A.N.: Hola! Yes, me again! Wow! I must really be on a roll today! Two chapters! Enjoy!


Lenore was relieved to see that it was Brad who had come to pick her up – though, her relief was short lived once they got into the car. Once in the car, Brad began to lecture her like he never had before.

"Do you have any idea as to just how stupid your pranks have been?" Brad asked, sounding more like their father, than the kind brother he was. "You're just lucky you didn't get yourself or anybody else hurt!"

"But – just – Brad!" Lenore tried. "It wasn't like that! I was tricked!"

"Friends don't trick friends, Lenore," Brad said firmly. "They just don't."

"But – what if you think someone's your friend, but it turns out they're not?" Lenore queried.

"Then you just let it be and leave them alone," Brad replicated. He wasn't amused he had to risk being seen driving the car by cops, just to come and pick her up. "And if I get caught by cops or anybody who knows Mom and Dad, I'll never speak to you again!"

Lenore felt her heart shatter even more at that. And when they reached their house an hour later, she flew inside and up to her room in tears.

Randy, who'd seen Lenore fly by in tears, wondered what was going on. He spotted Brad and decided to ask. "What happened?"

"She got caught pulling stupid pranks, denies it, and I had to go and risk being arrested just to get her back home!" Brad riposted angrily. He was also mad that he'd had to cancel his date with Angela because of his little sister.

"And since when do you consider pranks to be stupid?" Randy asked. "And since when do you sound like Dad, when he's actually not on our side?"

"Since our freakin' little sister decided to do things that could've gotten her killed!" Brad exclaimed. "You know she took her flippin' helmet off numerous times while in the raft? Just how stupid is that?"

"Brad, go back to being your dumb-witted self, and think about why she did these things," Randy rejoined. "Ever think maybe she was tricked? We haven't exactly been here long enough to make best friends – with the exception of Gordo in her case. But we have been here long enough to make enemies."

"Hey, what's with the Brat?" Mark asked coming downstairs. "She's throwing things at her door and vowing revenge on somebody."

Brad groaned. "Mark, just let her alone. She's just pissed she got sent home from the raft trip and is going to be stuck in detention for a week."

"Alright!" Mark cheered. "About time she was in detention!"

"Shut it, Dork," Randy ordered. He looked back to Brad. "Calm yourself, while I go see what exactly is wrong."

Brad nodded. "Okay. But, then I'm in charge Randy."

"Whatever you say, Brad," Randy shrugged, then headed up to check on Lenore.

"Come in," Lenore grumbled after hearing somebody knock. She was relieved to see Randy. "Hi…"

"Hey," Randy smiled. "Wanna tell me what happened?"

Lenore burst into tears. "Gordo hates me" She wailed. "And all 'cause of Lizzie!"

"Whoa," Randy said, going over to sit next to her. He pulled her into a tight hug. "Why's Gordo hate you, Kiddo? How'd Lizzie cause that? I thought you guys were all friends?"

"Lizzie's been getting me in trouble since we left," Lenore began to explain. She went on to explain everything that had been happening since she had left for her class trip.

Once Lenore had finished explaining everything to Randy, they looked up only to find Brad and Mark standing in the doorway.

"I'm sorry, Kid," Brad apologized. "I wasn't really mad at you – I was mad I had to break my date with Angela to go and get you."

"Was it really that awful?" Mark asked. "I mean, did you really have to sleep in that tent all alone?" He may not have been the best brother in the world, but he knew how much she hated the dark and had even let her bunk with him on a few rare occasions.

Lenore nodded, as she sniffled. She'd her head resting upon Randy's shoulder, and was still wrapped in his comforting embrace. "Well…I wasn't alone for the whole night…" She admitted. "Gordo came to stay with me 'till morning…He left before everybody got up…"

Brad laughed slightly and shook his head. "Good old Gordo, huh?"

"Yeah…" Lenore agreed sadly. "But now, good old Gordo is good old I-Belong-To-Lizzie-Forever."

"Can't you explain to him what happened?" Randy asked.

"I tried," Lenore whispered. "He was mad I'd stuck Lizzie's panties up as flags and covered 'em in honey."

Mark laughed. "Now, that's my kinda prank!" He declared.

Lenore glanced over at him, smiling slightly. "Well, I did learn that one from you – Dork."

"I know – Dorkette," Mark answered. "And I learned it from Brad and Randy."

"Boy, we sure do pass down the strangest things, don't we?" Brad grinned. "But I taught you guys well."

"I can still burp the alphabet," Lenore giggled, causing Randy to roll his eyes.

"That would be one of the more disgusting things Brad has taught you," Randy commented.

"It's cool!" Mark put in. "I can't even do that!"

"What can I say?" Brad began, sitting on the other side of Lenore and giving her a hug. "Our lil' sis is talented!"

They all laughed, and ended up sitting around discussing things they had taught each other over the years – well, mostly what they had taught Lenore.

A.N.: Okay, yes, I know, this one was short. But I needed to end it there, so that I can go back to what Lizzie and her crew are doing. Plz R&R! Thanks! KTBSPA & KTNTPA & KTCAPA & KTACPA & KTKCPA & KTJTPA!!!!!