Ay yo what up everybody! Second story, Unexpected Turn of Events is an MLP parody! Basically it's a story with my OC character will be transported to the Equestria. He won't be a full human due to some mistakes in Twilight's spell casting, but for my OC it'll just make the unexpected even more unexpected! As well as falling for a certain pegasus!

The sorry will revolve around the MLP plot and many episodes will be in the story. Not all of them, but most of them. Got it? Good, now...

I do NOT own MLP:FiM. Hasbro does.

Here... We... GO!

Unexpected Turn of Events

Chapter 1: The 'Failed' Spell

"Ooh, I think I'm ready Spike!" Twilight Sparkle squealed in excitement. "I can't wait to perform my latest spell! Aren't you excited, Spike?"

Behind her leaning against the wall was her small green and purple dragon assistant, Spike. Instead of his usual cheery self, his eyes were drooping in a state of exhaustion. His eyes were slowly closing to a shut and a small drop of saliva hung from his lower lip.

He was about to fall forward, passed out, until Twilight gave a sharp "Spike!" that effectively got him awake once more. The dragon tripped before regaining his balance against the wall. When Spike stopped stumbling Twilight frowned. "Spike, what's wrong with you?" She asked and Spike gave a long yawn.

"Oh I dunno, maybe it's because I'm still awake at 11:42 at night." Spike drawled, his grumpy attitude showing. "C'mon Twilight, let's just get some sleep. We can wait 7 hours to perform a simple spell, right?"

Before he knew it, Twilight's face had appeared just a few inches from his own. The young dragon yelped in surprise while Twilight narrowed her eyes. "Spike! This isn't just a simple spell! It's the Cross Dimension Rift Spell!" She exclaimed sternly.

"Princess Celestia sent me this spell so I can figure out how it works! She wants me to perform it Spike! As soon as possible!" She said, a little out of breath while Spike gave another small yawn. "Okaaaay… but did you really need to trash the whole Library for this?" He said pointing behind her. The Element of Magic turned her head and soon gained a light blush on her cheeks.

Littering the floors were piles and piles of books and scrolls, each open and tossed around without care. Twilight chuckled nervously. "Oh, oops." Spike sighed and rubbed his head.

"Look Twilight, I know you're all for doing new spells, but you need some rest. Like you always told me when I was younger, 'staying up too late will cause health problems.'" Spike recited and Twilight bit the inside of her cheeks. "Ooh, I know, but this was the most sophisticated spell I've ever received and it took me a week to figure it out! At least let me try it once." She pleaded with a quivering lip.

Spike just stared at her. Normally it would be reversed, him asking her to stay up for something not the other way around. Spike chuckled inwardly. Right now, even if it didn't mean much, he had the choice of her actions.

He tapped his chin in a teasing way and started mumbling incoherent words. "Spike," She whined. "Think about the wonders of a new world!" She reasoned desperately. Seeing Twilight get annoyed, Spike gave her a small smile. "Oh alright. Just once and we go to bed." He said.

"Ooh, thank you, thank you!" Twilight squealed like a schoolgirl getting candy and went to the center of the room. Once she got into a good set of firm footings, she started to chant ancient words under her breath. Her horn began to glow a light purple as words started to fly out her mouth.

Spike had resumed his position on leaning against the Library wall, trying to stay awake, even though the sound of seeing a new world intrigued him to know end, his body was still too tired to show excitement. He continued to watch Twilight from the sidelines and after a few seconds of hearing chants, wind was slowly swirling around the library.

His eyes opened farther as he saw Twilight's horn pulse a few times and her mane started to float up into the air. Feeling her magic pulse outwards and getting stronger, Spike got a little worried. "Uh, Twilight?"

She didn't hear him and continued to chant the words. Soon her eyes opened up and appeared white while she started to float into the air. "Twilight…!" Spike said as he tried to take a step back from the now forming ball of purple magic. The wind had already started to pick up, shaking or pushing over everything in the room.

Spike looked at the flying books that seemed to orbit around Twilight's form like the Solar System. "Hey! Twilight!" Spike exclaimed, trying to shout for his friend's attention. Since the wind had been flying around ferociously, pulling and/or pushing objects during its rampage, the wind had a grip on a large book on the top shelf behind Spike's form.

A large, very large book started to shake in its spot before it had begun twitching forward into the chaos inside the Library. Once the wind's hold managed to pull the book out, the weight of the book had caused it to drop. When Spike had taken a deep breath to call out to Twilight once more, the book had fallen down on him, accidently pushing the air from his stomach and out of his mouth in the form of green flames.

When the flames flew at the floating Twilight, the bubble of magic surrounding her took the hit, but instead of breaking apart, the flames were absorbed into the magic shield and were swirling around Twilight as well.

Spike started to squirm under the book, trying to escape while he watched Twilight finish her chanting. When the purple unicorn had finished the spell's enchantments, her eyes were opened as far as they could and the magic bubble exploded outwards, sending any floating books into the walls or floor. The magic on Twilight's horn pulsed with a small course of static running along it before it shot forward towards the wall. The small pulse of magic bounced off the walls surfaced and off the floor's as well.

Twilight had already fallen to the ground and took shelter from the rogue magic as it ricocheted from wall to wall, floor to ceiling. When the magic's course had turned towards Spike, the small dragon let out a loud yelp and closed his eyes. Before the magic energy could touch Spike, it turned into vapor and disappeared before coming in contact with Spike's face.

Twilight crawled out from under a pile of books and ran towards her assistant. "Oh Celestia, Spike are you okay!?" She worried as she used her magic to lift the heavy book off the dragon's back. The small dragon was whimpering with his arms shielding his face.

"Spike!" The young reptile popped his eyes open to look at Twilight's worried glance. He realized that he was shaking like a leaf and quickly sprung up onto his two feet, his claws dusting himself off. "Um, I'm alright! No need to worry!" He said, trying to act tougher than he actually was. Twilight let out a sigh of relief and then giggle at her assistant.

"Well Spike, I guess the spell was a bust. A deals a deal, let's get to bed." She said, disappointed that her newest spell didn't work like she hoped.

Spike let out a breath of relief at the thought of sleeping in his bed, but before he took a step, he let out a forced cough and pointed behind Twilight once more. "I'm not cleaning this up." Spike said, his tone holding annoyance as Twilight gave a small smile.

"Don't worry, I'll clean up while you get to bed." Spike nodded at her answer and began to walk towards the door to their bedroom. "Goodnight Twilight."

"'Night Spike." She answered back as the door closed behind Spike. Twilight let out a long frustrated sigh. "I thought I got all the details right this time!" She mumbled angrily. "What happened?" What Twilight didn't know happened was with Spike's flames and her magic, the spell worked, but not in the fashion Twilight wanted.

She would've stayed up and read what she was supposed to do, but the unicorn was too exhausted to even care. All her excitement left as she used her magic to lift of numerous books at the same time. She decided to try again in the morning when her body was well rested and her mind clear.

As she continued cleaning, she failed to sense the presence of magic somewhere around Ponyville's borders.

Everfree Forest

In a small field, a large portal of swirling light purple and green colored magic formed over the grass, its light radiating through the dark forest trees. Animals, becoming curious at the strange energy, began to draw near the area. Squirrels and bats hung up in the tree tops and larger animals like bears and leopards stayed on the ground. As they heard the portal make a whirring sound, the light made from the portal glowed brighter.

When the animals saw nothing else happen, they're curiosity started to get the better of them. Bears started to communicate in their language as well as squirrels, most likely saying 'What do you think it is?'

As all the animals continued to communicate, 2 bats screeched at each other. The bigger bat seemed to talk to the younger and smaller one in shock. 'What do you mean you wanna check it out!?'

'What, don't you?' The smaller bat screeched and the bigger one shook his head. 'No I don't! That magic energy... thing, seems dangerous! We shouldn't even be here!' The smaller bat started to shriek back.

'But father!'

'No buts! We're leaving right now!'

The smaller bat had a weird breath, probably a sigh. 'Okay... we can go...' He said in defeat and the older bat nodded. Once the bigger bat stretched his wings, he took off and began to fly through the night.

'C'mon, if you hurry, you might catch up with you're mother for din-' The father bat stopped when he looked back. Where his son was supposed to be flying behind him was empty. His eyes widened. He zoomed back to the branch they were last at and once he landed, he looked around quickly.

'SON! SON!' He screeched as loud as he could before a squirrel scurried up to him. The squirrel picked her ear and stood up on her hind legs. 'Why're you screaming so loudly?'

'I lost my son, that's why!'

'What does he look like?'

'... ME!'

'Oh, is that him?' The squirrel said pointed to the swirling portal. The bat looked towards where she pointed and gasped. Flying in front of the portal was his son. His child looked like he was gonna enter the portal and jumped off the branch.

The younger bat, looked at the portal with wide eyes. He saw strange images flash through the light. Some good, some bad, some horrific. The small bat flapped his wings harder and was about to fly away to join his father until he heard a scream.


The small bat yelped in shock and accidentally flapped backwards, shooting himself into the portal. The older bat gasped and stopped flying towards the portal. His eyes were wide and mouth was hanging open.


After a few seconds of silence from everything, the bat held his head down and positioned his wings to spin him around. Before he took off, he heard a familiar screeching noise and looked back to see a small bat fly through the portal.

The older bat flapped to his child and was gonna scold him for scaring him like that until he saw a frightened look on his boy's face. 'RUN!' The child screeched loudly, zooming past his father. The older bat blinked before taking after his son and flying off as well, planning to question him as soon as he caught up.

All the other animals looked at the small bat family and thought, 'Run? From what?'

Without warning, a hand had poked through making some animals back away. They all saw something else as well. Following the hand was an arm, then a torso, then a head, and following after that was a pair of legs. When the body was finished being spat out from the portal, the creature fell to the floor, groaning in pain before the portal flashed for a quick second before disappearing.

As the creature lied across the grassy ground, his image was shown to any and all creatures that weren't frightened and stayed. He had a black jacket with a red undershirt, his pants were a light blue with ripped holes at the knees and he had red, black and white shoes with a man shaped symbol holding a ball at the ankles. The skin of the creature was brown, his black hair short and glasses hanging on his face. This creature is known as a Human, a species long extinct in this world.

As the Human slowly got up, animals backed away when they saw a hand rub the human's forehead. "Ouch." The human spoke, surprising most of the watching animals. The voice sounded like a male, so the human was diagnosed as a man. "Ugh, my head." He muttered as he opened up an eye. That eye widened as he saw creatures hiding in the dark, their eyes glowing as they stared at him. "Wh-where am I…!?" He whispered in panic, backing up slowly.

When the boy started to get up, his body had begun to twitch and he fell back to the floor in pain. "What's going on!?" He grunted as he clutched his chest. While the animals of the Everfree Forest watched on, they all saw a blackish red aura start to ooze from his body.

The aura covered the boy's squirming form like a dome. Once the dome was completed, the animals looked closely and saw an interesting scene. On his back and under his jacket were moving bumps, going back and forth, side to side, and up and down. The human started to scream in pain before the bumps pushed the jacket up.

With the sound of a tear, the jacket was pierced through by two very large wings, bat looking dragon wings. They were covered in blood from being pushed out from the skin. They flapped in a dazed manner.

Pretty soon, all the animals saw another bump, this time a few inches under the wings. The jacket didn't have a third hole because this time, a long arrowhead tipped tail poked through the back of his pants. The tail was long and black, as thin as a whip. It was covered in blood as well. As the transformation continued, the animals were too far away to notice that the human's canines had begun to grow longer and sharper, like fangs. As the red aura slowly started to leave, the human's screams had died down to heavy pants for air. The boy was sweating from exhaustion as his eyes opened up slowly, showing slit like pupils. His hands were still clutching his chest, but this time it wasn't from pain. It was because he felt a strong heat inside his lungs and before he could comprehend what happened, he started to cough out puffs of smoke before the last cough let out a small stream of red fire. Animals saw the destructive element erupt from his mouth and immediately began flee.


After the fire stopped flowing from his mouth, the boy fell on his back, gasping as his throat burned slightly. His eyes glossed over in a dazed manner as darkness took over. But before his vision left him, he could've sworn her saw a blurry blotch of yellow and pink slowly coming near him, a soft and far away sound of "Oh Celestia… are you… okay….?" He finally closed his eyes and sleep overtook him.

This 'human' was me… Nicholas Burton.

Weird chapter 1 with the bats and the animal stupidity and the spell gone wrong... But let's just talk about other things like reviews! Good or bad, doesn't matter as long as it helps me realize what needs to be added or changed.

Anyway, Chapter 2: Trying To Fit In. Stay tuned.


(I'll be a bit slow with updated, but I'll try to work every 1 or 2 weeks. Always check my profile for new stories. Remember: check, read, review. Simple 3 step plan.)