Hey hey hey! Okay, 1:14 in the morning, what do most hardcore fans do? Watch their favorite episodes and write write WRITE! I got this idea from katierosefun, the famous author on FF. LOL, she has over...what, 70 stories? Kudos to you, katierosefun! But however, she did make a very good point. Obi-wan and Anakin are best friends, and Anakin and Ahsoka are best friends, and third wheelin' is never any fun, so I figured that Obi-wan and Ahsoka's friendship should go a bit further. I will basically go through the events of the clone wars. I-... well, you could say that this is a drabble, so uhh... requests are open. :P not like I have requests coming in left and right, I am a newcomer to this site... lol, I am just starting to learn the ropes. Okay, enjoy! PS: I edited it because there were A LOT of typos... XD

Chapter one: An unexpected temper tantrum

Ahsoka's POV

Plot- Ahsoka knew her master better than (almost) anyone, and she could tell when he was in a rough mood, but she had never really understood why he got like this.

Anakin was in another one of his bad moods. We had been sitting in the hangar of the Resolute, waiting for something-anything to happen. I had been talking to Rex and a few of his clone brothers, and Anakin had been working on his star fighter, something that usually would have made him happy, but I had never seen him this tense. The clones and I had been laughing about a story Rex had told, when I heard the clanging of metal, and the frustrated and surprised shout from Anakin. The clones were trying to refrain from laughing, but I walked over to him and helped him up.

"Master, are you ok?" I handed him a rag, but he pushed it away. He had oil all over his face, and looked very... well, silly.

"I'm fine, let's just go." He walked away from me, but stopped and turned when I wasn't behind him.

"I said let's go, Ahsoka." I crossed my arms and looked at him curiously.

"Why do I have to leave? I was in the middle of a conversation." He came back to me with a grimace on his face.

"You can finish that later, now come on." I persisted my argument.

"But you haven't told me why I have to leave. If you want to go, that's fine, but there's no reason I have to leave." He came to me and grabbed my wrist and pulled me along.

"Because I said so! Don't forget who is the master here! You need to learn some respect for authority." I pulled back, but he held onto me.

"Master, you're hurting me! Let go!" He didn't, but pulled on me, yanking my wrist with his mechanical hand, and was crushing my hand.

"We'll talk about this later. I said let's go!" I yanked my wrist really hard and managed to get free. I stepped back from him, holding my wrist, and he turned to me, looking really angry.

"Why are you being like this? It's not my fault you're speeder isn't working!" By this point, we had a small audience watching us from afar.

"That's not what this is about, neither does it matter! It's about you not having any respect for me, even when I told you to come with me!"

"I do respect you, but you are being unfair! You're bad mood has nothing to do with me, and you're taking it out on me!" He pointed at me and took a few steps forward.

"Do not use that tone of voice with me, Padawan. I am your master, and you will respect me!" He had drawn nearly all of the clone trooper's attention now, embarrassing me to the point where I got angry.

"Well, you're acting like a youngling!" His expression turned from anger to shock.

"I-You... you are banned from active duty for a month!"

"Easy, Anakin, calm down." Obi-wan had heard the argument and stepped in. Anakin turned to face him.

"I can handle my own Padawan, thank you." I had backed away from him, trying to leave, but without turning around, he addressed me. "Do not even think about leaving." I stayed rooted to the spot.

"Anakin, you're letting your anger get the better of you. Ahsoka, you're free to go." I nodded my thanks, and ran off. I sat behind a ship so I could still hear their conversation.

"Obi-wan! She misbehaved, and she deserves to be punished as I see fit." Obi-wan approached him and put a hand on his shoulder.

"Anakin, remember you were my Padawan once, and you have done far worse than call me a name." He pushed his hand off of his shoulder and left the hangar. I sighed in relief and sank down to the floor. I soon heard footsteps and Obi-wan knelt down beside me.

"Ahsoka, are you alright?" I sighed, and nodded.

"Yeah, I guess..." He smiled at me but I only shrugged.

"He's just in a bad mood, don't take it personally." I looked up at him, his blue-grey eyes offering comfort.

"Thank you." He smiled, then motioned to my hand.

"May I see it?" I nodded, and took off my glove. There were already deep purple marks on my orange skin, and it was throbbing. He moved his fingers around, and looked back up.

"I don't think it's broken, just sprained. Here, I'll go get you some ice." I smiled.

"Thank you, Obi-wan." He smiled a bit, then turned away to get ice. I looked closer at the marks, and I could see that they were in the shape of fingers. Anakin's mechanical fingers. Obi-wan returned a moment later with the ice and some bandages. He applied the ice to my hand gently, and held it there for a few minutes.

"Thank you so much, Obi-wan, that feels a lot better." He nodded.

"Of course. I'll keep it here for a few more minutes, then apply the bandages. I still can't believe that Anakin would do this..."

"He didn't mean it, he was just upset. I shouldn't have said that those things to him... It was my fault." He patted my other wrist, and smiled.

"It wasn't your fault, Ahsoka. Not in the slightest. He should be more careful. Not only are you younger than him, he is stronger than you, bigger than you, and he should be more careful about how he treats you." I shrugged.

"I appreciate that. Thanks."

"Your welcome. Care to go get some food?" I nodded, and he helped me off of the ground, and we headed to the cafeteria.

A few hours later...

I entered the master and Padawan shared bunks after grabbing a bite with Obi-wan, talking about Anakin's various moods and having a good time. Anakin was sitting on my bed, but jumped up when I entered the room.

"Ahsoka, I'm so sorry! Where have you been? I was so worried!" I went over to my dresser, and fumbled with the things inside, folding my clothes.

"With Obi-wan. We grabbed some lunch, and time kinda flew..." After a few moments of silence, I added, "And it's fine." He came over to me, and faced me from behind.

"No, I shouldn't have said those things to you. You're a great Padawan." I shrugged.

"And you are a great master." I turned away from him, trying to keep the bandages hidden, but to no avail.

"What happened? Oh no, did I...do that? Snips, I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you!I can't believe I-" I turned to face him.

"No, it's alright. It was an accident." I tried to lie down on my bed, but he (gently this time) grabbed my shoulders and turned me to face him, then hugged me.

"I'm sorry." I held on to him in shock, for he rarely hugged anyone.

"I'm sorry too."

Well, three hours of writing, eh? How was it? PLEEEEASE review!

Anakin: I'm sorry, Ahsoka!

Ahsoka: Anakin, I told you, it's OKAY. Sheesh. Please read, review, and request! How was that new notice, Sarah?

Me: It got the point across. :) Bye!