A/N: This is a Time-Travel story. Slightly over the top. Ever wonder what Pokemon would've been like with Ash actually growing up? You have, haven't you? Well, this fic has pretence of it. I'm using the anime timeline as the basis, like whenever one of the characters mentions how long it's been since they had been somewhere. Ex.: Ash says, "Pikachu, you know what today is? It's the anniversary of when we first met!" and things like that.
My name is Red Sato… wait, sorry. Let's try that again. My name is Ash Ketchum. I'm from Pallet Town in Kanto. This is my friend, Pikachu. "Pika!" I am a Pokemon Trainer and very soon, in fact, just later today, I was going to achieve my life-long dream of becoming a Pokemon Master.
You'd point out that it's a childish notion and that I should've went on to settle down and pick a profession like that punk Gary. Never! Because, this isn't just MY dream. I share it with all my Pokemon. "Aipom!" " Oh yeah? Now you tell me! Whatever. You can go with May or Dawn if you don't want to fight but don't ruin my monologue!" Well, okay, most of my Pokemon. Anyway, we will not rest until we achieve our dream together.
*sigh* If only, I'd learned my lesson the first time, or the second, or the third, or the…just pretend I mentioned all the times I met up with legendary pokemon and had fun. Seriously it's like I've encountered all the legendaries of all the regions except maybe Raikou… though I did have that odd dream between my Pokemon battle fantasy with Cynthia and my….*cough* other fantasy with Cynthia. "Pikaaa chu?" (I'm fuckin' 16 for cryin' out loud. Give it a rest!) Anyway, as I was saying, this time it was with, surprise-surprise, the Hall of Legendaries.
I mean, I've already seen all of the legendaries, might as well visit them all at the same time. What could go wrong, right? Still, the lengths to which the universe will go just to fuck with me continue to surprise me. How I got there was probably a bit side-tracked by what mess they've got for me this time. I looked at the big ma..pokemon himself. Arceus peered down at me acting all serene and calm while the Kanto bird trio harped at each other in the background.
Silence, echoed through the hall, courtesy of….honorary legendary? Mew-two. Arceus nodded to the feline psychic and then proclaimed, mentally of course, We have gathered here to discuss the time-space anomaly sensed by Dialga and Palkia during the last attempt by Giratina to capture Dialga 'his playmate'. Giratina shuffled on her spot as Arceus continued. (I know all the legendaries bar Latias & Latios are genderless but this is more easy to understand their behavior, like Mew's..playfulness) We have decided on sending a human to investigate. I'd tried to back away at that point only to find I couldn't move. I glared at Mew-two, but he just shrugged, the ungrateful bastard. I suggest we send him on his way as soon as possible.
I stared helplessly as Dialga made a tear in the fabric of reality like it was a Meowth and reality a curtain, and then unceremoniously threw me into the vortex like a ragdoll.
Are you sure this was a good idea? Especially without even telling him anything about what's happened?
Calm down Mew-two. This is Ash. He'll be fine. Besides, he'd have probably made it all worse if he had been told what to do. I believe our young friend will have the time of his life…..again.
Hey guys, does it seem Arceus is growing more and more senile as he plans these things?
Very funny, Mew. Arceus 'said' as he looked on the chuckling legendaries in the hall.
I believe all of us will be having the time of our lives if Ash does react the way we are expecting. I suggest we head back as well.
To the point as always. Ho-oh is right gentle-legendaries and Mew, let us head back. Dialga, if you please? Arceus ignored Mew's glare as he motioned for Dialga to 'make it big'.
I can't wait to see my brother again. Latias cried as she was the first one through the tear.
As the long line of legendaries streamed through the gigantic tear in the time-stream, Arceus once more applauded his intellect for this great idea. It had to be done sooner or later as more and more organizations kept cropping up, looking to rule the world, capturing the legendaries, destroying the world, creating a new world or some combination thereof. He smiled benevolently at Mew's glare as she went through the tear, probably forgetting all about it as her short attention-span found something shiny on the other side. As he passed through the tear, Dialga making his own way back, Arceus smirked as he thought of the young man they had sent back first. If only I could see his expression when he realized what we've done.
Ash woke up disoriented as he sat up in bed. Man, that was one bad-ass dream. He soon realized he was in his bed back in Pallet. What the…? As far as he remembered he was staying in the Sinnoh region's League Quarters which were for the trainers participating in the Ultimate League Tournament, the biggest thing in Pokemon battle since the birth of the first Battle Frontier.
He realized that somehow Arceus must have had Dialga use Time powers, as he did feel smaller. But that was not the real problem or the reason which he had come to that normally-farfetched conclusion. No, it was the significant lack of something that defined teenage boys completing puberty.
Ash threw of his sheets and stared in horror at the bulge, or lack thereof, in his trousers. He laid back his head and screamed to the heavens. "AAAARRCEUSSSSSSSS!"
A/N: So….. What d'ya think?