Hey guys! So so so SO sorry for the long wait! I've been busy with work and school and had very little time working on this. Things have calmed down now so I will try my best to update regularly. I would like to thank IHeartTFs94 for editing this story for me. Couldn't have done it without her :). And now, I give you chapter 3. Enjoy!

First ones chap.3

"Italic quotations" = thinking

"Quotations"= talking

Italic= dreaming

"So warm…" I thought as I snuggled closer to the warm body that cuddled me, filling my nose with the smell of roses.

"My night sky, you must wake up now," said the warm body holding me.

"Mmm..No," I whined. Tears started to form at the edge of my eyes. I didn't want to wake up. This wasn't real, but that was ok… I wanted to be here.

"Open your pretty eyes, my little shooting star," said the warm vanilla voice that I knew so well, but haven't heard in so long. Finally, I obeyed. I wanted to see her so bad! Ever so slowly, I opened my eyes and there she was. Blonde curly mane of hair like mine, beautiful red lips, and shining island blue eyes. All perfectly twisted into the loving smiling face of…

"Mama…" I reached out with my tiny little hand of a 4 year old.

Then she was gone.

*** End of dream***

The first thing that I notice in my groggy state of consciousness was my hearing. I usually am able to hear everything in my sleep, thus my hermit habits with my blankets, but all I could hear was a dull ringing. I really wasn't liking that, so I tried to hone my hearing. Now I could hear whispering voices. I tried to hone more until suddenly a flash of hot icy pain thundered in my head, shooting down my body.

"Ughhhh," I groaned as I squinted my eyes open, only to immediately shut them as the light above me blinded my sensitive eyes. "Oh Hell, that hurt!"

"Hey guys! She's awake!" a female voice yelled in my ears.

Loud sounds of metal scraping against cement boomed all around me, rocking my pounding headache into a full blown migraine. "Holy shit!" was the only thought that flashed through my mind as my eyes shot open, attempting to locate the sound origin, only to be closed hard in blinding hot pain again. "Damn all lights in this world!" I struggled to sit up. My balance was shot as I tried to cover my ears without falling over, wishing just to get away from the ear bleeding sounds and the blinding lights. I have never felt so vulnerable. I had to find Lucy and get out of here. "Wait… Lucy! Where's Lucy!" I thought, trying in vain to open my eyes to locate the only person in the world that I considered to be the only family I had left.

"Guys, stop moving! You're probably killing her hearing with your clumsy stomping! And you lay back down! Your still recovering!" the female said as she tried to push me back down. "Wait, that's Tessa's voice and scent," I thought. I grabbed one of the wrists that was helping the hands that were failing to push me back down.

"What the hell is going on? And where is Lucy?" I growled at Tessa, glaring my coldest, death promising glare that I could muster from under my bangs that helped shield my eyes from the light. I probably looked like a killer with the way Tessa stared back at me with fear in her eyes.

"W-well… ummm what h-happened wa-" Tessa tried to explain but failed miserably.

"Ugh..god! Tessa, what the hell? You had one job… and it didn't include killing us…" Lucy groaned and ranted from behind me. I quickly let go of Tessa and pushed her away as I rolled over and looked at Lucy who was on the other metal bed.

"Lu, you ok? You sound like that time you didn't eat for like 2 hours," I grumbled as I looked my bestie over. "Good, no injuries… I guess Tessa lives another day," I thought as relief flooding my mind.

"No, I'm not ok. My stomach is about to become a vortex of doom….Celeste, I need food," Lucy turned to me with a sorrowful face that would make sad puppy dog eyes seem useless. I was about to respond when something behind me caught her eye. Her face went from near death sadness to shock and absolute fascination. "Wha- But…no…." Lucy whispered.

I turned around, ignoring the tearing pain in my body, only to have my eyes lay upon Decepticons- many Decepticons. I jumped back, forgetting that I was on a bed, and hit my head, making the world spin around me as I landed on the floor.

"Hey, be careful! You're only just recovering!" this time a male voice rang in my ears as larger rougher hands grabbed my body to pull me back up. He smelled disgusting. Nothing but the smell of chemical cologne with a hint of oil and rust burned the sides of my nostrils. "How dare he touch me!" I barely caught the words that fell from Lucy's and Tessa's mouths before I grabbed the male and in one swift movement, stood, and threw him far across the room from Lucy and I.

"Uh-oh, now you've done it. You've gone and touched the untouchable," Lucy said in a calm but slightly gleeful tone. I could tell she had an almost too joyful face on.

"Shane! Don't touch her, she'll- SHANE! Are you ok!?" Tessa yelled after the male.

"Damn, what the hell is wrong with that chick?!" the male, apparently named Shane, yelled from his slouched spot on the floor.

Ignoring the male, I turned my attention back to the Decepticons who now were in defence mode. There were 3 green ones, a red one, 2 blues, a black one, a grey one, and finally one yellow. They all seemed to have a weapon opened and at the ready, however none were aimed at Lucy and I. The only one that seemed to be without a weapon was the yellow one. His hands were up in the air signaling a 'calm down' to the robots behind and beside him.

"Tessa, you have 10 seconds to tell me exactly why you and the pathetic excuse for a male by your side, are with Decepticons," I all but growled in her direction while taking a defensive stance in front of Lucy. With my head held high and my fists tighter at my sides, I stared down the yellow one that seemed to be the head of the robots.

"Decepticons? What are you talking about?" one of the blue robots asked. It was small compared to the others and had a higher voice. "Great, a female with an attitude and most likely totally clueless. Just what I need on a day like today," I thought getting more pissed off.

"Don't play stupid. Our parents told us all about you giant, talking, shiny metal, and gloriously destructive alien robots," Lucy said from behind me in a very matter-o-factly tone. "Now I know she's starving… she's using big words," I thought while trying not to roll my eyes that I kept stationed on the robots, using my peripheral vision to scope out an exit. "Nothing but cement walls and a ceiling…"

"Let's all just calm down now," the yellow one spoke, "Now I don't know what type of information you two have been fed, but we are not Decepticons. We are Autobots. We're the good guys," he said in many voices. "What is wrong with this guy? He copied so many peoples' voices perfectly," I thought, not even buying a little bit into the whole 'good guy' thing.

"Right, like I would trust you.." I was halfway through my sentence when a door behind me slammed open, and many footsteps were heard.

"Bumblebee! What in the world do you think you are doing, bringing two human girls here!? I'll allow Tessa, Shane, and Cade in here only because they already know about you, but two out siders!? What are you thinking!?" a man yelled from behind me. I froze. I knew that voice. A voice that I never want to hear, but never could escape from.

"Daddy!" Lucy called from her spot behind me. "Wait, Mr. Faith is here too?" I thought, quickly trying to solve some puzzle that was slowly connecting in my mind. Then I noticed behind the robots on the far wall was "ASH" written in large red letters. "Oh god no," was the only thought that rang through my head.

"Lucy!? What are you doing here? And what in the world are you wearing!?" a very surprised Mr. Faith said as he walked by me towards Lucy to give her a hug. Now I know Lucy will be fine. Probably a small punishment like no lolly pops for a week or two. But me? Hell no. I could already feel the hate that was being sent my way from the man that I once thought was my father.

"Celeste. Follow me. Now." Orders, not loving suggestions.

"Shit," I whispered under my breath, only loud enough for those with super hearing like Lucy and I could hear. I could feel many eyes on me as I slowly made my way to follow the man. I had my head up as I walked proudly, my eyes glowing with anger, and my heels making an almost cracking sound into the cement floor. I was still on edge and I didn't like this situation. Lu might still be in danger, and here is this man taking me to a place away from her to most likely yell at me.

He walked into a bright hallway that was to the right of where I was previously standing. The room with the two metal beds seemed to be an octagon shaped cement room with only two exits. The door in which this man came through with Mr. Faith and this short hallway that had 4 doors, 2 on each side, leading to what can only be described as interrogation or scary looking meeting rooms.

He walked into the furthest room to the left side of the hallway. I walked in after him. He then closed the door, locked it, and turned on a dim light. I went to the darkest side of the room, ignoring the chairs and table. I quickly turned around and leaned against the wall, effectively covering myself in the shadows. I didn't notice how much pain I was in until I was out of the light and had closed my eyes. "God it feels like my eyes are just cooling down after being set on fire," I thought as I leaned my head back on the cement wall, "god that feels good."

"What are you of all people doing here? And with the Bots may I add? And what the hell are you wearing!?" his voice went from just a growling whisper to angry yelling in all of 10 seconds, as he spit the questions at me.

"Didn't you hear? It's take your kids to work day," I stated in dry humor. I finally looked at him since hearing his voice in the other room. He was 5'7, easily taller than me, even in my heels. He had brown hair that held silver strands that was slicked back to reveal the chiseled face of a handsome man in his mid-50s. He had a major styled mustache, and was dressed in a dark forest green suit that was unbuttoned to reveal a white dress shirt and gun harness. I finally looked at his eyes that were once filled with joy, now glaring a hatred green at me. The only difference between our glares was that I had both eyes to use while he only had one. The right one was covered with a black eye patch.

"Celeste, I'm losing my patience. Now tell me why you are here, and why you are dressed like that," he said, his face becoming grimmer by the second.

"You never had patience in the first place so I doubt you're losing it. I don't know why I'm here. Maybe cus a Decepticon attacked the university, but whatever," I stated, not really caring for the conversation as I searched the room for another exit. Unfortunately there was only the door that we came in through and a water pipe above me that said I wasn't getting out of this.

"A Decepticon attacked the university…" he said mostly to himself, "What did he look like? How did you get away? And for the final time what is that you're wearing!?" he continued to question me.

"I don't know how I got here, and you should already know what he looked like and why he attacked. After all that's what ASH's job is all about, right? To get rid of Decepticons? Or did you just lie to me again?" I said angrily as I looked back at him, only to find him muttering to himself and in deep thought. "Now I'm being ignored? Damn, what a pain," I thought.

"Never mind then. Stay here for a minute. And when I get back you're going to explain that outfit to me," he ordered as he unlocked the door and started to walk out.

"Hey! No way you're locking me in here! I'm not a child anymore!" I started towards the door after the man when a flash of pain went through my head again. This made my step falter and my body sway, effectively allowing the man to walk out of the room and relock it. It took a minute to get my bearings back. But when I did, damn I was pissed. I walked up to the door and grabbed the nob. I wasn't 5 anymore. I was stronger and a locked door was never gonna stop me again, especially where Lucy was concerned.

In one swift movement I twisted the nob, using barely any strength to break the lock, and kicked the door. The door went flying into the door across the hall, effectively destroying both. I didn't care. I could handle him ignoring me, hating me, even blaming me. But I would never stand aside while my best friend, my sister, got hurt. I didn't trust him or those alien robots, and I wasn't about to leave Lucy with them.

Everyone must have heard my destruction of the doors for when I walked out of the room into the bright hallway, I could see all the business and military men standing by the metal beds with their small guns at the ready, along with the Decepticons. They all looked surprised, some were even a little scared at my strength. Lucy was no longer on the bed. I searched the room in seconds, sensing her to my left where I saw her trying to fight against her father who was taking her back out the door that he had came in, telling her that they were going home this instant and getting her proper clothing on.

However, it was only the two beings that stood in between me and Lucy that really triggered my rage. Dante- my father, and the yellow Decepticon were following Lucy and Mr. Faith out the door.

"Celeste!" Lucy said quickly, twisting out of her father's arms and started running towards me. She looked scared. "What the hell were they about to do?" I thought, feeling my nails stab into my palms. "Celeste!" she yelled again before running straight into me, wrapping her arms around me. I quickly wrapped one arm around her to steady us. Looking up at me with sad eyes and in the most devastating voice, she said, "Celeste, they don't have a KFC," before completely breaking down in my arms. Relief flooded me. I just smiled down at her, trying desperately to not break out laughing.

"Cough- well, that was… different," one of the alien robots- the other blue one- said. I quickly glared at the bot.

"Ok Calm down- calm down. It seems that we all got off on the wrong foot. Celeste, Lucy, I think it would be best if I explained what is going on here," Tessa said as she came out from behind the business and military men who still had their guns out.

"Not without us you're not." Two more men walked in. The one that spoke had brown messy hair and bright eyes. He wore jeans, a black t-shirt and a brown leather jacket. The other was the complete opposite. He was bald, wore glasses, and had a black suit on with a white dress shirt and tie.

"Ladies, I'm so sorry for the rude awakening. I was hoping to get here first before you woke up, but I got caught in a meeting. Anyway my name is Joshua Joyce, once head of KSI now head of ASH. This is my co-head, Cade Yeager," the bald one said holding out his hand to shake mine. I studied him for a minute. "I have a feeling that he's one of those guys who's kinda useless…." I thought in annoyance, but accepted his hand shake.

"I'm Celeste Borealis and this is Lucy Faith," I said still on guard. Lucy also shook his hand but kept very close to me. We didn't trust anyone but each other. There was a good reason behind that. We also learned a long time ago that there is strength in numbers.

"Lovely to meet you both. Now if you please come with us. Don't worry, nothing bad will happen. We will explain everything to you. Tessa dear, could you and your little leprechaun go and get some KFC for these young ladies. It seems to be an essential for them. Autobots, it seems your little buddy Brains has some sort of needed scan that you wanted, and wishes to see you immediately. The rest of you make yourselves useful and get back to your jobs. And stop harassing my special guests." Joshua said. Apparently he was the boss.

"TWO BUCKETS PLEASE!" Lucy suddenly yelled out in her established happiness. She pulled away, but kept one hand latched onto the lace that ran down my arm just below my elbow.

"Now hold on. That's my daughter, and she is going home where my staff can keep an eye on her," Dante said.

"Well Mr. Dante, but-" Joshua started but was quickly cut short by me.

"I'm not your daughter. Haven't been for a very long time," I stated, leaving no room for argument. The room went quiet for a moment.

"Well anyway, will you two please come with me? We have a couple things to discuss. Sweetie, Lucky Charms, can you please go and get the food. Also Mr. Dante, if you have such a problem with her being here, then send for one of your people to watch her," The man named Cade said.

"OK Dad. Drift, mind giving us a ride?" Tessa said as she, the business/military men, Lucky Charms, and the rest of the Decepticons walked out of the room, leaving Lucy, me, the boss Joshua, Tessa's dad Cade, Mr. Faith, and Mr. Dante left in the room.

"Mr. Faith, Mr. Dante, if you would please get back to work that would be absolutely great. Now ladies, lets go," Joshua said as he and Cade made their way to the only exit. I however hesitated. Lucy just looked up at me wondering what I was doing.

"I want a phone call before I go anywhere. And Lu gets one too," I said in my most serious tone. I didn't trust them, with my body still burning and my condition heading to Australia down-under fast. I needed something more stable to grasp and trust then just some boss' word.

"All right, we have phones right outside in the hallway," said Cade.

"No thank you. I'll take a phone that isn't tapped thanks. I'll take your cell," I said nodding towards Joshua, "you're the boss aren't you? You have a cell, a personal cell. Untapped and safe. Besides, why would I ever follow someone who hasn't even given me a shred of sanity to trust?" I said, just daring him to say no.

"….Ok fine, here," Joshua said as he handed me his phone after he unlocked it.

"Aww, an iPhone. That's cute," Lucy said as I took his phone.

I walked back into the hallway with Lucy and quickly called Walter's privet phone. Within seconds he picked up.

"Name and business?"

"Batman calling for Robin."

"Madam Celeste! Where on earth have you been!? When I heard that a Decepticon attacked the university, I was there straight away but I-"


"Couldn't find you. So I tracked your cell only to find it in your leather purse-"


"Which by the way is in frightful condition. Well, I did pull it out of a half collapse university auditorium…"

"WALTER!" I said, too loud for my own liking as my head pound harder, "I'm fine and so is Lucy. Look, I'm in a situation that I doubt I'll have enough patience to solve. Now my father is going to call for someone to be sent to me, and I NEED it to be you. Now what you need to bring wi-"

"Ma'am," Walter interjected quickly, "I have a call on the other line- it's your father," he stated slightly worried.

"Answer it quickly. You didn't speak to me," I quickly commanded. If there was one person I could trust from that dreaded staff that Dante built to watch me like a caged bird, it was Walter. The only servant in the household that was devoted to me personally and completely.

"Yes Ma'am," he replied, nothing but a perfect smirk rattling in his voice with the thought of deceiving Dante again on my behalf. Walter absolutely hated Dante. He never told me why, but then again it was Dante we were talking about. It didn't take much to hate him.

"Name and Business," Walter quickly answered, putting the phone on 3 way.

"Walter, it's me. I need you to get one of the servants to come to my work fast. There has been a mishap and Celestial has ended up here. I need someone to watch her." Dante quickly demanded.

"Yes sir, someone will be over immediately." Walter replied professionally.

"Good." There was a click and he was gone.

I sighed and leaned against the wall of the hallway. "Damn, I'm really starting to hurt," I thought. I wasn't going to last long without Walter.

"Ma'am? Are you alright?" Walter asked, sounding worried. "Celeste, answer me right now."

"Oh my god Walter, stop being such a Grandpa," I said with a small chuckle. "Shit, should not have done that," I thought, placing a hand on my stomach. "Walter, I need you to bring my morphine pills and iron supplements. I also need a change of clothes for me and for Lu. Our leather ones. Ummm, what else do I need…" I tried to think but my body was failing on me fast. "And I guess whatever else you think is necessary…" I trailed off.

"Celeste, are you alright? Joshua looks like he's getting impatient," Lu said, pulling on my lace wrapped arm. I looked down at her to see she was panicking. I smiled and patted her head while handing her the phone. "Here, it's Walter. He's coming to us, so tell him what you need besides clothes."

Lu took the phone. "Hey Grandpa! Haven't talked to you in like ever. Also, I need to apologize. Blowing up the garden shed last week was my fault," Lu said, and by the look on her face after her confession, she was probably being scolded.

I smiled and sighed. "I need to be strong. I can't worry Lucy, she might end up building a bomb to relieve stress… and a few walls."

Lucy hung up and handed me back the phone after telling Walter to bring her a couple of candy stashes that she had hidden around my room.

"Are you wanting to phone anyone?" I asked, already knowing the answer, "and no you're not allowed to prank phone anyone."

She pouted a bit, but shook her head. Unlike me, she didn't have the luxury of an insider in her house. However, she was never limited or watched. She was allowed to do anything she really wanted.

I nodded. Breathing in a deep breath I stood tall again, making my face emotionless. After looking at Lu making sure she was alright, I started heading back out to Cade and Joshua with Lu on my tail.

"All set ladies?" Joshua asked, taking back his phone.

"Yes," I said, ignoring the constant flashing pains.

"Good, good! Now let's go! Lots to say and very little time! Time is Money you know!" Joshua continued babbling as we walked through the huge doors that the others had left through. I don't know what I was expecting when I walked out of that room. Hell, I barely even knew what to make of this situation. All I knew is that I was not ready for what I saw in front of me.

The door lead us out to a huge balcony. To my left was a loading flat, big enough for at least 4 Decepticons to ride when zooming up and down from that floor below, up to an opening in the very, very, tall roof.

However, it was not the overly sized balcony or the huge moving flat that caught my eyes. It was what was on the floor just below us that shocked me the most. And as I walked closer to the edge of the balcony, the more I saw. And the more I saw, the more I knew that Lucy and I weren't going to get out of this easy.

And for the first time since my mother's death, I was scared.

And that was chapter 3! Please review and hopefully I will update again soon. Until next time :)