and my friends helped me. So I wanted to write a story reflecting off of that. I figured this was the perfect fandom, it also helps I truly love the show. Also ever since Maya called Riley a plant in the episode where Missy was flirting with Lucas, I figured it would be a cute nickname. Also, this story has mentions on self harm. I hope you enjoy the story. Sorry for the terribly long authors note.

Maya looked down at her drawings. She sighed. She looked over at the time. Her clock glowed 12:00. She has been up drawing, instead of her homework. Ever since Cory gave her colored pencils she had no been able to stop drawing. Inspiration came from everywhere. She tried to do her homework, she really did. She had her textbooks open, she stared at them. She got nothing accomplished. So she grabbed the colored pencils, and the notebook containing no notes and began.

The drawing she did tonight was just shades of red. At first the red in a light shade, the lower down the paper the darker the red became. It was something she could do when she felt like cutting. She reseached it on the smartphone Cory got her, she'll never admit it but it was the nicest thing an adult ever done for her. She had already cut that night, she didn't want to do it again. The red on her paper on reminded her more of the red on her wrist. She didn't want this cutting thing to get any worse.

It started when her parents started arguing. They screamed and cursed. Maya remembers hiding under the bed, covering her eyes. She remembered how she cried, and wanted them to stop. She hated herself for not being enough for them to stop. So, she started a couple months ago. Her parents got so mad at each other, they rarely came home, to pissed to see each other. Visiting home frequently enough to provide food. But that's it. Ever since then, Maya has been on her own.

Everytime she cut, she thought of Riley. Riley is the one person who would ever be able to convince her to stop. Not that Riley knew. Maya was convinced her innocent friend would be able to handle her burden. She countlessly told Riley to stop trying to save her, she simply wasn't worth it. But Riley insisted. Which is the only reason Maya is alive. Everytime Maya thinks of cutting just one more time, or cutting deeply, she thinks of Riley. What her reaction would be like. That is what gets Maya to drop the blade, and walk away.

Sure Riley could save Maya from failing grades, Farkle's affection and save her from trouble. But Riley could never save her from herself. Because, no matter how many things Riley crosses her mind, she still does it. Then she hates herself even more. She never told anybody of her cutting. It is her little secret. She intends on it staying that way.

Maya pulled up her long sleeve, and traced her cuts and sighed. She looked down at her picture. She closed the notebook and put it in her backpack with her textbooks. Another assignment not done. She thought. She quickly pulled down her sleeve, not wanting to see her damage anymore. She was nervous of Mr. Matthews reaction to her not doing her homework. She didn't want him thinking she was a terrible for Riley. She began to imagine the reaction of Mr. Matthews finding out she cut. He would probably tell Riley to never talk to her again. Then she imagined Riley's reaction. How her lip would quiver, and the tears would silently roll down her cheek. Riley was never one to cry loudly, Maya knew. She imagined how Riley would hug her, and beg her to stop.

Because for some wierd reason, Riley loves her. For some reason, Mr. Matthews always had some way to show her that he cares. For some reason Mrs. Matthews always made sure she had something to eat. For some reason they care about her. She will never understand why. She will never understand why people who aren't her family care for her more than her actual family does.

The thought of Riley, her little plant helped her fall asleep.

"Hey Maya, I made chocolate chip pancakes" Topanga said as soon as Maya walked in. She usually makes healthy oatmeal for the family before school. But she had been noticing how sad Maya had been, she decided that making her favorite would cheer her up. Cory noticed as well, but didn't want to say anything.

"There is a plate with pancakes for you" Topanga said. Maya smelled the heavenly aroma, but shook her head no. "No thanks" She didn't want to bother the Matthews family more than she already has.

"It isn't an option, sweetie" Topanga said softly. "Thanks" she said quietly as she made her way to the table. Riley hugged Maya. "Good morning Maya" Riley's hand brushed her wrist. "Ouch" she hissed. Riley's eye went wide in concern. "Maya, you okay?" She felt all of the Matthews eyes on her, even little Auggie.

Maya nodded. "Yeah, I'm fine" she lied. Riley smiled, falling for it. Cory and Topanga exchanged worried looks. She went back to eating the pancakes. "These are really good " Maya complimented, trying to get the attention off of herself.

"Thank you Maya, atleast someone apperiates my cooking" She teased, facing Cory. Cory gasped and got up. "Thank you for the amazing breakfast" He said giving her a quick kiss, which got a chorus of "ewwwws" from the kids. Everyone ended up laughing.

"I'm going to pack up my backpack" Riley accounced once she finished her breakfast, then skipped into her room. Maya still struggled to eat one pancake, the thought of cutting still lingering in her mind.

Auggie, who was hyped up on pancake sryup, screamed. "Me Too! Me Too!" he ran into his room. Maya smiled and tried to finish her breakfast. Cory ran after Auggie. "Don't get sryup on your pillows" Maya and Topanga laughed. Then Topanga sat down next to Maya. "How have you been feeling, Maya?" she asked her concerned.

Maya stared at her pancakes, not wanting to look her in the eyes. "Good" she lied, she felt bad for lying. But what other choice does she have. "I've been worried about- Maya cut Topanga off. "No need to worry I'm fine" Maya got up and ran into Riley's room.

Riley looked at her best friend in concern. " What did you guys talk about?" "You and Lucas" she lied. "What?!" Riley screamed. Maya burst out laughing. "I'm lying" she admitted to a frozen in fear Riley. Riley gasped. "Maya, don't do that"

"Come on Riley, even if we did, you'll be okay" Maya said.

Riley smiled. " You're right. I will be okay, because I have you" Maya would never admit it to Riley's face, but she loved it when she randomly says she is glad to have her around.

"You are growing pretty nicely, little plant" Maya teased. Rileys ever growing smile got brighter. "Thanks Maya" Maya put her arms around Riley's shoulder.

"Anytime Riley" Maya said. Riley got her backpack on. "Ready for another day?" Riley asked. Maya gave her a reassuring smile. Because no matter how many times Riley saved Maya. Maya tries to save Riley, by telling her things will be okay. "Ready as I"ll ever be"

a/n: So that is chapter one, there will be probably be a two or three chapter story. It was suppose to be a one-shot, but it would've been really, really long. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed the first chapter, please review and tell me if I should continue.