Hey guys. Ok, this was requested by ErinKenobi2893, who wanted some star gazing between those two. :) honestly, I am very excited about this one, lol listening to I wouldn't mind by he is we. Loll. Totally reminds me of them, or Ahsoka and an Anakin. Also, um... In response to some reviews, I thank you guys for the support, it means so much. In answer to a guest's question, I don't know why or how it feels good, it just does. But no sadness to rain on this parade today! We already got a thunder shower of a crap ton of problems, but hey it's ok. :) I still am in a relatively good mood. Enjoy! Oh, before I forget, ahsokatano191, I have the BEST IDEA EVER for your story, but I need to write it first. :p LOL

Obi-wan POV

It was about 8:00. Most people would be asleep in the temple by now, including myself, but I should have guessed Anakin would still be up. He saw me across the hallway, and approached me.
"Hey, Obi-wan." I nodded.
"Good evening, Anakin. Speaking of which, shouldn't you be asleep?" I expected him to laugh, but he didn't.
"Yeah, so should Ahsoka. I can't find her anywhere." I inwardly smiled. It was absolutely astonishing how alike those two are. It was quite amusing.
"Well Anakin, knowing you, you probably haven't looked very well. Care for some assistance?" He sighed and nodded.
"Yes, please. Thanks." He nodded, and rushed down the hall, skipping many rooms she could possibly be in. I sighed, and shook my head. Always on the move. I used the force to see if if I could sense her. She was in the temple, yes, but she was outside. I followed her force signature, until I saw her. She was lying on the grass. I rushed over, my war training telling me to check for injury, but her eyes were wide open.
"Good evening, Obi-wan. Is there something I can help you with?"
"Uh, no, your master was looking for you. What are you doing out here?" She looked up at the Couroscant sky, glittered with stars and speeder lights.
"Just...looking at the stars. Care to join me?" I scratched the back of my neck, but decided it was worth it.
"Sure." I laid down in the grass next to her, while she gaze up at the stars. I couldn't help but stare. Her innocence and her sense of wonder was reassuring to everyone, especially in a time of war. He who surrenders hope, surrenders life. I had told that quote to Anakin many times, just as Qui-gon told it it me many times, but Ahsoka was a perfect example. She was a light in a dark room, a beacon of hope for anyone who had any doubts.
"When do you think this war will end?" Her question interrupted my thoughts.
"What's that?"
"I mean, do you think either side will win, or just non-stop fighting for the rest of our lives?" Her sparkly blue eyes were looking straight at me. I turned to her.
"Well, Ahsoka, I like to think that the light will touch the galaxy, correcting the wrongs done to others, but it's a bit idealistic. I think both sides will see their errors." She looked at me with curiosity.
"Both sides? I thought the Jedi didn't have faults." She paused for a moment. "Well, I mean we have faults, but-" I paused her.
"It's ok, it's a perfectly legitimate question. I don't think we should have to use a light saber to win a fight." She smiled, and turned her attention back to the sky.
"I never thought of it like that." After a few moments of silence, she added, "what a mild night." I smiled at her enthusiasm.
"Indeed." We stared at the sky for a while.
"When you ignore all the fighting and war, the galaxy is a really beautiful place." She glanced over at me, and I looked at her.
"Yes, it can be a very nice place." We laughed as an obviously drunk driver in a speeder made curvy lines across the sky. Lucky there was no traffic. A breeze picked up, and I could hear her shivering. I stood up, helped her up, and took off my cloak.
"Here." She nodded gratefully, and put on my cloak. We walked back inside, and I walked her to her door. She took off my cloak and handed it back to me.
"Thanks, Obi-wan." She smiled a bit, and I returned it.
"Of course. Though I must say, that was pretty relaxing. Care to do it again sometime?" She nodded.
"Sure. You can be my star-watching buddy!" We laughed, and she went inside. I walked back to my quarters in a good mood. Ahsoka was a nice companion to have, and probably a very enriching Padawan. To think, she was almost mine.

Hey guys! Ok, so this wasn't exactly intended to be an Obi-soka, but I have ventured into a few different ships, that being one of them. :) Lol, wasn't that just adorable? Lol please give feedback, read, review, and request!