Hey ya' bloody shanks.

(If you couldn't tell I read The Maze Runner and I started a fanfic too if you wanna read that, I also started a fanfic based on TASM, so if you wanna read those that'd be cool.)

I own nothing!

Also, do you guys want Petris, or Fourtris, Uristina, or Urlene, I'm thinking Petris, Urstina, and Marlynn. Thoughts?

And, I'm so sorry for the wait. (I've been writing this since March of 2015 yikes)

Zeke's P.O.V.

"Zeke!" I hear someone yell from behind me and I see my baby brother waving at me, God I love him, I can't wait for Initation to be over so I can be with him again.

"Bye!" I call to him, waving back until I can no longer see him.

"We gotta climb it." Shauna says nodding toward a large metal contraption.

"Then let's climb it." James replies beginning to scale the hunk of metal.

I glance at Shauna before I begin "You ready?" I ask.

"Hell yeah, let's be Dauntless." She says, kissing my cheek before she begins her descent, and all I do is follow her.

When we get to the top others are jumping on to the train that's passing by, we follow.

"Hey, there's a Stiff here, I'm surprised they managed to jump on the train without pissing their pants." A boy from Erudite says, God Erudites are so full of themselves, but I guess I am too, sadly I can't deny what I am.

"Being a Stiff is better than being a Nose like you." Shauna replies, rolling her eyes at the boy.

"Whatever." the boy scoffed at her.

"You alright?" Shauna asks the tall and clumsy looking former Abnegation boy.

"Of course he is! He's Dauntless after all!" James answers, smiling at the boy.

"Thank you." The boy mutters at us.

"No problem buddy, I'm Zeke by the way, and this is Shauna, and James."

"I'm, I'm-" He begins but Shauna interrupts him. "You can change your name if you don't like it."

"Really?" He says, speaking clearly for the first time and sounding relieved.

"Sure, you think this idiot's gonna keep Ezekiel?" James jokes, pointing at me.

"Um maybe?" The boy says with a ghost of a smile.

"Hell no! Ezekiel's a old mans name!" I bud in loudly.

"Well you do smell like an old man." James inquires, smirking although it's obvious he's still upset about Sirius.

"Shut up" I laugh, ruffling his hair in an attempt to cheer him up; he smiles at me fondly.

"Um, w-where does the train stop?" The nameless Abnegation boy asks.

"Oh there's no stopping on this train!" Shauna starts, jumping up from her seat.

"We're Dauntless! There's no stopping at all!" James continues, as he gets up and spins Shauna over to me. I catch her and exclaim. "We will be jumping off this train!"

"Thank you so very much for the production." Max drawls, his voice dripping in sarcasm. "Now get to it!"

I grab Shauna's hand and jump with her, James following soon after. After most of the group makes it to the top of the building, our attention is called to a woman named Tori, who asks in a no nonsense tone "Who's up first?"

I'm confused by her words, but I step forward anyways, I'll do anything I can to get back to Uri, and this might impress them. I step on the ledge and Tori motions for me to jump, and I trip over my fucking feet before I can make the jump, I can hear them laughing as I make my way down the pit of darkness.

After what seems as an eternity I land on a sturdy net and Amar yells my name out to the crowd. "First Jumper, Zeke Pedrad!

I am so sorry this took so long! I hoped you liked it, and be sure to request and review!